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#0246: AtTITude Adjustment

47 thoughts on “#0246: AtTITude Adjustment

  1. You know shit gets real when character dialogue starts turning BOLD.

  2. It’s like a hutt…

  3. Um. I’m sorry, but all this composition evokes is “Ew”.

    1. Why?

      1. I suppose a chubby woman with big boobs and a sausage chain up her privates isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. 😉

        “I’m doing it.”

        1. A woman with a little extra meat and a large bust, I can handle.

          There is, however, such a thing as too much of a good thing. ^^;
          And yes, the cold viands stuffed into her private areas is somewhat offputting.

          To me, anyway.

        2. That’s crazy talk! You can never have too much boobage. That’s a universal rule that I’ve just made up and cannot be disputed. 😉

          “I’m doing t.”

        3. Jaycee? There’s an army of women with very painful backs who want to have a word with you. They are joined by the army of women tired of only being talked to for their chests.

          They said they wanted to burn you in effigy. I think they might stuff you into one if you’re not careful… :p

        4. Those women are doing it wrong! Everybody knows that past a certain size, boobs contain lighter-than-air gases that help them stay proud and firm without hurting their owner’s back. 😀

          But yeah, it wouldn’t be the first time women want to burn me in effigy. Considering the site I publish, that’s one of the milder punishments in store for me… 😛

          “I’m doing it.”

        5. Okay, that painful back thing is complete bullshit. I get so sick of hearing that. You show me a woman complaining about “back pain” and I’ll show you a woman that never, EVER hits the gym. I’m married to a woman that is a 36E cup, and she never ever has any pain. Because she realizes that carrying weight on your chest like that and NOT working out is stupid. Got back pain? Weight train. It’s as simple as that. Sorry, this is a massive pet peeve of mine when I see some stick thin rail of a woman talk about her “huge” C cups.

        6. Well, I can see you’re very passionate about this. I share that sentiment. Ask any of the large-breasted fitness models out there (the Bianca Beauchamps, Jordan Carver and Marie-Claude Bourbonnais of this world) and they won’t be complaining about back pains. They’re fit. They may have implants (well, not Jordan Carver, I think), but they’ve also trained themselves to be strong and can handle the extra weight.

          “I’m doing it.”

        7. Actually Evan Snow-Wolf there are cases where a woman’s breasts are too big for her and cause her back pain. Those woman are the ones who need to get breast reduction surgery…..or in Jaycee’s fantasy world, lighter-than-air-gases implanted to help offset the weight. lol

          But I agree with you for the most part, some extra weight lifting will allow for some stronger back muscles.

          It also helps to not slouch your back as well as that’s not a natural position for the back. With the added weight from big breasts, it can cause you back problems earlier than it would a man or woman with smaller breasts slouching does.

        8. Well, I didn’t say you had to get lighter-than-air gases implanted to offset the weight, I said it occurs naturally (everybody knows that, right?). I think it’d be silly to “modify” yourself in such a way–nature made you beautiful the way you are and you shouldn’t try to conform to fake social and commercial standards. Women don’t need big boobs and long legs to be beautiful. Beauty is an inner thing, not just skin deep.

          (Boy, I’m full of poo today, aren’t I?)

          “I’m doing it.”

        9. I know at least one woman with a large cupsize who can’t work out due to a host of other physical problems. She literally can’t; it’d wreck her worse than the sore back.

        10. Plenty of women (and men) who have back problems without having over-sized breasticles

        11. What I remember of when I used to do weights, is that when I wrenched my back, I was unable to do weights.

          Once a large chested woman has a back problem, it’s not like she can put her boobs on a shelf until the problem gets better…

        12. The way that her spine appears to curve into a full U-shape probably isn’t helping the effect.

          She’s not just fat, she’s a slug.

  4. Wait, she was a bitch because she hadn’t been laid? o_O

    1. No, she wasn’t getting laid because she’s a mean woman.

      “I’m doing it.”

      1. She wasn’t getting any? o_o From what we’d seen so far, I assumed that if she wanted sex from her husband, she’d just take it.

        1. Nah, he doesn’t turn her on. The priest, on the other hand…

          “I’m doing it.”

