We did pretty good in May: another USD $200+ sent to the UNHRC (Refugee Agency) to a fund that will help Ukrainian refugees. You too can help by joining my Patreon.

We did pretty good in May: another USD $200+ sent to the UNHRC (Refugee Agency) to a fund that will help Ukrainian refugees. You too can help by joining my Patreon.
Another page of Princess Heather awaits you at http://patreon.com/bloomingfaeries. How many more times can she hear her name before she bursts into a mind-blowing orgasm? GO FIND OUT!
If you haven’t done it yet, now is a great time to join our Patreon and get in on all the fun. It’s all there on patreon.com/bloomingfaeries.
Sure looks like our resident princess has a serious case of the hornies, yes.
Go check it out on Patreon right now!
Last month, I announced I would help Ukraine by making monthly contributions (for 12 months or until the war ended, whichever came first). Today marks the first donation of what I hope will be few (if the war ends) or many (if the war goes on). I will donate any amount in excess of $1,200 to the UNHCR. Here’s what I donated today for the month of March:
I apologize that the payment sent is in CAD, but there doesn’t seem to be an easy way to convert my PayPal to US because I’m in Canada. But you can do the math. 🙂
To my bakers: I can’t thank you enough for your support. And if you’re a reader but cannot afford to join us on Patreon, you can still help by sharing this message on social media and redirecting people to my Patreon page.
A new page of Li Fang Fei is available to $10 backers. Things are getting HAWT! You ought check it out!
Elanore (Heather’s music teacher) is about to get in a bit of trouble with Autumn. My April backers (on Patreon) get to see what happens next.
Have you ever wanted to commission (and own) some BF artwork, but couldn’t quite manage the funds for it? The FAP (acronym TOTALLY intended) is here to help. If you commission an artist who’s part of the FAP, you get 25% off the commission price. The artist will contact me and I’ll cover that 25% myself, so it doesn’t cost the artist anything. In exchange, both the commissioner and the artist grant me the right to share that image with my Patreon backers at no extra cost.
Some fine print:
And that’s it.
I’m just getting started with this and I’m very excited about it. I’ll include an item in the menu as soon as I get a chance. I’ll keep you posted as new artists join in. If you happen to know an artist that might be interested in this, please spread the word!
Current artists:
I announced it about a week ago on Twitter and I’m doing it here now: if you support my Patreon, you’ll also be helping Ukraine.
In February, I earned around USD $1,400 (see screenshot below). Starting with March, I will be donating all my earnings in excess of USD $1,200 to the Canadian Red Cross. I will keep doing so every month until the conflict is over or 12 months, whichever comes first. (I’m hoping for the first option.)
This is my modest way of contributing to the humanitarian effort in Ukraine. Maybe it can be yours, but no pressure. Times are rough and I appreciate all those of you who stick around.
Here’s a new Versus, courtesy of artist Ryan Downing. Backers will get the After version in a few days.
This year again, I’m participating to the Valentine’s Day Sex Drive. Last year, we had Nadia, but since I just rebooted the comic on Patreon, I decided to feature Princess Heather for this one.
If you like what you see, DO check out the other entries in this year’s VDSD: