Sneak peek of #313.
“I’m doing it.”
You might have noticed already, but if not, just know I’ve added a link to my Pinterest board of “Babes & Pinups” in the right sidebar of this page.
I’m constantly adding new images that I think are sexy and stimulating (to me, anyway). There are almost 6,000 images already, and although they are technically Pinterest friendly, I think you’ll find them titillating with just a little bit of imagination. You might even want to save some to your “personal” stash, who knows? 😉
Just another service here at Bloomin’ Faeries!
“I’m doing it.”
So now I have a choice: walk around blind as a bat or with an hard bat. (See what I did there?)
As mentioned yesterday, Attitude’s enchanted my glasses to see through people’s clothes. I’d ask her (nicely) to remove it, but she’s gone missing. Minx’s no help, she can’t remove Attitude’s spells–she doesn’t have the magical chutzpah to do it, and even if she did she wouldn’t dare. So I’m stuck walking around looking at naked people all day.
Well, not totally naked. I DO see they are wearing clothes, but it’s as if they’re only there at 10% transparency. I can roughly tell what they’re wearing, but it’s very faint. Their naked bodies, however, are 100% visible.
Take Jo, for example. She came in this morning wearing long black pants, a yellow long-sleeved shirt and suspenders. I can also tell she’s wearing a black bra and nice matching underwear (I wonder if it’s the same that Minx enchanted last week…). Very nice choice in clothing, but all I can focus on are her perky boobs, tight pink nipples, and the fact that she shaves all of her public hair. (Is that a general habit or does she do this for a special someone? Maybe Sam?)
This morning, she was asking me something and it startled me. I was imagining running my tongue between her legs and it had given me a huge boner. I had to ask her to repeat the question. She wanted to know if I was fine, I was looking a little pale this morning. Considering where most of my blood was flowing, that wasn’t too surprising. I said I was fine, nothing to worry about, just lack of sleep.
“Martine keeping you up all night,” she said with a laugh.
I choked a little and tried to smile. “Yeah, something like that.”
Okay, so she’s hinting at my sex life, now? Looks like we’re becoming more than just colleagues. And looking at her aura, she seems… “friendlier” toward me.
Just ducky.
“I’m doing it.”
It was bound to happen. Heck, I’m shocked Attitude didn’t do it before.
I’ve mentioned several times before that faerie magic can’t really affect me, not without the faerie making tremendous efforts to make the spell stick–and even then, it’s not going to be for very long. The problem is, that immunity (or, for you gamers out there, that magical resistance) only applies to my self, not to objects I’m using or wearing. Like my glasses.
I should back up.
Last night, Attitude was in one of those moods. She had spent most of the day (or, at least, claims that that’s what she did) discreetly following Jo around to see if she could find out more about the Unknown Faerie that might be affecting her. That apparently did not go according to plan and she came back home fuming. Maybe my tone was a bit too cheerful, but she did not like my encouragements and told me to shut up. I may have made things worse by rolling my eyes and giving her some sass (“Well, excUUUUUse me for caring.”). She just snapped, turned in my direction, and flung a spell like a pitcher throws a baseball. It hit me squarely between the eyes, leaving me momentarily dizzy before my “immunity” dissipated the magic. It was only this morning, after I left my place, that I discovered what she’d done.
My glasses now see through everyone’s clothes. EVERYONE’S.
It wasn’t so bad standing near a total hottie and (discreetly) ogling her assets and hoping she didn’t notice my raging hard-on, but the chubby and hairy bus driver was a big turn off.
It was much, much worse at the office, sitting across from Jo and watching her type emails on her computer with complete professionalism, unaware that through my glasses, she was stark naked. (And the boobs on that girl are spectacular, let me tell you.)
I sported a rather big boner all afternoon. I was glad she had to leave on time. I made up some excuse that I had to stay a bit longer to wrap up some projects, so I had time to “calm down” before leaving.
I don’t know if I’ve mentioned this before, but spells cast on inanimate objects tend to be easier to do and last longer. So I don’t know how long I’ll be able to see through everyone’s clothes this way…
“I’m doing it.”
Straightened things out with Jo yesterday. She wasn’t upset with me or anything, it had just been a long week, she said, and she hadn’t gotten enough sleep over the weekend, so she was feeling unwell on Sunday. (That’s how she justified looking and feeling somewhat out of sorts at the end of the night, thanks to Attitude’s arousal spell.) Then Sam offered to take her back home and she accepted. According to Jo, he dropped her and left, and that’s the official story.
Except that I’m sure it isn’t. Attitude’s arousal spells are pretty potent (I speak from experience!) and there’s no denying them. When they take hold of you, you just gotta go through with it. So it’s more likely that Sam did accompany Jo back to her apartment and they had wild freaky sex for however long that spell lasted. So unless she has incredible willpower (and, not knowing what she’s fighting, she’s not likely to have resisted it), she DID sleep with Sam.
And is probably feeling “buyer’s remorse.” And she probably suspects I wasn’t duped by her story, and might be worried about her reputation at work.
