Author: Jaycee
Seven of Nine vs Autumn – After
Backers, it’s time to find out what happened to Seven of Nine after her encounter with Autumn. Check it out right now at
October on Patreon
What’s coming up on my Patreon in October? THIS! ALL THIS! You don’t have to join right away—October 1st is fine. Check it all out at
Baby Gets Stuffed
It’s Baby’s turn to get stuffed by the ghostly shaft that’s been ravaging every girl from the BF-verse, and my $10 backers get all the exciting details at
Li Fang Fei 2 – Cockblocked – Page 5
If you’re a $10 backer on my Patreon and haven’t gotten the notification yet, you can find page 5 of Li Fang Fei’s new adventure right here:
Timelapse #463
Backers, it’s time to rush over to Patreon and watch Wondollar work his magic in this outstanding “making of” video of strip #463.
Jakal vs Autumn
This month’s “Vs Autumn” features @jakalovid‘s OC, Jakal (named after himself—something we have in common, huh?). Normally a guy, he frequently gets transformed by his unruly nanites into a (busty) female version of himself. This time, though, it’s a faerie who gets the job done, and if you participated in the poll, you know what’s about to happen. Stay tuned to
#463 Now on Patreon
Hey, backers! You can now find the latest strip on Is Marie going to get a taste of Alberta’s new…plumbing? Only one way to find out!
Strip #465 available on Patreon
Backers, it’s time to rush over to and check out the latest strip (#465). You can also check out some free comics at
New Li Fang Fei Page on Patreon
If you’re a $10 backer, it’s time to check out the latest page of the new Li Fang Fei “Cockblocked” story. Go feast your eyes on
Patience Loses It!
What’s happening to Patience?! You surely don’t want to miss out on THAT! Check out right now!
Archive Pinup – Brooke
This is just a sample of what my $5 & $10 backers are getting on Patreon right now. Since this is August 1, it’s the perfect time to become a backer and get access to all the goodies. Check it all out at