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#21: As You Wish

25 thoughts on “#21: As You Wish

  1. oh i like where this is going

  2. Danger, Will Robinson!

  3. One must be careful using superlative statements like “Give this ALL to someone else” around a mischievous spell user – That’s kinda begging for a body switch spell…and I’m betting thats what just happened!

  4. So it’s either a body swap.

    Or Maybe it’s a gender swap, with The Albert being aged to a teen ager.

    Or Maybe the Princess does get turned back to normal, But Albert is turned into a Teenage princess who’s hotter and gets more attention than his sister.

    Man, now i’m really lookig forward for next weeks strip.

    1. Albert being turned into a teenage princess would be pretty cool!

  5. my bet is albert gets big and hot,muscled and hung! Heather looks at him in a whole new way! 😀
    remember, in point of fact, neither albert NOR heather ever complained about this situation due to them being siblings! Heather only bitched because it was perceived to be against her will! 😀
    My vote is for them to do what related royals do best-incest!!!
    The funny thing is that everyone who ‘says’ they’re against even the titlation of incest will keep reading the strips anyway…they have to ‘know’.

    If you dont go through with it here, Jaycee, it might be time to consider a ‘second’, independant site strip! 😀

  6. body switch? gender bender? omfg. i dont really like those genres, the exception being misfile, sparkling generation valkyrie yuuki and ranma 1/2, but i hope this here is not permanent.

  7. **ALL**??

    She should have just jettioned the excess.

    There would be enough for both of them.

  8. OH NO YOU DIDNT!!!!

    I bet she switched them! like… freaky friday stuff

  9. Please don’t just swap them, that’s too easy. Make ’em both teenage hotties…but in control of each other’s hands. Albert definitely needs to be a hot chick.

  10. I wish you would post these comics more often, or make them longer. It’s killing me, having to wait an entire week to figure out what will happen next when you end on all these cliffhangers.

  11. <—this page isnt showing for me, anyone know why?

    1. Broken link/missing file, I suppose. We’ll fix that shortly.


  12. LOLWUT ahahh brilliant! Can’t wait to see where this goes!!!

  13. Jaycee, frustrating me much!


  14. Maybe we’ll end up with twins …

  15. Oh dear… I wonder where this is going? XD

  16. I vote for body switch.

  17. I love body control, it is very rare to find *anything* in this kink, let alone an awesome gem such as this. Thanks guys!

  18. And as I said, the only one that wins for real is the faerie XD

  19. HEH! my bed is that Albert stays as he is with giant boobs… Simple, but effectively does as she requested.

  20. I mean my BET is.

  21. Hmmm…

    The faerie Say’s, “…You look very ”’IMPROVED”’ to me.”

    Is that related to that faeries breast growth later on, in this comic? As in, despite the dis-comfort, it is a desirable condition??

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