Book 11: Promotion


To celebrate the (much delayed) release of Book 11, I’m bringing back some special promotions for the Torment of Nicole Swan series:

All of these codes are valid until October 5.

Additionally, if you publish a review of the book on Smashwords and email me to let me know about it, I’ll give you a code to read the next book for FREE!


Members: Book 11 is Out!

The eleventh eBook from the “Torment of Nicole Swan” series, titled “The Pink Pleasure,” is now available in the Members Area.

Warning: for adults only.

Highlights: watch Viktor stand half-naked in front of the girl of his dreams as she inexplicably becomes aroused and her breasts start expanding; watch a calculating lingerie salesgirl get her comeuppance as she suffers a sexual meltdown before Viktor right in the middle of the store.

For non-members, you can get it here:

“I’m doing it.”

Book 11: Coming Up Soon

Book 11 in the “Torment of Nicole Swan” series is long overdue and I must apologize for the delays. Issues in real life (blame the faeries!) have prevented me from working on it as diligently as I would have wished.

It’s coming up, though, and as proof, I’d like to offer a preview of the cover. And also an excerpt (that probably needs another pass of editing, but I hope blood will flow to your genitals and you won’t notice the mistakes).


Madison was finding this flirting tedious and hoped the payoff would be worth it. Then, she felt a wave of dizziness and stumbled forward, catching herself against Viktor’s chest. He wrapped his arms around her and she felt an erotic shiver course through her. She stifled a whimper and pushed herself away from him.

“Sorry,” she said, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment. “Low blood sugar, I guess.”

“No worries,” he said. He stared into her eyes and something about the way he looked at her sent waves off molten heat inside her pussy and nipples. What was happening to her? Moments ago, she wanted to slap his grin off his face, now she was getting moist just being near him. She fought for control and focused on the sale.

“So,” she said with a glint of mischief in her eyes, “how big did you say your girlfriend was again?”

Her eyes dropped to her boobs and rose to meet his again. It was a blatant invitation to check out her tits, but he didn’t take the bait. How could he not check out her tits?!

“I don’t know exactly,” he said, his gaze even. The sound of his voice–and his complete lack of interest in her breasts–was driving her crazy. Her nipples, which were normally soft and numb, now tingled with excitement. She could feel them hardening beneath her shirt. Time to step it up, she decided. She flattened her shirt and hefted her boobs as if to offer them to him.

“As big as these, maybe?” she said with a playful giggle.


Jaycee’s Quickies #007

The latest strip is online!

All right, so I had been speeding a little. Not a crime, right? (Well, it’s illegal, but not criminally illegal, right?) Anyway, that overzealous police officer decided she hadn’t met her weekly quota or something, and flashed her lights to get me to pull over. I did, seeing as I’m a good citizen and all. Attitude and Minx were hovering near me.

“You’re not very good at this, are you?” Attitude said, giving me a critical look.

Minx landed on my shoulder and stood on her tiptoes looking behind the car in the direction of the incoming officer.

“Oh! The officer’s approaching,” she announced. “And guess what? It’s a SHE!”

I rolled down my window, hoping my helpfulness would score me some points. Moments later, the female officer leaned in, looking at me from behind her sunglasses. She was a ‘SHE’ all right! Her shot-sleeved blouse was straining to contain what had to be an impressive set of knockers.

“Sir? You were going 20 above she speed limit,” she declared. I could just hum and haw… She continued, unperturbed. “I’m going to ask you to step out of the car, please.”

Her breasts were voluminous and hypnotic, and I couldn’t stop staring at them while I opened the door and stepped out. I really wanted to look at her face, but those puppies enthralled me. They looked properly packed in a tight bra to avoid unprofessional bouncing, but I just knew they had to be magnificient.

“I’m doing to need to see your papers, sir,” she continued, her tone irritated.

Before any of you get on my case about what happened next, let me confess right away–yes, I should have STOPPED staring at her breasts. It wasn’t right. But they were so perfect I couldn’t take my eyes off them.

“Wow…” I murmured, trying hard not to look or sound like a lech.

“Sir?!” she said, her irritation going up one notch.

I kept staring.

“All right,” she snapped. “I’ve just about HAD IT with these stares!”

She forcefully grabbed me by the shoulders, spun me around and slammed me on the hood of my car, one arm locked behind my back.

“It’s like you men just can’t think about anything else!”

To be fair, when presented with spectacular breasts like these, she was right. I, for one, could not think about anything else.


Marie Figurine Update

Hey everyone!

Following up the poll I did a few weeks ago, it’s clear that the more popular character to turn into a figurine is Marie, so that’s what’s going to happen.

I’ve asked Wondollar to prepare a model sheet for Marie in preparation for the “Marie Figurine Project.” I thought I’d share this with you, for those of you who are interested and excited about this project. Please note that this is just a model sheet, that’s not the final position she’s in. The model sheet will be used by a 3D artist to create the model, which will then be posed to create a very sexy figurine.


You can click on the image to get a full-size version.

I’m hoping to have more details to show in the next few weeks.

“I’m doing it.”

Jaycee’s Quickies #006

The latest strip is online!


The moment she felt Blake’s fingers push inside her, Louise erupted in helpless orgasm.

“Yes! Yessssss!” she screamed at the top of her lungs.

Blake’s expression was a combination of shock and disbelief.

From a distance, Martine and I heard the ecstatic noises. I was lying back against my busty girlfriend, my head nestled comfortably between her boob-pillows. We turned to see what that ruckus was all about.

“Well,” I murmured, “SOMEONE’s having a good time.”

“Sure looks like it–” Martine started.

She didn’t finish her sentence. We were both interrupted by a soccer ball hitting the side of my face with a loud “WHAP!” As I was knocked unconscious, the ball bopped a few times on the grass, then rolled away. It was Minx’s tiny hand that finally stopped its motion.

“Sorry!” came a female voice.

Martine looked at Minx with a knowing smile.

“Again?” she asked.

Minx nodded. “Again.”