Blog: Jo’s Rings (IX)

Wow. When she came in this morning, Jo was wearing a pencil skirt. With high heels. And long legs that just stretched forever. She got into our office, closed the door, and walked to me. Without a word, she spun my chair so I’d face her, then straddled my lap. Her skirt rode up to her hips and I saw she was wearing sexy black underwear (probably expensive stuff considering how little fabric it had). Still in silence, she slowly thrust her hips back and forth against my crotch and leaned in to kiss me, arms around my neck. I had a very nice glimpse of her cleavage before our lips met.

The kiss was shorter than I would have liked, but enough to get me aroused. She separated us, then grabbed the back of my head and drove it between her warm, bountiful breasts. I mumbled something in protest, but all that came out were muffled sounds. Then she got up and walked away, leaving me wanting more.

As she sat, she shot me a look I couldn’t quite decipher. For sure, she wasn’t very aroused, just a little. Her voice wasn’t hostile, but her tone was firm.

“You ever pull a stunt like Friday again, I’ll make sure your balls are blue all day long.”


I was pretty silent all morning, I can guarantee you that.

“I’m doing it.”

Blog: A New Thrall

I haven’t mentioned this, but for the last 2 weeks, I’ve been shopping for a new condo. This morning, I met with a sales rep named Karine who had a unit left to sell in a new development that’s being built in my area. Young, fairly short woman, blond hair and a friendly demeanor. She was wearing a loose wool shirt and a big scarf that looped twice around her neck and hung in the front.

I was a good boy and maintained eye contact, but I became quickly convinced there was something under that shirt she didn’t want to show so she’d be taken seriously. When she was looking away (or staring at the floor plans of my future condo), I glanced at her chest and confirmed there were some nice fleshy orbs hidden in there. One of them was even lying heavily on the table as she leaned forward to point something on the plan.

But that’s not the “fun” part. The fun part is that she’s a thrall, one of these women that are mysteriously compatible with me and whose arousal levels I can manipulate. So as I noticed that heavy breast pushing against the table, I did some pushing of my own and triggered in her what must have felt like inexplicable sexual arousal in her boobs. I couldn’t see her nipples harden, but I know they did. She stammered and blushed, but managed to keep her voice steady despite the rising heat she felt. I kept it at a low but distracting level and enjoyed the next fifteen minutes as she squirmed and fidgeted on her chair. We finished our meeting and I promised I’d get back to her soon. When we shook hands, I sent a strong thrill through her as a parting gift. I’m sure she was very thankful (her face certainly was very red).

I think I’ll bring Martine for the next visit and see what hapens… 😉

“I’m doing it.”

Blog: Jo’s Rings (VIII)

Yesterday, Jo finally showed up to work around 10AM. She immediately sat at her computer and avoided looking at me. She was red faced with shame, but (more interestingly), her aura gave off burning signals of arousal. She texted me through the internal messaging system.

“Don’t talk to me! I should report you to HR for sexual harrassment.”

“I suppose you could,” I wrote back, “but it’d kind of be hard to prove I’ve done anything, right? You invited my girlfriend to your place and had sex with her.”

She looked up at me and glared, but I could detect a small jump in her already-high level of arousal. She held my gaze as if waiting for something. Maybe an apology? Or something else?

I decided to make a gamble on “something else.”

“Get up,” I said out loud, holding her gaze.

She started, probably feeling the rings’ effects on her sensitive bits. She squirmed in her chair, not following my command.

“Look,” I said, “I can keep this up all day. You’re going to have to get up at some point, and the longer you wait, the longer I talk and the more… difficult it’s going to be for you…”

She let out a whimper, then tried speaking, but all that came out were moans. Her arousal shot straight up and I thought she was going to climax right on the spot.

“S-stop,” she managed to blurt out. She lifted herself off her chair with effort, her legs trembling, her thighs pressed together. “Oh my fuck…” she said, shutting her eyes and trying to maintain control.

I just watched her for a few moments, this tall, beautiful girl, full of lust and unable to do anything about it. I realized I wanted to have sex with her, and she with me.

“Tell me what you want,” I ordered. “Tell me the ONE thing you’d like me to do to you right now, if we weren’t at work.”

Her breathing was heavy and her forehead was covered by a sheen of sweat. She shook her head, biting her lower lip and raising one hand to grope her left breast.

“Tell me,” I insisted. “I’m going to keep on talking until you–”

“Fuck me!” she blurted out. “Fuck my ass against the wall!”

The thought brought her over the edge. She gripped the edge of her desk with both hands and gritted her teeth as her body was rocked by a small orgasm. She squirmed and moaned, then sat down again, eyes shut, trying to catch her breath.

I let her sit there for a moment until she opened her eyes again and looked at me.

“Fuck you,” she whispered.

I don’t know if that was a threat or a promise, but I’m sure I’ll find out shortly.

“I’m doing it.”

