I recall a statement in some early comments that no fairy curse is permanent but the strongest ones are effectively permanent because the person is likely to die of old age before the curse runs its course.
Hi i love BF
I just found this one month ago, but i really love every chapter.
My favorite parts so long are, the three wishes of the prince albert (embarrassing masturbations of heather XD)
And the scenes of Lara and the amulet. I love how that girl wants to have control of herself
This new part is very promissing. But i love more when the faerie was enemy of Heather. Also are a lot of explanation and little of story… after all.. we all know the thane effects.
This is juzt comment.. maibe im just very excited with all the plotlines, specially spiders!
I definitely need to get some expansion back in. It’s been a while. As for storytelling, sometimes it’s beneficial to recap something the old readers know very well, just so the new readers are brought up to speed. I promise not to overdo it. 🙂
Wouldn’t say that Busty McGnats was ever Heather’s ‘enemy’, about the only faerie who had an ‘enemy’ was the one at the start (she didn’t appreciate Thane’s Golden Shower)
Welcome to the comics, hope you enjoy it as much as those who have benn Thanified (other than Sir Thane himself of course :P)
Actually, that first fairy isn’t Thane’s “enemy,” per se…She’s just punishing him for not paying her regular fee to be “showered” upon. He refused to pay her fee, so she cursed him.
In more ways than one, this phrase applies quite handily: “Paybacks are a bitch, huh?”
Well, we already knew he was a whore before this with how much random sex he was getting before then, but now it’s just official. Well it would be if they are paying him.
If there’s any chance at a positive outcome here, it would take the form of Gus acting on Thane’s behalf to negotiate hours and other working conditions. Whoever’s collecting the fees might be persuaded to restrict access in order not to “kill the golden goose”.
I’d say the most positive outcome would be Baby springing Thane from the brothel after Gus leads her there, and Thane either managing to escape from or somehow reaching a balance with her, rather than being dominated.
It’d be rather tricky for someone ‘acquired’ as a slave to negotiate a profitable work package.
Um, are you forgetting that Baby literally tied Thane up when he said he didn’t want to stay with her forever?
You describe a frying pan to fire scenario that is actually likely to make his life worse, except for your hope that he escapes her (there is no balance to be reached). If he can escape Baby, he can escape the Willing Wench, so why go through an intermediate captivity if you don’t have to?
Well, it HAS been some time since they parted ways back then and she has definitely had time to sample other “sausages” and hot food since… who knows, she might be a bit more aware of her current hotness and less dependent on him this time around.
That’s not a bad idea. Maybe I’
ll be able to afford a better hat, and some more tasty oats…
But first, maybe I’ll learn to type better. Darn hooves…
Not just because it’s offensive, but it’s also inaccurate. Thane has been trying not to have sex with everything that jumps him, the curses just won’t allow it unless he gets out fast…
The “w-word” doesn’t bother me, but I agree that in this case, it’s inaccurate. Thane isn’t prostituting himself and not asking for retribution for his “work.”
Oh, please. You mean if someone in today’s world had his power wouldn’t be either out selling his “gift” and making metric shittonnes of cash. Or under the control of some very powerful and obscenely wealthy conglomerate? It was only a matter of time before someone went and did this to Thane.
And the only person he can blame is himself. Self centered prick.
If this power existed in The Real World, he’d have to be careful
not to be captured by criminals who would sell the results of his power to the highest bidder.
At a hospital, there would be an endless demand from injured or disfigured women from around the world. Does his power fix spinal cord injuries? Cancer?
(Note: Serious comments are outside the perview of this comic.)
Nah, I don’t think his power is miraculous in that it would help stop diseases such as Cancer or fix more permanent injuries such as back injuries but it would make them sexy as hell with those injuries or diseases at the very least.
I think there’s at least some blame to spare for the faerie who cursed Thane.
Yes, she was entitled to some form of compensation, or at least a really sincere apology, for getting peed on. But what she demanded was apparently exorbitant, and the punishment she delivered seems extreme, to put it mildly.
Indeed. I doubt he’s getting so much as a penny. More likely, he’s been shackled to a bed and only allowed such movement as is strictly necessary to keep him healthy… :-\
Just wondering: are women still compelled to jump his One-Eyed Willie? These ladies seem to be fairly constrained and orderly (so far), they are there because they have heard of his Miracle Juice
They may be out of range, he could be being kept way in the back so the ladies can keep their heads while they pay at the front or something, just a guess.
