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#38: Maid to Order

22 thoughts on “#38: Maid to Order

  1. I thought the maid would ask for a makeover,
    Too bad/Good thing faerie magic doesn’t last.

  2. Nice to know the mirror can use it’s new powers for good.

    Man, can’t believe you’re making us wait a week to see her transformation. You’re such a tease sir. :p

    1. Yeah, about that part… Next week’s strip isn’t about Marie… 😉


      1. Argh … it’s not ?

        Damn and blast, I so want to see what she looks like now !

        1. Well, you COULD check her out in the members area… 😉


        2. But that’s like .. cheating !!

  3. I’m expecting something bizzare; “body like none other”. Looking forward to it nonetheless!

  4. I sympathize far too much with Marie. I find myself hoping that the spell is independent of the Faerie’s magic and will last. 😉

  5. Is that a glass slipper?…

  6. Looks like a little Cinderella action going on there, but instead of a fairy godmother it’s an enchanted mirror. 🙂

    1. so what. grim’s tales in the blender? why not ffs.


  7. What? What? What’s she look like?

  8. “..Body like no other”

    This worries me, one immediatly thinks she will be some Haley Berry look alike, and laptops across the country will short out from drool.

    But Jaycee is a cruel master, chances are she will have one heaving breast, and be the boobiclopse monster of the castle.

    1. Ah, Sir Shark, you wound me!

      (But then again, that’s what sharks do, right? 🙂 )

      And for the record, you are incorrect. And if you were a member, you would ALREADY know what she looks like, even though next week’s strip is not even about her. 😀


      1. Was it Groucho Marx or Mark Twain who said “I wouldn’t join any club that would have me as a member.”

        1. Aha…I found it!

          “I don’t care to belong to a club that accepts people like me as members.” – Grocho Marx

        2. Um… then consider your membership application denied? 🙂


  9. Am I the only one who’s disappointed that we’re not going to see the maid in her natural state? A nice plump woman molesting the uber-fit Heather would’ve been a lot of fun. Please consider it for a future plot point, Jaycee 😉

  10. I would like to see the maid & Heather swap…..

  11. I think the mirror swings bothways or is a lesbian

  12. Its funny, the first time i read this comic I didn’t see a leg, I thought she’d been turned into a glass shoe. I only noticed it this second time.

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