Format Change

Hi everyone,

A few weeks ago, I polled you to find out whether the comic should stick to the current 4-panel format, or go more “long-form.” I was originally thinking a “standard” comic book page, but seeing as this is online, some of you correctly pointed out I could do anything I wanted, perhaps using a format similar to 2/3rd of a page. The important part of the format change wasn’t so much the number of panels, but the kind of story and narrative style I’d be using. The long-form comic wouldn’t be about weekly punchlines, but rather advancing the storyline in a more fluid, entertaining manner.

Over 85% of you supported that choice.

So at some point in the coming months, once Wondollar and I have worked out the timeline, you can expect the format to change, and the narrative to be more about the story arc & less about the weekly gag (though there’ll still be a few).

Thanks everyone for voting. I’m hoping this will make Bloomin’ Faeries! more attractive to all of you.

“I’m doing it.”

Blog: Jo’s Rings (VII)

So, last night… Yup, Jo and Martine got together (at Jo’s place). I wasn’t there, but Martine told me everything after the fact (I did have to trigger a few orgasms to get it out of her, but I suspect that was her plan all along).

Here’s the message I left on Martine’s phone.

“Hey Mart, are you two ready to go? Good. Hey Jo, yeah, I know what’s going on. I’ve known for a little while and I think it’s really hot. I love the idea of you banging my girl, I can just see the two of you in my head, going at it, and it’s very hot. Martine just texted me about 30 seconds ago, just before starting this message, so right at this moment, I’m imagining what’s going on. If I know Martine (and trust me, I know her), she’s probably getting very worked up right now. Look at her. Her face’s probably pretty flushed and her nipples are all hard, right? Yeah, thought so. She’s probably starting to squirm and getting real excited. It won’t be long before she comes closer to you and starts taking off your clothes. I’m thinking it’s happening now.

“I just want you to know whatever’s going on, it’s okay. I’m fine with it. In fact I’d like you to rip her clothes off right now and take her like she’s your personal sex slave. She’ll do anything you want. She’s so horny right now, she’s probably barely thinking. Let’s take this one step further: I’m going to give you instructions for the next half hour, and I want you to do to Martine exactly what I tell you to do. I promise, it’ll be good for the both of you.”

I don’t have time to transcribe everything in great detail, but it instructed Jo to perform oral sex on Martine while pleasuring herself with her hands, then lie face down, ass up, offering herself to Martine, then there was scissoring involved, double dildos and all sorts of depravities that I spent most of the afternoon yesterday conjuring up. Since Martine texted me, I timed her arousal and reactions accordingly, and all went according to plan.

When she arrived to my place late evening last night, Martine gave me all the details and said she tried counting Jo’s orgasms, probably over half a dozen. She herself probably had eight or nine, so she might have lost count at some point…

And right now, Jo’s late for work, so I don’t know what’s going to happen next.

“I’m doing it.”

Blog: Jo’s Rings (VI)

Monday night, I discovered that Martine has been “cheating” on me with Jo. Apparently, after that thing with my voice messages, she and Jo tried it a few more times with (she says) pretty sexy and spectacular results. When I asked for her to give me the details, she said (with a big grin) she didn’t kiss and tell and looked at me with mock defiance (and, I could tell, a fair bit of sexual arousal). So I gave her what she wanted: a thorough “interrogation” (using orgasmic torture). It lasted a good half hour and by the end, she was lying on the floor, her clothes torn off, sweaty and panting–and asking for more. I said no, I had another “punishment” in mind.

All of yesterday, when I knew she wasn’t driving, I cranked up her arousal to near orgasmic level, but also prevented her from coming. It would only last a few minutes, but I did it every hour or so. Last night, when she got to my place, she didn’t say a word and pretty much tore my clothes off and jumped me. And she also admitted her “crimes” with Jo, going in great detail about the pleasure they gave each other.

The short version is that Jo is the one who asked her to do this again (and again…). And if I rely on Martine’s description of the (multiple) events, she’s spiraling into depravity, each session and request becoming dirtier and kinkier. Their last encounter (Sunday), she even asked Martine to wear my clothes and a dildo while playing one of my voice messages.

Apparently, Jo’s requested another meeting tonight. Funny, she’s sitting right across from me right now and you would never be able to tell what’s going on.

I think I’ll prepare a special message for Martine to play tonight. I may even “play” with Martine from a distance, who knows… I’ll tell you how it went later.

“I’m doing it.”

Blog: Jo’s Rings (V)

It was just a matter of time before it happened. This morning, our boss Chris came into our office and wanted to talk to both of us to brainstorm about how to deal with unreliable freelancers. Both Jo and I have struggled with freelance writers who promise they’ll be on time, but fail to deliver; Chris wanted to involve us in finding creative solutions to address the issue.

So he stood next to our whiteboard and led the discussion. Jo and I glanced at each other; we both knew this was going to be trouble. While he wasn’t looking, she frowned at me and gestured for me to be silent, to which I nodded. I let her throw a lot of ideas while I nodded approvingly or shrugged, and occasionally allowed myself a slight grunt to avoid being completely mute. I was hoping it wouldn’t affect her too much and avoid making me look suspicious. After a while, though, it was inevitable that Chris would realize I wasn’t contributing much, and he looked at me with disappointment.

