Jaycee, some time ago you stated that faeries torment humans because they consider them to be sexually repressed. However, this strip (“it’s no fun when she’s enjoying herself” etc.) shows that Faeries are nothing but mean-spirited bullies and now the Mirror is joining their ranks.
Your writing is getting more callous and it does not make the comic more enjoyable.
I think what’s most bugging me about this strip is why the mirror is being vindictive towards the Princess? Sure she’s been sarcastic and all that other open quotes “friendly ribbing” but I never got the feeling that the mirror hated her.
My opinion about the faerie in this portion is that her motivations can’t be pinned down and her only purpose is to cause sexual mischief.
The mirror’s suggestion doesn’t really affect Marie in any way that I can see, not even indirectly through eiraM. It sounds to me more like she’s being nice to the faerie by suggesting something to revive her interest. Yes, it’s cruel to Heather, but how long has it been since Heather even spoke to her mirror? My take on things is that the mirror likes to be helpful to whoever spends time around her, and nobody has spent more time around the mirror than the faerie has.
dame it went from potential rape to unsatisfying consensual I don’t even remember what she did to disserve this Jaycee please tell us the next plot line will be better
I was just noticing the mirror’s eyebrow curlicues and how they change from panel to panel. It made me curious, so I checked the rest of the curlicues on her face. Now I’m wondering what the heck is up with the one on her chin. There seems no rhyme or reason for the way that thing moves around.
22 thoughts on “#0222: No-Gasm”
Now, that is cruel.
It’s like with that librarian lady…
hehe, wow, so she hits the edge, or stay on edge, but never cross, wow.
da Doctah
That mirror is asking to get broken….
Poor Marie looks so sad in the first panel
Not sad, surprised by *something*.
“I’m doing it.”
Considering she is outside the Royal Wizard(ess)’s door…
Jaycee, some time ago you stated that faeries torment humans because they consider them to be sexually repressed. However, this strip (“it’s no fun when she’s enjoying herself” etc.) shows that Faeries are nothing but mean-spirited bullies and now the Mirror is joining their ranks.
Your writing is getting more callous and it does not make the comic more enjoyable.
da Doctah
Agreed. People in Heather’s new condition, especially ones with the kind of power a princess can command, tend to start wars and stuff.
If the Faeries are going to start pulling crap like this, what’s next? Compelling people to yank their fingers out by the roots?
ya this just got 13 year old disappointing. I mean seriously that’s just not even funny at all….
I think what’s most bugging me about this strip is why the mirror is being vindictive towards the Princess? Sure she’s been sarcastic and all that other open quotes “friendly ribbing” but I never got the feeling that the mirror hated her.
My opinion about the faerie in this portion is that her motivations can’t be pinned down and her only purpose is to cause sexual mischief.
Not so sure it is hatred towards the Princess, so much as being nice to Marie (pay attention to the scene in Mirror)
The mirror’s suggestion doesn’t really affect Marie in any way that I can see, not even indirectly through eiraM. It sounds to me more like she’s being nice to the faerie by suggesting something to revive her interest. Yes, it’s cruel to Heather, but how long has it been since Heather even spoke to her mirror? My take on things is that the mirror likes to be helpful to whoever spends time around her, and nobody has spent more time around the mirror than the faerie has.
I’m just not seeing as all that cruel. Besides – as some of us can see – there’s more to this story…
I do miss twice a week updates though.
The next comic is up and I still see it as cruelty.
Never said it would be a quick resolution.
“I’m doing it.”
Still does not change the fact that the mirror is being cruel for no particular reason.
dame it went from potential rape to unsatisfying consensual I don’t even remember what she did to disserve this Jaycee please tell us the next plot line will be better
This plot line’s not over yet.
“I’m doing it.”
okay I guess well see what happens
I was just noticing the mirror’s eyebrow curlicues and how they change from panel to panel. It made me curious, so I checked the rest of the curlicues on her face. Now I’m wondering what the heck is up with the one on her chin. There seems no rhyme or reason for the way that thing moves around.
Maybe that’s just her chin-hole (like Kirk Douglas)