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Bloomin’ Faeries! #414

21 thoughts on “Bloomin’ Faeries! #414

  1. Heather with faerie powers, and no training how to use them? This could make things very interesting around the castle

    1. A faerie’s power is supposedly proportional to her bust size, and faerie Heather looks quite well endowed…

    2. i don’t know…

  2. Looking forward to seeing her abuse her new powers.

    Does this mean she doesn’t have to take care of her baby anymore?

    1. It isn’t her baby. She just had a lot of extra milk. Hopefully there’s another wet nurse around the castle.

  3. Entertainment sausage

    ohhhh so this is what you meant by my idea lead you down an interesting path and made you think of something else you could do because I suggested swapping heather with a farie and letting her have uncontrollable magic

  4. The Phantom's Belch


    This looks like it’ll be very interesting. I wonder if the rest of the castle was similarly affected; that was a pretty big boom….

  5. “Just … tell me how to make people’s clothes fall of and we’ll call it quits.”

  6. Next big question is: what came out of the egg?

  7. Lee Most:

    1. It IS Heather’s baby. She was impregnated by Albert, who fortunately turned out not to be her brother after all.

    2. What came out of the egg will presumably turn out to be the reborn Crystal.

  8. I personally think you’re losing readers by switching from a bi weekly service to a monthly service you’re forcing people to wait a really long time for a few panels it’s not my site or my comic but I’d at least give a page worth’s for a month so that way it’s worth the wait rather than your readers waiting for a long time for maybe a 2% continuation of your story it’s amazing I’m sure more people would love to binge it

    1. They’re doing once a month because that’s all they can afford. What more strips, donate to their patreon.

      1. I legit don’t understand how it costs money to draw and write I assume he uses a drawing tablet so that’s already paid for and he owns the website the only thing I could think requiring money is to pay for the website I legit wanna know why these strips are costing money to make

        1. I’m sorry, you don’t know why this costs money?

        2. It costs me money to pay for Wondollar’s most excellent services. I don’t draw myself, so it’s the only way to get this done. It also costs me annual hosting fees. None of this is cheap, and I don’t want to lose money making the comic.


    2. Based on your understanding of money and what it takes to run a site, I’m guessing you may be too young to be viewing this comic.

      1. Not to take sides, but perhaps he thought I was doing the art as well as the writing, and that my only investment was my time.


        1. No I assumed you and wonderdollar were business partners and he was doing this for free rather than him being an employee and I’m 20 thank you I figured since you had been doing this so long he was doing it for free

        2. Nope, I own the whole thing and pay him for his work. We never discussed a partnership, and frankly there’s not enough money in this for a partnership to be worth the trouble. That would mean more serious accounting, reporting, and time spent managing what little money there is. There’s no real upside for me.


  9. Okay, so she’s got wings. Does she also now have pointed ears?

    1. Doesn’t look like it – yet.

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