If you’re a $10 backer on my Patreon and haven’t gotten the notification yet, you can find page 5 of Li Fang Fei’s new adventure right here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/li-fang-fei-05-56246835.

If you’re a $10 backer on my Patreon and haven’t gotten the notification yet, you can find page 5 of Li Fang Fei’s new adventure right here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/li-fang-fei-05-56246835.
Backers, it’s time to rush over to Patreon and watch Wondollar work his magic in this outstanding “making of” video of strip #463. patreon.com/bloomingfaeries
This month’s “Vs Autumn” features @jakalovid‘s OC, Jakal (named after himself—something we have in common, huh?). Normally a guy, he frequently gets transformed by his unruly nanites into a (busty) female version of himself. This time, though, it’s a faerie who gets the job done, and if you participated in the poll, you know what’s about to happen. Stay tuned to patreon.com/bloomingfaeries.
Hey, backers! You can now find the latest strip on patreon.com/bloomingfaeries. Is Marie going to get a taste of Alberta’s new…plumbing? Only one way to find out!
Backers, it’s time to rush over to patreon.com/bloomingfaeries and check out the latest strip (#465). You can also check out some free comics at bloomingfaeries.com.
If you’re a $10 backer, it’s time to check out the latest page of the new Li Fang Fei “Cockblocked” story. Go feast your eyes on patreon.com/bloomingfaeries.
What’s happening to Patience?! You surely don’t want to miss out on THAT! Check out https://www.patreon.com/posts/commission-gets-54726605 right now!
This is just a sample of what my $5 & $10 backers are getting on Patreon right now. Since this is August 1, it’s the perfect time to become a backer and get access to all the goodies. Check it all out at patreon.com/bloomingfaeries.
Things are heating up for Red Monika! $10 backers can find out all the juicy details at patreon.com/bloomingfaeries! Art (as always) by @DarkerEve
Oh dear! What’s happening to Red Monika? Only my $10 backers get to find out all the details at patreon.com/bloomingfaeries. Art still by @DarkerEve.
A faerie has some dirty fun with Red Monika. Starting this past Monday & every other day, I’m publishing a sequence of five increasingly naughty pictures at http://patreon.com/bloomingfaeries. Art by @DarkerEve. God, you’re not gonna want to miss that!
Backers, it’s time to rush over to patreon.com/bloomingfaeries for yet another strip! If you’re not a backer, you’ll still get it for free (later this year) at bloomingfaeries.com.