Well, I’m in trouble!
Last Wednesday, I guessed (half-correctly) that my voice had an effect on Jo. I was going to talk to her that afternoon, but she took the rest of the day (and, it turns out, the rest of the week) off. I told Martine, who reached out to her. Jo didn’t tell her much at that time, just that she had some personal issues and might drop by Martine’s apartment at a later time to tell her about it.
Saturday night, I was at Martine’s place myself and we were on the couch, watching TV and fooling around a little. (It’s never hard to get Martine in the mood–she’s got a strong libido to start with, and since she’s my thrall, my sexual mood becomes her mood most of the time.) But then, just as we were getting in the swing of things, the doorbell rang. Martine asked through the intercom who it was–it was Jo! Martine buzzed her in and, while Jo was climbing the stairs to her apartment, she told me to hide in the closet. I was able to hide just in time before Jo entered the apartment.
They sat in the living room and (after Martine served her some red wine), Jo started talking. I couldn’t see them but I could hear them perfectly well. Jo jumped right into the topic and I could hear there was some distress in her voice. She talked about some piercings that literally APPEARED on her overnight, without her remembering how she’d gotten them. She didn’t get drunk or anything, or at least couldn’t remember any of it. But that wasn’t the part that troubled her, it was the way they VIBRATED when she heard MY voice.
Martine pretended to be puzzled. Her Jaycee’s voice? That didn’t make sense. Jo agreed, but insisted it was true. She told Martine about what had happened on Wednesday and Martine kept pretending to be skeptical. Hidden in my closet, I could imagine my voice making Jo very horny at inopportune moments, and that got me a bit hot–which in turn got Martine hot, enough so that she seemed to choke on her wine. She reassured Jo she was fine, but I knew she was getting aroused. Her sexual imagination was probably at work when she suggested to test Jo’s hypothesis. If it was my voice that triggered the rings, she wanted to see it at work for herself. She had saved several of my voice messages on her iPhone. All she had to do was play one of them, and they’d see, right? Turn it on, then off, then on again, and it would be all the proof she needed. Jo agreed.
The moment my voice message played, Jo let out a little whimper. Then: “What are you doing?” Martine answered she was checking for vibrations. I realized Martine was probably groping Jo’s breasts. The image of my busty girlfriend groping another girl (my co-worker) got me even hotter, and consequently Martine’s arousal went up a few notches. I’m guessing her clinical examination turned into more gentle, erotic caresses, and Jo’s whimpers turned into moans. Martine asked if the ring between her legs was vibrating too, but Jo said nothing. Martine told me later that she slid a hand down there to check, and the moan that followed was even louder.
Damn it! I knew where this was headed and I couldn’t see any of it, except in my mind. (And I can assure you, what was going on in my mind was the stuff of legends!) And sure enough, though my voice message ended, Jo was excited enough that she didn’t stop Martine. There were a few weak verbal protests, but Martine assured her I wouldn’t know, and even if I did, I wouldn’t mind or care.
They went at it for almost half an hour, undressing and kissing and licking and caressing and fingering each other, until many orgasms had been achieved on each side. And then they cuddled and talked some more, and HELL, they ran ANOTHER test using another voice message (at Jo’s request, by the way!), and they had sex again.
All that time, remember that I was stuck in a tiny closet, forced to be silent and endure the torment of being so close to the action, yet so far. Also, I had a burning need to pee, which I had ot hold in until Jo left (which took about 2 hours).
So it’s confirmed, my voice indirectly causes Jo to be horny. And it’s confirmed, Attitude has nothing to do with this, so whoever’s behind this, it can’t be good.
“I’m doing it.”