Backlog For Sale?


I’m thinking of making the backlog available in the brand new store I’m building, but I’m not sure what to price it. This would include all 409 comics that were given as a reward for the Archivist perk of my Indiegogo campaign 18 months ago.

What do you feel a fair price for all this Bloomin’ Goodness! should be? Write your suggestions in the comment section below.



9 thoughts on “Backlog For Sale?

  1. Since it used to be free for all before it was taken down, and people have saved the strips locally, and it can be found online, I would suggest that “pay what you want” is a good option.

    1. I suppose my question was directed at the people who’ve asked me to make it available for sale. Pirates will pirate, not much I can do about that.


      1. Pirates will not necessarily pirate if they consider the price to be “fair”.

        I did not come here to debate piracy, just to point out that there is a reason that you can see quite a number of “pay what you want” content on TgComics and other sites.

        Anyway, it was just a suggestion.


        1. Offering that option requires that i purchase an upgrade to my commerce solution. It doesn’t seem worth it considering I’m not sure how many sales (if any) I’ll be making from this. It seemed to me like the better option was to ask for a number and see where it went.


  2. Hmm I I’d pay like, $30 for it all?

  3. I’m genuinely not sure what the answer here is, I don’t know what the price for the ‘achivist perk’ was, but I’d say a fair price would be a minimum whatever that added, like.. lets say it was the $25 tier that gave that, and the one below that was $15, then $10 would be the minimum, and ideally you’d charge a bit more so in that example, maybe $15, that way the people who went out of their way to pay for it as an early adopter and supporter got it ‘cheaper’

    I also see you’re posting archived things on patreon, I’m not sure how that works/is working, but it seems if eventually a person could pay $3 to all the way through and enjoy the full backlog, then thinking about that is probably important. “You could buy it on my site for $30, or you could subsribe to patreon for $3 and s pend about half an hour downloading it all’

    1. Thanks for the suggesting. That’s actually a fair way of looking at it, and everybody wins.

      I’ll get started on that.


  4. I have the Archivist perk, but if I didn’t I would be interested in some comics more than others so I might suggest separating them by character/storyline and charging less for a subset. People might then come back for the whole bunch once they’ve had their fill of, say, the nun stories, or maybe Baby.

    1. I’d be curious to hear other readers chime in on this. It’s a significant amount of work (the comics have no tags, so I’d have to manually sort through all of them to prepare something like that). If there’s sufficient interest, I’ll do it maybe starting with characters people are the most interested in).


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