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#0215: Good For Your Eyesight

28 thoughts on “#0215: Good For Your Eyesight

  1. If Lara has any sense at all, she will later thank her underling for at least *trying* to offer a solution to her predicament. It may not be exactly “perfect” as he assumed, but at least he was thinking.

    1. Will be very shocked (and slightly not happy) if she doesn’t thank him

  2. That’ll teach him for trying to get a closeup view 😛

    1. At least it was only a carrot, and not a squash or cucumber 😛

  3. Hmm… so was that 1 of 1, or 1 of 2?

  4. He should really have cut the top off of that carrot firs, make it a bit more phallic looking then insert it the other way round. From the way it hit her minion in the eye, it looks like they inserted the smaller more pointy end up there. Though I suppose if they had done it the other way her minion would have lost an eye… Hmm.

    1. Perhaps he were trying to ensure he could remove it when it was no longer needed? Looks like he left a handle as well.

    2. You’ve given this a LOT of thought, I see…

      “I’m doing it.”

    3. Wait, what? That would only make sense if Lara was plowing Gus, because there is no one else around

    4. I see no evidence that he inserted anything. More likely he just put the carrot within reach and let her work things out for herself.

      1. Check the previous comic. Unless he untied her hands, which I seriously doubt, there’s no way she inserted that herself.

    5. Carrots with the top attached are aerodynamically stabilized so they fly tip-forward.

      The top provides aerodynamic drag but not much mass.

  5. Could have been worse it could have been peeled ginger root

  6. And I was told carrots were good for your eyes, hehe.

  7. No eggplant? ^_^

    1. We had to make tough decisions. The whole garden could’ve gone in, but we just had more carrots. 🙂

      “I’m doing it.”

      1. Not to mention: it would have taken out more than just that minions’ eye

  8. The Carrot was holding the Cucumber in place!

  9. I am pretty sure they just placed the carrot under her between her wet pussy and the saddle, and due to the wetness, it flew out and caught the doofus in the eye… they were merely trying to help their mistress calm her urges and it backfired…

    1. Have you ever tried dry-humping a carrot (any other kind of vegetable or sausage)? It rates very very low on the pleasure’OOO’meter

      1. Well, according to the previous strip, she was pretty darn wet already.

        1. Okay, then wet-humping, still doesn’t change anything

      2. I agree with eabecerra… it may be difficult to dry hump the carrot, but considering she was excessively horny and soaking wet, any form of movement down there probably was felt by her, even if it was a minisqule amount.

        And taking what you said into account, another aspect of the situation would be that since it’s so hard to dry hump the carrot (which in her case she wasn’t actually dry as it has been previously stated many times now that she was very wet), and she wanted more feeling from the carrot cause as you stated it really doesn’t register on the pleasure meter, probably pushed down hard enough that the carrot shot out and landed in the guy’s eye…

    2. You guys are REALLY overthinking this. 🙂

      “I’m doing it.”

      1. Probably, but I was just helping those that seemed a little confused as to the possible logics of the scenario and why it makes this particular strip funny XD

        1. Totally understand how/why the carrot shot out and hit that minnions’ eye, just saying how non-penetration (unless it vibrates) is not a good sex-aid (certainly not going with her perceived levels of ‘satisfaction’)

  10. I just reread the whole comic. Is blonde thug Marie’s ex from before beautification? She was very upset that they had run out of carrots at the market.

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