Bloomin’ Coins!

Refer People & Earn Coins!

At Bloomin’ Faeries!, we like to reward you for sending people to us. We acknowledge that recommending an NSFW comic to your friends requires a bit more courage than the average comic strip, so we feel we should give you back a little something.

With this system (developed by Drowemos, of Exiern fame), we give you back 1 Bloomin’ Coin! (a virtual currency) for every unique individual you refer to our site. The system gives you a special link that you can give to people. Every time a new person uses it, you can a Bloomin’ Coin!, which you can later use in our Bloomin’ Shoppe! to purchase items. These items will include:

  • Bonus comic strips
  • Character art
  • More stuff! (To be determined…)

Before you can earn Bloomin’ Coins!, you must REGISTER (it’s free and takes only a minute). It does NOT give you access to the Members Area, but gives you an account with us so we can track your coin credits.

Let’s hope you all enjoy this and buy tons of stuff!


How to Use the Bloomin’ Coins Personal Link

Once you’ve registered, you’ll notice in the right sidebar that we’re providing you with a unique personal hyperlink. You can ask people to click on this link and they’ll be redirected to Bloomin’ Faeries! Every time a NEW person (from its own unique IP address) visits Bloomin’ Faeries!, you’re earning a Coin. Get enough coins and you can purchase any of the cool stuff from the Shop section.

CHRISTMAS SPECIAL! Right now and until January 2012, EVERY ITEM IN THE SHOP costs only ONE COIN!


8 thoughts on “Bloomin’ Coins!

  1. When will PortalComic #12 be available for BloominCoins purchase?

  2. I see that it’s there but something is messed up, can’t buy/download it.

    1. ‘Kay, I’ll look into this tonight.


    2. Can you try it now? There’s been a plugin update and I had to make a manual adjustment to a setting. It should work now.


      1. Yup, works fine now. Thanks.

  3. New strip from Cabrera/Navarro (PortalComic). What’s this potion all about? What kind of mischief will it cause our favorite princess? Get your butt to the members area and find out!

    When will it be available for BloominCoins purchase?

    1. Probably around the time I post the next one (before end of June).

      I should note that I plan on terminating the Bloomin’ Coins! some time this Summer. There just aren’t enough people using it, and it hasn’t impacted traffic on the site in any significant way. That’s why I’ve been neglecting the Coins updates in a while, and why I’m thinking of ending it.

      So spend ’em coins while there’s time!


      1. Well, I tried. According to the counter I managed to get 230 or so new visitors. Sadly, retention is out of my hands.

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