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#32: Keeping it Real, Sister!

17 thoughts on “#32: Keeping it Real, Sister!

  1. Hmm, this should be interesting. Especially if there’s anything like the “Leather Clad Mistress” again…

  2. If the mirror is going to “photoshop” the princess, I’d like
    To see the previous strip’s #3 (scaled back 50%) with a
    Bit of #1 (scaled back 75%)

  3. okay, nice one. “they would become reality” – this is a very nice one.
    I still don’t like milkfags, but whatever.

  4. I was hoping for a little fairy social background, would a fairy with such a big cup size associate with a fairy with no breast at all? Wouldn’t the fairy with lots of curses completed look down on a fairy that has not?

  5. Last comic strip. # 4 transform + #1 transform, only with #1 scaled down 25%. My idea.

  6. it would be nice to see the maid & the princess switch so hopefully the princess will learn something.

  7. there are so many gender-bender (misfile, sparkling generation valkyrie yuki) and milkfag (ok, haven’t seen too many webcomics, but the market is abundant if you know where to look) comics, yet mind control comics are limited to certain anime series, brainwashing, enslaving through bodily harm and pain or plain text only (master pc! yay!). pweeeeze have some love for puppeteers that like to stay civil with their victims…

    1. Not that familiar with milkfag myself, but I get the idea. I don’t know of too many MC webcomics (I don’t know of any, actually, and certainly none that’s FREE!!!), but I’m with you on “fun-and-harmless” puppeteering. I don’t mind if it’s highly embarassing, especially if the target is highly deserving of the punishment, but I’m very much against cruelty, sexual violence, and anything above mischief level. Faeries (in MY world anyway) always have a sense of humor about what they do (albeit a twisted one, granted).

      So no worries, there’s going to be some puppeteering love in the future. If only because I get a kick out of it, and darn it, I’m the creator, aren’t I? 🙂


      1. i use the noun milkfag because most of them are pretty douche if you point out that females with their favourite “sizes” would probably suffocate under their weight.
        also, i count myself a fan of a harsher form of puppeting – reprogramming minds.
        letting others fall in love with the empowered, the empowered friends or simply some arsehole with their victim(s). this form of power often comes with more or less powerfull telepathy. as a carrier of asperger’s, thats the most secret obsession of me – wanting to know what others think at every single moment and possibly influence it.

  8. Well, OneCute, I would guess that the flat-chested faerie we see here is a “young” one…you know, they have “Pre-verts” who are just learning, “Per-verts” who have mastered the basics, and “Pro-Verts” who are the experts who do it for a living….

  9. Wow, even with the amazon forum it seems that the muscle fans couldn’t stay in control.

    1. Well, technically, I’m the one in control. The poll is just me asking for opinions, but it doesn’t mean I’ll blindly follow what the poll says without giving it some thought. 🙂


      1. oh shhh you know what I meant XD as in stay control of the poll, I didn’t mean the comic itself 😛

  10. With the mirror, can it only show what is asked of it or can it now make some things happen on it’s own? >=3

    (So much could go horribly wrong with this poll… Like breast expansion on the Royal wizard or female to male transformation on Prince Albert.)

  11. Myself, I am hoping more the (now hawt) cunnilingus twins from earlier panels, to get back into the action. Random boobage is great and all, but me likey the “hungry” ladies.

  12. I’m a bit disappointed that Prince Albert and TG are doing so badly in the poll. He’d make the cutest little girl — or the hottest not-so-little girl, I’m not too picky.

  13. I think that if the royal wizard got Ka-Girled while simultaneously being youth-ified…and kept the beard…

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