“You haven’t suggested anything, Jaycee. Come on, give me something.”

I shrugged, then sighed like this was a real tough question. I scratched my head, looked around searching for an idea, and otherwise pretended I was an idiot.

“I know you have an opinion on this, you’ve been nagging me about this issue for the last six months. You can’t bail on me now.”

Yeah, that wasn’t going to work. Chris was like a dog with a bone, he wasn’t going to let this go. I glanced apologetically at Jo.

“Well,” I said, “Jo’s pretty much given you all the ideas I had. We’ve had that brainstorm two days ago.” I spoke quickly, hoping that doing so would minimize Jo’s… discomfort. I could see from the corner of my eye she was fidgeting and her breath was quickening, but she seemed to have herself under control.

“What?!” Chris said. “You to have already done this and you’re letting me go like an idiot?” He looked at me in silence, waiting for my response.

“Ah… Sorry,” I said, hoping he’d give me an earful but ask nothing else.

Then my phone rang. I wasn’t going to pick up, but Chris pointed at it.

“Answer it, we’ll finish this right after.”

I looked at the call display before picking up. It was Greg, one of my less reliable freelancers. Talk about coincidence!

“Hey Greg,” I said. “What’s up?” I was hoping he had a quick yes/no question, but no, that wasn’t the case. He wanted to discuss the finer points of the creative direction of the article he was writing for us and wanted my advice on what to do. If I didn’t have that conversation now, he’d be even later than he already was, so I had no choice but to answer his questions. I tried to be succint, but clearly not enough. Across from my desk, Jo was clearly struggling, head bowed and shivering stronger with each passing moment.

I looked at Chris. He had his back to us and seemed to be reviewing the ideas on the whiteboard. As I kept talking, I looked at Jo, hoping to make eye contact, but she was looking intently at her keyboard, teeth clenched, hands grasping the edge of her desk. I think I could see her nipples though her blouse. This had to be driving her crazy.

Finally, Chris turned back to face me and gestured for me to speed it up a little. I shrugged helplessly, pointing at the phone with quiet desperation. I mouthed “It’s Greg” as a manner of explanation. Greg’s well known for his long phone calls, so Chris nodded in understanding. Then he noticed Jo, who by then was squirming very visibly in her chair.

“Jo, you okay?” he asked.

Jo nodded, swallowing. “G-gotta go to the bathroom,” she said. She got up and hurried away. I noticed her her butt cheeks looked clenched and tight as she left the office.

I was able to finish the phone call pretty quickly after that and finished things off with Chris. I gave him some kind of bogus explanation about having had the brainstorm, not wanting to make him feel like we were doing things without him so that’s why we were letting him go on. He told me to tell him anyway next time, he liked our sense of initiative and wanted to see more of that. He left before Jo returned, a good half hour later. I don’t know how much of that time she spent masturbating, but I imagine she came pretty fast and just needed some time to regain her composure.

She and I didn’t speak for the rest of the day. I think she made an appointment with Chris to talk about a separate office. I can’t blame her.

“I’m doing it.”

Blog: Jo’s Rings (IV)

On Monday, Jo walked into our office and closed the door. She put a vertical finger across her lips in a gesture to tell me to be silent.

“Martine told you, didn’t she? Just nod or shake your head, be silent!”

She looked at me with authority, and I’ll admit I was a bit intimidated. This, remember, is a girl who can break planks with her bare hands. Maybe my voice can bring her to her knees if I talk long enough, but she can probably punch my throat in before the arousal sets in.

So I nodded. No use lying, she’s too smart for that.

“Yeah, I figured she would. Look, I don’t know why ANY of this is happening, but whatever it is, it’s sick and perverse! You have to make it stop.”

I raised my hands and shoulders in a shrug of innocence. This isn’t my doing, I can’t UNDO it. She understood what I meant.

“That doesn’t really help me, does it? We work in the SAME OFFICE! What am I supposed to do?”

I gestured for her to sit at her computer and wiggled my fingers in the air like I was typing on an invisible keyboard. If I was going to be silent, we could at least talk through the internal messaging system. She picked up on that too and nodded. Moments later, we continued the chat through our computers.

“We can talk through Messenger,” I typed.

“Yes,” she answered, “but what about when someone comes in to talk to you? Or when you answer a phone call?”

“Well,” I replied, “then you’ll be a sexy noodle twisting in your chair?”

She glared at me over the computer screen. Okay, not funny, got it.

“Sorry. Yeah, that’ll be a problem. Maybe you can excuse yourself when that happens and get out of the office?”

She looked dubious.

“I need a separate office.”

“There’s none,” I replied. “We’re already beyond capacity.”

“Dammit!” she exclaimed. At least ONE of us could use her voice. “Well, we’ll just have to figure it out. In the meantime, just shut up as much as you can.”

“Sure,” I typed. “But can you at least tell me how this all got started? It’s pretty weird, you have to admit.”

“Not now,” she said. Our boss was coming to see me for our morning update, so she excused herself and left the room.

We haven’t spoken a word to each other in 2 days… It’s pretty awkward in here…

“I’m doing it.”