But if the Unknown Faerie is really at work, here (though nothing’s happened since the underwear incident 2 weeks ago), that kind of gossip is probably the least of her concerns right now.
“I’m doing it.”
Last week, I talked about how Martine & Jo went out shopping together. Apparently, Martine really likes spending time with Jo. (It may have to do with the fact that whenever she looks at Jo, I send little jolts of pleasure to her ladybits, I dunno… Heh heh…) Anyway, on Friday, Martine suggested Jo come to dinner with us last night, and she said yes. At first she politely declined, but Martine (sensing Jo didn’t want to feel like a third wheel) said there’d be other people, and we’d be playing boardgames, so Jo said yes. Martine had invited a few of her friends from work: Dave (a DJ), Sam (the bartender) and Nina (one of the new strippers at the club; she’s from out of town and doesn’t know too many people).
The night went pretty well. It was at my place, but because we were a big “crowd” (by faerie standards), Minx and Attitude mostly stayed away. I’m saying “mostly” because near the end of the evening, when we had perhaps imbibed more alcohol than we should have, we got a bit loud and boisterous (we were playing Exploding Kittens), and I think Attitude got fed up with us. She cast some spell on everyone (which, I learned later, was some kind of laughter-activated slow arousal curse). Things quieted down as everyone (except me) got gradually horny and their minds drifted to what they wanted to do to their neighbor (we were sitting alternating guy & girl). After about an hour of this, Dave offered to take a very aroused Nina home, and Sam gave Jo a lift.
This morning at work, I’m finding Jo very standoffish. Maybe she’s got some tough projects to handle, or maybe she’s embarrassed about last night. I’ll try to find out which one it is…
“I’m doing it.”
I’ve got fun news for you all! Brad Guigar (author of Evil Inc.) and I did a small content swap. While Brad is very well known for his excellent (and family-friendly) Evil Inc. comic, he’s also doing some NSFW work that’s just as good. If you’re a member of Bloomin’ Faeries!, I’ve got a treat for you: the first 9 pages of his Captain Scarr: Space Pirate series.
If you’re not a member, or if you want to go directly see what Brad’s been up to, I strongly encourage you to go check out his Patreon page (that’s where all the goodies are):
Not only will you find more Captain Scarr pages there, you’ll also get to read some of his very adult and hilarious “Evil Inc: After Dark” content. I promise, it’ll make you chuckle no matter how grown up you think you are.
“I’m doing it.”
The cop quickly reached the peak of her pleasure and came hard against me, groping her breasts and screaming at the top of her (most healthy) lungs.
“YAAAAAH! Coming!”
I held on to her as best I could before she collapsed on top of me, exhausted.
Meanwhile, in the car, Minx and Attitude were contemplating what had just happened with very different emotions.
“Wow,” Minx mumbled, “that was fast.”
Attitude grinned wolfishly. “Jaycee has a short fuse, you know that,” she said. [For the record, I do NOT have a short fuse –Jaycee] “And she… needed that pretty badly.”
“Aahahh… Mmh…” the cop said. I could only moan in response.
“Okay,” Attitude continued, grabbing hold of my iPhone. “Let me see this video.” Then her expression changed to anger and shock. “HEY! THAT’S NOT RIGHT!”
“What’s wrong?” Minx asked.
The image on the phone screen was that of a smiling Minx. Attitude turned bright red with fury.
“It’s a video of YOU! You used the FRONT camera, not the BACK one!”
“Oh…” Minx said, her voice barely audible. “I’m… sorry…”
Attitude flew away, hands balled into fists, muttering to herself.
“Of all the useless! That’ll teach me to lend a hand when I know better…”
And that, as they say, was that. Was this a trick on Minx’s part or an innocent accident? Who knows. But I’d like to think Minx might not be as clueless as we all think…
Friday, I had a surprise visit from Martine. She came to my office around lunch time to drop some sushi she’d bought for me.
Unfortunately, she arrived just as I was daydreaming (read: having sexual fantasies) about Jo. My colleague barely acknowledged Martine’s presence, but Martine (who’s my thrall) was kind of affected by my fantasies. It took only a few seconds for my arousal to transfer to her, and she began talking to Jo with the practiced ease of a stripper charming a mark. I don’t think Jo’s interested in girls, but that’s not the kind of thing that gets in Martine’s way.
In about 10 minutes, Martine had convinced Jo she needed new shoes and they agreed to go shopping over the weekend. They ended up buying several pair of shoes, and also (so Martine says) a number of lingerie articles that should make me a very happy man. (Well, those Martine bought anyway, there was no conversation about sampling Jo’s purchases…)
“I’m doing it.”
Something just came through my inbox last week: some fan art of Albert and Heather (in their most recent incarnations), done by artists Bittenhard and Rook, from their Holy Knight Nadia Patreon page. They did it at the request of one of their top backers and were courteous enough to send it my way. If you think you like their art, feel free to visit their Patreon page.
I’m including this piece in the “Bloomin’ Art!” gallery. If you or someone you know has some Bloomin’ Faeries! fan art and wants to send it my way, I’d love to have a look at it.