That makes good sense, otherwise all the prostitutes would keep getting in the way of the paying customers, all trying to pile into whatever room Thane is kept in…
Rape is serious, or are you one of those ones who either doesn’t believe men can be raped or that if they get hard(wet in the case of females) and cum/orgasm then they must really enjoy it? Or maybe both?
Problem is that you really can’t say it’s rape.
The women are under the effect of Thane’s curse that causes women to jump him. They get uncontrollably horny in his proximity. Those that went to the whore house are going there to be made sexy and attractive. They are assuming that since he is at a whore house and they are being charged, that he is a whore and is getting paid.
Thane is also under the effect of his curse. Where as he might not want to sleep with these women at first, his curse will kick in and cause him to get horny and go along with it. Remember most of the women he has sex with are weaker than him and so he could easily overpower them if he wanted to.
Now as to why Thane doesn’t scream for help and say he’s being enslaved, the women brought into the room with him are under the effect of his curse and thus aren’t in a position to help him and probably even have a bit of short term memory loss during the encounter due to the haze of lust they are under.
The men that probably rotate the women that pay to sleep with him, work for the whore house and thus aren’t going to help him.
So really, I’d put blame on this solely on the fairy that cursed Thane and the whore house for essentially making him a sex slave.
You’re describing a defense of Automatism, in that a third party may be forcing them to commit their crimes against their will. Doesn’t mean there’s no crime, only that the guilty party is less obvious.
For instance, if you are holding a knife and someone shoves you from behind and you stab someone as a result, the guilt is with the pusher.
> Doesn’t mean there’s no crime, only that the guilty party is less obvious.
In order for something to be a crime, there first has to be a law that criminalizes it.
AFAIK, the legal code of the BFrealm has not been published here.
Lurker is right as well, we don’t know the legal code in the BF realm. Considering that no one that has been a part of these fairy curses in some fashion have been prosecuted over it, then I’m assuming it’s not illegal.
I didn’t say it was illegal, I said it was rape and that the blame was open to debate.
The rape of Cassandra (greek myth) was entirely legal.
Except that a lot of what you said isn’t the case. Jaycee pointed out he isn’t prostituting himself and isn’t seeking restitution for his work.
Saying he’s stronger than a woman isn’t the case either, he’s drawn big and strong, yet most women he’s been with he’s clearly not the aggressor. Baybee tied him up and had sex with him against his will for an extended period of time. The two nuns of Cathol had their way with him until they passed out from the exertion. The two Cooks did the same. Even the barmaid triplets were having sex with him while he was asleep, being asleep does -not- equal consent. He was placed there by a female bandit that captured him even, sure you can say she had two guys help, but it is extremely clear who the toughest one in that group is. if he can’t overpower two elderly cooks with his army around him how is he going to do so when he is surrounded by people that think it’s very profitable to have a sex slave in their control.
Being horny also means nothing. It’s the same as a man saying he didn’t rape a woman because she ‘wanted it’ or ‘she was wet’. His sexy aura isn’t world wide, people coming to purchase the right to rape him aren’t affected by it when they’re at home checking how much money they have in their purse. And even if they were “I was horny so I fucked them against their will.” is -Not- a defense.
BFF (Blooming Faeries Fan)
No, I’m one of those who believe this is a comic and therefore not meant to be taken seriously, just meant to make you laugh. Of course rape is serious are you kidding me? But this is just a made up story meant to be funny, not a PSA about how men can be raped too. Yeesh calm down will ya?
Oh, I agree 100%! This is a comic that is not meant to be taken seriously. It’s why I try to argue logically against people getting pissed off about this comic when thinking it’s rape in some of the strips. I don’t think they are going to take the it’s just a comic argument too well and continue complaining/debating the point so I try to end it that way.
BFF (Blooming Faeries Fan)
*sigh* Yeah, ok, you’re right. I guess I just don’t understand why you would bother sticking around and reading the comic if you were gonna get all riled (sp?) up over this stuff…. However in this case I had to explain my “this is just a comic” point because I was accused of thinking rape isn’t a serious issue DX
“…why you would bother sticking around and reading the comic…”
You hit the nail right on the thumb, BFF. This IS a work of fiction, no one is ACTUALLY getting hurt & no one is being FORCED to read this comic.
