You know, if Marie is still with the wizard, then Eiram’s actions will definitely get her jumping the Wizard’s bones again. Poor guy/girl is going to be exhausted to do anything about the faeries if the Lurker is successful in getting some spiders.
Seemed to look further down, and something just doesn’t add up (and not in the same sense that 101010 equals 273), looking forward to the next page to find out what
it doesn’t appear fear so much as her whole out look has been changed, she has gone from the aggressor into unfamiliar territory, before men had always chased her but now the situation where her choice to completely destroy her sexual partner is non-existent and the biggest shock inst eriaM but much rather that she might actual want it.
17 thoughts on “#0221: Strange Bedfellows”
You know, if Marie is still with the wizard, then Eiram’s actions will definitely get her jumping the Wizard’s bones again. Poor guy/girl is going to be exhausted to do anything about the faeries if the Lurker is successful in getting some spiders.
This is getting unpleasant.
Not because it’s girl-on-girl, but because Heather looks so scared and eiraM looks so… predatory. o_o;
Agreed, but also have faith that Jaycee won’t do any actual rape
Except for Thane, right?
That’s pretty saddening, too…
lets hop he doesn’t
Umm, isn’t that magic that pulled eiraM out of me about to expire soon?
Kol Drake
Is it me or are both their boobie sets smaller then usual or is my wishful thinking magic wearing off?
Certainly looks that way for Princess in the first 2 panels (although they seem bigger in the 4th)
Umm, did Princess get her own ‘Herman’? What exactely did eiraM see in the second panel to get that predatory rape face?
A pretty, naked girl without any backup.
A nice pair of breasts?
Seemed to look further down, and something just doesn’t add up (and not in the same sense that 101010 equals 273), looking forward to the next page to find out what
just look at the princesses face in the 3rd panel she’s terrified
it doesn’t appear fear so much as her whole out look has been changed, she has gone from the aggressor into unfamiliar territory, before men had always chased her but now the situation where her choice to completely destroy her sexual partner is non-existent and the biggest shock inst eriaM but much rather that she might actual want it.
also rape is bad, no matter the context.
Very astute observations.
“I’m doing it.”
ya im inpressed