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#0216: Foodie Forever

24 thoughts on “#0216: Foodie Forever

  1. Obviously, he has never given/dislikes oral sex or else it wouldn’t be such a big deal to him. Don’t get me wrong, the carrot may now taste like crap now with the newly added flavor but I don’t see it being an issue on trying it out at the very least so the food at least has a chance to not be wasted on just being a masturbation tool.

  2. wow, just wow, lol

  3. Hey, vitamin A is vitamin A.

    1. You mean Vitamin C?

      1. Beta-Carotene is the main nutrient of interest in carrots which is classed as Vitamin A.

        She’d probably prefer a Chantenay to an Imperator though, not as long but thicker (upto 3 inches in diameter) and less taper.

        1. Okay, I just learned more about carrots than I thought I ever would.

          “I’m doing it.”

  4. Non-pentration isn’t a very good sex-aid, unless it vibrates

  5. What’d they do? Pass a field of carrots and said, “I know exactly where we can put those!”

  6. I feel cheated. Waited all week just for a rehash of last week’s comic. This doesn’t add anything new or exciting or funny. The carrot was already done.

    1. Yeah, I do feel today’s comic was pretty much a rehash of last weeks as well to an extent. Don’t get me wrong I found it funny, I was just expecting to move beyond produce as sex toys joke once we already got one last week.

      1. Yeah, I feel cheated too. 😉

        Fair feedback. I guess I was on a roll and didn’t want to choose between gags. Fair warning: this might not be the last carrot joke (sawry…).

        “I’m doing it.”

        1. Lol, I admit, when i first got to the page, i was like, oh i guess it not updated yet, and then i read it, I love the added to the joke.

        2. A wise comic artist once said, “When you’ve got one gag that can be split into a few ones, do it. Don’t go too fast and do everything at once. You’ll REALLY regret it when you’re faced with a blank page.”

          Okay, he didn’t say it exactly like that, but that was the general idea. On the bright side, just a few more strips and I’ll be revealing (in ONE strip) who Lara is, where she’s taking Thane, and why. Long-time readers will appreciate…

          “I’m doing it.”

        3. Aw… the’re stealing all of the horses carrots.

  7. This reminds me of the joke concerning 2 guys, some corn and a lady with sores on her ‘lady parts’

  8. Perhaps we should all be thankful they didn’t pass a field of zucchini…


    That s exactly what I was thinking I’d be bloody well doing with those carrots when the previous set was posted!

    Mmmm.. pussy flavour carrot… nom nom nom nom..

    1. LOL! Glad to read that someone’s mind lives in the gutter next to mine… 😉

      “I’m doing it.”

    2. Considering that she’s forbidding them to “service her” themselves, I’d guess that this is the next best thing to having carrot-flavored pussy…

  10. “Gross” or “Cool”…?
    I honestly dunno, because we’ve no idea what level of “personal hygiene” she employs here (…& how often …& how effectively).
    But that’s just over-thinking the fantasy, now, seriously.
    Really, all we can do is hope for the best.

    1. That and I’m assuming most of us don’t know what pussy-flavored carrot tastes like. I myself have never thought to taste the produce my girlfriend fucks nor have I ever had a girlfriend that fucks produce when she was with me. lol

      1. Seriously though, if God hadn’t meant for Man to eat pussy, he wouldn’t have made it smell like fish & look like a taco…

        1. That, my friend, is what they call a defeater argument. 🙂

          “I’m doing it.”

  11. to my mind, the other’s reaction would only make sense if this carrot had gone in….the other place.

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