Jaycee is expressing his Freedom of Speech, but that in no way implies that anyone else is being forced to read it. The individual who comes here to complain are NOT exercising their equal Freedom to Not Listen.
I’m pretty sure she was right in the room when it happened.
Nope, according to episode #99, she was looking for an outfit for the Marie-fied Lurker, while Marie was getting Thanified in episode #100 which was witnessed only by Busty and the mirror.
Not even I saw it, to be honest.
…Yeah. Busty is the one I’m talking about. She says she’s never seen a thanified body before.
The Willing Wench is a whorehouse/inn. Thane was brought there in ropes. This much is known to be fact. The rest is supposition of long time readers with too much time on their hands…
64 thoughts on “#0237: Inn Over His Head”
Is Thanification permanent? Marie seems so happy again, and it would be a shame for her to lose it a second time 🙁
I recall a statement in some early comments that no fairy curse is permanent but the strongest ones are effectively permanent because the person is likely to die of old age before the curse runs its course.
The real question is, are curse side effects permanent or not.
what a lucky guy, or cursed… so hard to tell.
Thane’s cursed, since he is basically unable to have a normal life in any capacity. The rest of the world? Lucky.
Hi i love BF
I just found this one month ago, but i really love every chapter.
My favorite parts so long are, the three wishes of the prince albert (embarrassing masturbations of heather XD)
And the scenes of Lara and the amulet. I love how that girl wants to have control of herself
This new part is very promissing. But i love more when the faerie was enemy of Heather. Also are a lot of explanation and little of story… after all.. we all know the thane effects.
This is juzt comment.. maibe im just very excited with all the plotlines, specially spiders!
Me gusta que te gusta el tebeo. 🙂
I definitely need to get some expansion back in. It’s been a while. As for storytelling, sometimes it’s beneficial to recap something the old readers know very well, just so the new readers are brought up to speed. I promise not to overdo it. 🙂
“I’m doing it.”
Tx for the answer!
I cant wait to know what happen with all your storylines!
This comic is a masterpiece!
And the art is of first level!
Im excited for the next one!
Wouldn’t say that Busty McGnats was ever Heather’s ‘enemy’, about the only faerie who had an ‘enemy’ was the one at the start (she didn’t appreciate Thane’s Golden Shower)
Welcome to the comics, hope you enjoy it as much as those who have benn Thanified (other than Sir Thane himself of course :P)
Tx! Guesticus!
Maybe not her enemy.. but neither her fairy godmothwr
More like a not-malicious tormentor
Actually, that first fairy isn’t Thane’s “enemy,” per se…She’s just punishing him for not paying her regular fee to be “showered” upon. He refused to pay her fee, so she cursed him.
In more ways than one, this phrase applies quite handily: “Paybacks are a bitch, huh?”
They turned the poor schmuck into a sex slave… Damn.
Well, we already knew he was a whore before this with how much random sex he was getting before then, but now it’s just official. Well it would be if they are paying him.
da Doctah
If there’s any chance at a positive outcome here, it would take the form of Gus acting on Thane’s behalf to negotiate hours and other working conditions. Whoever’s collecting the fees might be persuaded to restrict access in order not to “kill the golden goose”.
I’d say the most positive outcome would be Baby springing Thane from the brothel after Gus leads her there, and Thane either managing to escape from or somehow reaching a balance with her, rather than being dominated.
It’d be rather tricky for someone ‘acquired’ as a slave to negotiate a profitable work package.
Um, are you forgetting that Baby literally tied Thane up when he said he didn’t want to stay with her forever?
You describe a frying pan to fire scenario that is actually likely to make his life worse, except for your hope that he escapes her (there is no balance to be reached). If he can escape Baby, he can escape the Willing Wench, so why go through an intermediate captivity if you don’t have to?
Well, it HAS been some time since they parted ways back then and she has definitely had time to sample other “sausages” and hot food since… who knows, she might be a bit more aware of her current hotness and less dependent on him this time around.
