I’m very pleased to share the cover of a story I just published on Patreon (it’s a written story, not a comic).

I’m very pleased to share the cover of a story I just published on Patreon (it’s a written story, not a comic).
So that monthly newsletter never really worked out. It was too often “Either I write or I make the newsletter.” So I wrote.
I’m trying a new model. At the beginning of the month, I’ll be sending the comics planned for that month ahead of schedule. You won’t even have to visit the site, the comics will be automatically delivered to your inbox. All you need to do is subscribe to the Bloomin’ Newsletter in the sidebar at right of this post. I won’t be subjecting you to external ads, I won’t ask you for money, and it’ll be SUPER EASY to unsubscribe at any time. I also promise I won’t sell your personal info you to anyone.
So please give it a shot. You might even get extra goodies from time to time..
Now available on GUMROAD.
Here’s something I shared on Patreon last year. There’s more everyday.
This year again, I’m participating to Valentine’s Day Sex Drive, an annual event where a small army of sexy and exciting comics create nude characters for your enjoyment and share it through a link ring.
Please check this year’s entry (and everyone else’s) starting HERE! I’m featuring a character named Scarlet, who (in the Bloomin’ Studio! universe) is the actress playing the character of Princess Heather.
Who’s in trouble? It’s Cammy, and the story that comes with the picture is sure to send you into a one-handed frenzy. Sure looks like SHE’s in a one-handed frenzy. Details at http://patreon.com/bloomingfaeries. Original art by @DarkerEve (who draws the BEST Cammy!).
I just released two Gumroad products for FREE to my top backers. You too could get those comics if you become a top backer right now! Check it out at http://patreon.com/bloomingfaeries.
Welcome to the end of first incarnation of Bloomin’ Faeries! When I started the comic (WAAAAAAY back in 2010), it was a 4-panel comic with very little continuity. I was intended as a weekly gag, sometimes funny, sometimes sexy, hopefully both when I was really inspired. Over time, however, I felt the need to tell a longer and better story, and that’s led me to move to the half-page version you’ve seen in the last 5-6 years. It allowed me to get into more narrative and continuity, but I’ll readily admit that it’s a harder read than I’d like. At half a page twice a month, you don’t get as much narrative as I’m sure you’d like, and it takes forever to tell a half-decent or satisfying story.
So as I conclude the old version of the comic, I’d like to introduce you to the new and improved Bloomin’ Faeries! As of September 1, you’ll get a FULL-PAGE comic instead of a half page, and you’ll get that THREE TIMES a month. That’s about (I dunno, math…) at least TWICE as much story every month.
The comic will come out on the 1st, 11th, and 21st of each month. I will maintain that pace until my Patreon is strong enough to support a return to a weekly schedule (let’s hope this can happen this year!).
Thank you to everyone who reads the comic, and especially my Patreon backers. (And in case you’re interested, my Patreon is 9 months ahead of schedule on what you read here, so if you join for a single month, you get all that backlog in one shot.)