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#0217: Picky Eater

18 thoughts on “#0217: Picky Eater

  1. glad to see, the joke is still going strong, hahaha

  2. Love this series I just read the whole thing. Keep it up!(no pun intended)

  3. Wise man, Gustav.

    So the bandits did know he could talk — or they found out along the way.
    … I wonder whether they’re taking Thane to that ‘inn’ which turned out to be a brothel. The one he unknowingly went to after his first misadventure with the faerie and the twins who molested him with bananas. The owner might still want full payment for what happened there…

    1. Payment? Any of his “workers” who might have been less than fully desirable would have wound up getting an upgrade. I should think that would be payment enough.

      1. You really think a boss in the sex-trade would think that way?

        “You boink, you pay.”

        1. He did pay, by ‘upgrading’ the workers so the pimp can make even more money than before

        2. I agree with Guesticus, Thane did pay by upgrading the workers at that brothel as that made the potential earnings for each whore much higher than before. That could also be why the boss of that brothel wants Thane back. So he can ‘upgrade’ more of his workers and potentially sell Thane’s ability to make women sexy.

  4. Hmmm, thought it would have been the brunette who would have been walking, considering how much he found the ‘show’ to be… distasteful

    1. … Well played sir. Well Played.

  5. BFF (Blooming Faeries Fan)

    So they do know he can talk, and are unphased by it, well that’s that settled.

  6. BFF (Blooming Faeries Fan)

    I thought it was just the blonde eating the carrots afterward that bothered him, in which case the blonde walking would be a perfectly adequate solution. Nonetheless, well played

    1. BFF (Blooming Faeries Fan)

      Grrr that was meant to be a reply to Guesticus…too bad the comments aren’t deletable >.<;

  7. I can’t see her being very happy that she’s been violated with vegetables when back from under Thane’s influence.

    After all she didn’t put those carrots there herself.

    1. Are you sure? I thought the blonde henchman just handed them to her, and… uh… *cough* Well, maybe he just held them up for her and left it to her whether she chose to sit down. >_>;

  8. why is nobody suspecting lara may be unaware of her transformed face?

    1. interesting point. you think she’d change her mind if she got to see herself?
      I mean, considering the class of face she got, the original must have been….ach. 🙂

  9. Panel three actually made me get a carrot out of the fridge and eat it… daydreaming as I did so!

  10. At least the blonde guy took advantage of the first-class travel accommodations…Dinner & a show. Free ride, an eyeful & a mouthful. It’s not HIS fault the others couldn’t appreciate it.

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