That’s not a bad idea. Maybe I’
ll be able to afford a better hat, and some more tasty oats…
But first, maybe I’ll learn to type better. Darn hooves…
Less of the ‘W’-word, if you don’t mind.
Not just because it’s offensive, but it’s also inaccurate. Thane has been trying not to have sex with everything that jumps him, the curses just won’t allow it unless he gets out fast…
The “w-word” doesn’t bother me, but I agree that in this case, it’s inaccurate. Thane isn’t prostituting himself and not asking for retribution for his “work.”
“I’m doing it.”
Oh, please. You mean if someone in today’s world had his power wouldn’t be either out selling his “gift” and making metric shittonnes of cash. Or under the control of some very powerful and obscenely wealthy conglomerate? It was only a matter of time before someone went and did this to Thane.
And the only person he can blame is himself. Self centered prick.
If this power existed in The Real World, he’d have to be careful
not to be captured by criminals who would sell the results of his power to the highest bidder.
At a hospital, there would be an endless demand from injured or disfigured women from around the world. Does his power fix spinal cord injuries? Cancer?
(Note: Serious comments are outside the perview of this comic.)
Nah, I don’t think his power is miraculous in that it would help stop diseases such as Cancer or fix more permanent injuries such as back injuries but it would make them sexy as hell with those injuries or diseases at the very least.
I think there’s at least some blame to spare for the faerie who cursed Thane.
Yes, she was entitled to some form of compensation, or at least a really sincere apology, for getting peed on. But what she demanded was apparently exorbitant, and the punishment she delivered seems extreme, to put it mildly.
How is he a ‘self centered prick’?
Indeed. At worst, he’s extremely dim and rather socially inept.
Mr. D
Poor overworked, under-appreciated guy 🙂
I’m sure he’s overworked, not so much under-appreciated. I’m very confident his services are HIGHLY appreciated by the ladies. 😉
“I’m doing it.”
What about underpaid?
That implies he gets paid at all!
Indeed. I doubt he’s getting so much as a penny. More likely, he’s been shackled to a bed and only allowed such movement as is strictly necessary to keep him healthy… :-\
Just wondering: are women still compelled to jump his One-Eyed Willie? These ladies seem to be fairly constrained and orderly (so far), they are there because they have heard of his Miracle Juice
BFF (Blooming Faeries Fan)
They may be out of range, he could be being kept way in the back so the ladies can keep their heads while they pay at the front or something, just a guess.
That makes good sense, otherwise all the prostitutes would keep getting in the way of the paying customers, all trying to pile into whatever room Thane is kept in…
Not only is he imprisoned against his will they are selling his body to rapists, advertising gang rape as a ‘Special’ makes it even more horrific.
BFF (Blooming Faeries Fan)
You are taking this waaaaay too seriously.
Rape is serious, or are you one of those ones who either doesn’t believe men can be raped or that if they get hard(wet in the case of females) and cum/orgasm then they must really enjoy it? Or maybe both?
Problem is that you really can’t say it’s rape.
The women are under the effect of Thane’s curse that causes women to jump him. They get uncontrollably horny in his proximity. Those that went to the whore house are going there to be made sexy and attractive. They are assuming that since he is at a whore house and they are being charged, that he is a whore and is getting paid.
Thane is also under the effect of his curse. Where as he might not want to sleep with these women at first, his curse will kick in and cause him to get horny and go along with it. Remember most of the women he has sex with are weaker than him and so he could easily overpower them if he wanted to.
Now as to why Thane doesn’t scream for help and say he’s being enslaved, the women brought into the room with him are under the effect of his curse and thus aren’t in a position to help him and probably even have a bit of short term memory loss during the encounter due to the haze of lust they are under.
The men that probably rotate the women that pay to sleep with him, work for the whore house and thus aren’t going to help him.
So really, I’d put blame on this solely on the fairy that cursed Thane and the whore house for essentially making him a sex slave.
You’re describing a defense of Automatism, in that a third party may be forcing them to commit their crimes against their will. Doesn’t mean there’s no crime, only that the guilty party is less obvious.
For instance, if you are holding a knife and someone shoves you from behind and you stab someone as a result, the guilt is with the pusher.
> Doesn’t mean there’s no crime, only that the guilty party is less obvious.
In order for something to be a crime, there first has to be a law that criminalizes it.