        2. I still say she looks as though she’s capable of just grabbing someone she wants under her arm and dragging him off to her lair…

        3. True, she probably could. Poor Gerald would probably be frightened and suffer intense shrinkage as a result… 😉

          “I’m doing it.”

        4. To paraphrase a character from Elijah & Azuu: “Lucky thing your hands and tongue can’t shrink.”

        5. The orc girl might get upset that someone was infringing on her “drag off to the lair” schtick 😛

      2. Or maybe since she’s a mean woman she’s not getting laid which in turn leads her to continuing on not getting laid. It’s a vicious cycle which feeds on itself.

        1. A ‘Catch 22’ instead of a ‘Catch 69’?

        2. Like she’d reciprocate under normal circumstances… ^^;

  5. Hah, this is hilarious.

    Also loving how you turned boob-growth fetish into a disabling attack.

    1. Only because she landed on him 😛

  6. I can’t think how this could have turn out better, and by is this funny.

  7. Now, if only she would be Thane-ified, she would be a knock out with outstanding knockers!

    1. I shudder to think of what would happen if the sausage queen was Thanified.

      “I’m doing it.”

      1. Give Baby a run for her money?

        1. Of course, considering this is a different era from when Sir Thane was living in, it’s not likely she’ll get Thanified. 🙂

          “I’m doing it.”

        2. It is? Now I’m confoosed…o_0

        3. I suppose I never stated it very clearly, but the era the two faeries are interacting is a long time after the time of Heather and Sir Thane. These two live in a fantasy medieval time; the faerie and Little Attitude are interacting in the future, during some kind of Victorian-type era.

          “I’m doing it.”

      2. Probably be less mean since she got laid and whatever meanness she has left from just being a mean person in general will probably be turned into efforts of being a dominatrix since she’ll have the looks to get away with that.

  8. I usually ADORE “orgasm faces”.. but this one I can bypass, thanks..

    1. Oh cum on! How can you pass up that face?

      1. Oooh, you’ve worked on that one all week, haven’t you? 😉

        “I’m doing it.”

      2. For me, I’d SO much rather spooge all over (preferably IN) any of the faeries!

        Even if they zap me into a toad, it’d be worth it!

        Am I the only one who wishes these faeries girls were in real life? What FUN!

        They can ride my tongue any day.. all day..

  9. Jaycee – is there ever going to be a book of Blooming Faeries?

    (Amazon have a neat print-on-demand thing)


    1. Creating a physical book is a fairly significant amount of work and, since I don’t have any graphic design skills, represents expenses that would be hard to recuperate. It’s always in the back of my mind, and if I find a way for the book to make revenues, I’ll be glad to do it.

      “I’m doing it.”

      1. I agree it might take some skills.

        But all you really need to do is organise the cartoons panels (*grin*) and then (for example) make a pfd file with three or four per page (1 across by 4 down), full page, no borders, about 60-100 pages.

        That’s about 180 – 400 panels (depends on what you decide).

        Add a front cover and back cover and the obligatory “this is a work of fiction and it bloody well belongs to ME)

        Then you send it off to Amazon and they will print it on demand – when an order comes in they print it off.

        Have a look at the Oglaf book (although it’s not Amazon printed, it is full page no borders and looks beautiful).

        i sympathise with you on the work involved though.. but you might find more people here will buy it then you think. People like a book to read in bed. ]
        Oglaf is like that, I read about the little CumSprite almost fortnightly, it’s that fun!

        1. It takes skills and time, two resources I have in limited supply. I already feel bad I don’t do enough for the members and I’m spread too thin on many projects, I really need to prioritize and focus on my current slate already.

          Part of me would like to see my stuff in print—it would kind of bring a legitimacy that is otherwise reserved to “real” creators. For now, however, I can neither do that work myself nor justify recruiting someone else to do it.

          “I’m doing it.” (Except when I’m not.)

  10. jayce. I like your work it makes me chuckle. sadly I cannot like this one it feel less like a funny romp though “les desirables” and more like im seeing my grandma getting boned. its quite um… well .. I hope sir thyne comes alone soon?

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