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#0224: Admission

27 thoughts on “#0224: Admission

  1. Wow, so does this mean the fairy is going to leave Heather alone now that she admitted to like having all this great sex and will probably be more open about her own desires now? lol

  2. I am confused but what happen here, but I am interested.
    Love how eiraM getting out of there while she can breathe.

  3. … Didn’t Heather already enjoy sex before this stinkgnat started bothering her and everyone else in the castle?

    1. Enjoying it when it is happening and actually admitting that you are enjoying it afterwards are two different things.

  4. Waitwaitwaitwaitwait! What?

    Has this all been that gnat-with-the-thighs’ plan all along? To get Heather to enjoy sex, and/or admit it?

    1. I’m thinking that’s partially the gnat’s plan. The other part is that it probably is entertaining to do it as well. Though I think if Heather stopped reacting like she does to the spells and just goes along with it, then the fairy would get bored and move on to someone else.

      1. It not nice to call that lovely Fairy a Gnat.

  5. I just love Heather more and more XD.

  6. The Phantom's Belch

    Wait. Is this the first time that Heather’s acknowledged Busty’s presence, and/or the first time Busty spoke directly to Heather?

    1. No, they’ve spoken before. Heather was asking the gnat to leave her alone, and it responded by flying into her and setting up the orgasm-by-the-clock curse.

  7. I think the fourth’s frame the second hottest I’ve ever seen the princess.

    The furthering from this is definitely going to be incredibly interesting coming from this (no pun intended) “dick move.”

    1. Only the second hottest? What is the first?

  8. Hmmm… Interesting development. I might have misjudged the faerie. Then again, I may have not.
    It all depends on what Busty will do now: Will she cancel her curse or will she make it even worse by taking away Heather’s enjoyment of sex?
    I think I’ll wait and see, but her saying that “it is no fun when she’s enjoying it” from two strips ago makes me a tad suspicious.

    That said, it is also interesting to know how this development will affect Heather. Will she remain the same spoiled brat as ever or will she have learned from the experience? An if the second is true, will she try to make it up to the people she was cruel to?

    Another question to address: isn’t Heather curious about the castle suddenly being overrun with young sexy maids (young Marie, eiraM, transformed Lurker) and the apparent disappearance of the “old” Marie?


    1. Depends on how long things have been going on, as in, is this day 1 or day 359?

  9. I guess it’s Heather finally realizing that she can’t win this, and searching her feelings, she realizes she LIKES being manipulated like this… that she’s enjoying the sex itself even without release, and acknowledging that.

    1. No one, with any self worth, enjoys being manipulated

      That’s like all those rapists in the manga’s who always say the little girl getting raped likes it because their body is reacting ‘positively’

      1. No one, with any self worth, enjoys being manipulated.

        I suspect a lot of subs out there would disagree with that sentiment.

        “I’m doing it.”

        1. I’d hesitate to make such a sweeping statement as Guesticus’, and I’d absolutely drop the insult but for most submissives, being taken for granted is a bad thing. Consent does a lot more than just turn an assault causing actual bodily harm into a healthy sporting activity, or turn theft into charity.

          As an analogy, I am culinarily submissive a lot. If I go to a restaurant after a long day I’ll try to get someone else to order for me, because I really can’t bring myself to choose. If I haven’t asked you to order for me, though, then don’t mess with my food.

        2. Same with me when it comes to new food: will let someone trusted (someone who knows me well), hopefully who has tried it before, pick out the food for me

        3. No, Subs aren’t being manipulated, dominating is not ‘manipulating’ or even ‘controlling’, in most cases the Sub has more control of the situation/session than the Dom

      2. I think it all comes down to when some one is forced against their will to submit to another person’s desires and whims…wholly for their own personal desires and appetites with no regard or respect for their partner’s wishes or consent… It is not a health, moral or legal relationship!

        1. To me it always seems like the faeries are anthropomorphic representations of something like Red Dwarf’s Sexual Magnetism Virus. Thane picked up some strange infection in the wilderness and wherever he goes it seems that everyone becomes afflicted with uncontrollable lusts and intermittent hallucinations.

          Not everybody is infectious, although the shorter of the nuns appears to be. Thane, meanwhile, is a veritable Typhoid Mary.

  10. I think the faerie should give Heather’s hands (or some other parts of her body) a mind of their own again. I really enjoyed that 😉

    1. Her hands used to have minds of their own, that one one of the first curses

      1. I remember 😉

        Good times 🙂

    2. I hope something similar happens again 😉

  11. I can’t help but find heather blushing smile, in panel 4, very cute.

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