AFAIK, the legal code of the BFrealm has not been published here.
Lurker is right as well, we don’t know the legal code in the BF realm. Considering that no one that has been a part of these fairy curses in some fashion have been prosecuted over it, then I’m assuming it’s not illegal.
I didn’t say it was illegal, I said it was rape and that the blame was open to debate.
The rape of Cassandra (greek myth) was entirely legal.
Except that a lot of what you said isn’t the case. Jaycee pointed out he isn’t prostituting himself and isn’t seeking restitution for his work.
Saying he’s stronger than a woman isn’t the case either, he’s drawn big and strong, yet most women he’s been with he’s clearly not the aggressor. Baybee tied him up and had sex with him against his will for an extended period of time. The two nuns of Cathol had their way with him until they passed out from the exertion. The two Cooks did the same. Even the barmaid triplets were having sex with him while he was asleep, being asleep does -not- equal consent. He was placed there by a female bandit that captured him even, sure you can say she had two guys help, but it is extremely clear who the toughest one in that group is. if he can’t overpower two elderly cooks with his army around him how is he going to do so when he is surrounded by people that think it’s very profitable to have a sex slave in their control.
Being horny also means nothing. It’s the same as a man saying he didn’t rape a woman because she ‘wanted it’ or ‘she was wet’. His sexy aura isn’t world wide, people coming to purchase the right to rape him aren’t affected by it when they’re at home checking how much money they have in their purse. And even if they were “I was horny so I fucked them against their will.” is -Not- a defense.
BFF (Blooming Faeries Fan)
No, I’m one of those who believe this is a comic and therefore not meant to be taken seriously, just meant to make you laugh. Of course rape is serious are you kidding me? But this is just a made up story meant to be funny, not a PSA about how men can be raped too. Yeesh calm down will ya?
Oh, I agree 100%! This is a comic that is not meant to be taken seriously. It’s why I try to argue logically against people getting pissed off about this comic when thinking it’s rape in some of the strips. I don’t think they are going to take the it’s just a comic argument too well and continue complaining/debating the point so I try to end it that way.
BFF (Blooming Faeries Fan)
*sigh* Yeah, ok, you’re right. I guess I just don’t understand why you would bother sticking around and reading the comic if you were gonna get all riled (sp?) up over this stuff…. However in this case I had to explain my “this is just a comic” point because I was accused of thinking rape isn’t a serious issue DX
“…why you would bother sticking around and reading the comic…”
You hit the nail right on the thumb, BFF. This IS a work of fiction, no one is ACTUALLY getting hurt & no one is being FORCED to read this comic.
Jaycee is expressing his Freedom of Speech, but that in no way implies that anyone else is being forced to read it. The individual who comes here to complain are NOT exercising their equal Freedom to Not Listen.
It’s squicky, alright.
Wait a sec… Didn’t she witness Marie get “Thanified?”
I don’t think she recognized the Thanified Marie as Marie, actually. At least, her response to the Marie-fied Lurker seems to indicate so.
I’m pretty sure she was right in the room when it happened.
Nope, according to episode #99, she was looking for an outfit for the Marie-fied Lurker, while Marie was getting Thanified in episode #100 which was witnessed only by Busty and the mirror.
Not even I saw it, to be honest.
…Yeah. Busty is the one I’m talking about. She says she’s never seen a thanified body before.
I’m still wishing that there was a BOOK of BF to read..
I;m no luddite, I’m sitting here on a 32G i7 laptop running 3D renders in the background while I look at BF..
But sometimes I just want to sit up in bed and read them.. in a book, with pages that turn with a shoof-flip sound.. rather than a mouse click sound.
> I’m sitting here on a 32G
I kind of stopped reading there…
I understand you perfectly, Lurker…I have *chairs* that I prefer to sit on.
I think i missed the arc where thane is prosituted while chained to a bed.
or is that members only?
The Willing Wench is a whorehouse/inn. Thane was brought there in ropes. This much is known to be fact. The rest is supposition of long time readers with too much time on their hands…
before our lara craft to be brought him “back” I mean. I don’t remember it, and I am here since strip 3 or what.
#1 Thane Fan
Thane is back baby!
Oh, I do hope we’ll get to witness some of these ladies in the process of being Thanified…
I second that motion for more fan service…