Blog: A New Thrall (IIIa)

So I’m sitting here in the cafe, waiting for Karine, and she’s late. She somehow got confused (bless her pretty blonde little head) and had booked the meeting for 4:15PM instead of 3:15PM like we’d agreed by email.

So now she’s on her way, but I’m still waiting. As I’m typing this, I’m reaching out to her body and increasing the sensitivity of her breasts. I’m going to double it every 5 minutes and when she gets here, I’ll let it drop by half every 5 minutes.

She better get here fast or we’re going to have a very “interesting” meeting. 🙂

“I’m doing it.”

Blog: Jo’s Rings (XIII)

I was out of the office yesterday, had to get to a dental appointment that ended up taking most of my day. I probably have to go back on Friday…

But this morning, I got there a little late. Jo was at our office, as usual, and talking to our boss. I nodded to both as I passed them to go sit at my desk. I started reading my email when I noticed one from Jo with a video attachment. My screen is facing a wall, so no one could see it. I made sure the volume was off and played the video. It was a selfie video from Jo who, through some clever cupping, was pushing up her cleavage into the webcam of her laptop. She had some small earbud headphones on and I can only assume she was listening to my voice. She certainly looked aroused enough, and the small tents on the tips of boobs swept any remaining doubt away. I looked over at her, but she and our boss were still engaged in conversation.

Obviously, her boobs weren’t huge, but seeing her push them up into a super-cleavage like that made me wish they were. I found myself imagining them growing one cup size, overflowing from her bra and stretching it to capacity. I imagined they filled her somewhat form-fitting blouse and caused little stretch holes between the buttons at chest level–little sexy holes I could see her bra through.

And then, I swear, it looked like that’s exactly what was happening. Her boobs started expanding. Slowly, but I noticed it. She shifted around on her seat and I could tell she was curving her shoulders a little to hide the inflation she was feeling. Her cheeks turned pink and she looked away at her computer, brushing her hair to hide her embarrassment. She mumbled some excuse that an important email had just come in and she needed to take care of it, and our boss left us alone.

I looked at her. “Are your… you know… are they… getting bigger?”

She nodded quickly and bit her lips. “Yeah… But that’s impossible! That’s crazy! How can that happen?”

She looked around wildly and cupped her breasts as if to stop them from expanding that way. Her arousal was through the roof and I kept imagining her boobs getting bigger still. My gaze must have betrayed my interest and she snapped at me.

“Stop it! If you’re doing this, just stop! I’m going to get in trouble!”

I smiled. “For having super-sized boobs? I don’t think so…”

My voice was still having an effect on her and she whimpered. I kept talking for a little bit, relishing in the sight of this sexy buxom woman rubbing her body and twisting in her chair, then stopped–both the talking and the focus on her growing breasts. It took a few minutes, but everything returned to normal. Her arousal lingered on for a good while later, though, as if she had enjoyed it and wanted it to happen again.

In other news: in a few hours, I’m meeting with Karine to deliver a check for my condo…

Oooh, the possibilities…

“I’m doing it.”

Blog: Jo’s Rings (XII)

This morning, Jo motioned for me to follow her (silently) to the stationery closet. She was wearing the same skirt I’ve seen her wear before, plus a blouse showing more cleavage than appropriate for the workplace. Once we were in the closet, she locked it from inside and unbuttoned her blouse a bit more.

Damn those breasts looked good in that bra!

I could see from her aura (and from her stiff nips) that she was already super excited and just waiting for me to talk. So I did. She moaned and mewed, and squirmed where she stood. In a bold move (for me), I grabbed her into my arms and whispered dirty suggestions in her ear (things I’d like to do to her lady parts, among other things). More moaning accompanied by intense shivering and pressing her body against mine.

Screw this, I decided. I kissed her. She pushed her hips against mine, probably to feel how hard I was, then broke the kiss, probably satisfied by the answer.

“Keep talking,” she ordered. So I did. She pulled up her skirt and kept squirming against me. Then she guided my hand between her legs and I knew what she wanted. (I bet you do too.) I slipped my hand in her underwear and pushed two fingers inside her. With my spare hand, I grabbed one of her breasts and freed it from the bra. I tweaked the puffy tips while I kept talking, and she convulsed in pleasure right at that moment.

I thought she was good and done after that, but without a word, she knelt before me and unzipped my pants. She looked up, ordered me to keep talking, and returned her attention to my erection while pleasuring herself with one hand.

A good time was had by all.

Great way to end the week, if you ask me.

“I’m doing it.”

Blog: A New Thrall (IIb)

Sorry I couldn’t finish this yesterday, but I’m sure you’ll understand I had to take the opportunity while it presented itself.

So Karine DID have an appointment with another client. They were sitting on high chairs in a corner of the cafe, facing each other. She’d pulled up her hair in a nice blonde ponytail and I had a great view of her profile (and did I mention how great a profile she has?). I didn’t want to get her into too much trouble with her customer, but wanted something a little bit sexy to happen. I could also tell he “liked” her and (when she wasn’t looking) was stealing glances at her big chest. (She was wearing a big wool sweater, but even that big loose thing couldn’t hide the big knockers beneath it.)

I decided that every time he stole a glance, I’d make her breasts and nipples more sensitive.

After 10-15 minutes of this, her aura was betraying her rising arousal, though she did a good job of hiding it from her client. She eventually folded her arms across her chest and craned her neck right and left in a veiled attempt at controlling her desire. She crossed her legs and squirmed very discreetly. I doubt her client noticed, but I knew she was getting hotter. By the end of the half hour, I had to leave, but by then her breasts were hypersensitive and she must have felt every little brush of the wool shirt over her bra. I could imagine her nipples being very hard and puffy, and she must have been mortified at feeling this way while at work.

I would’ve kept this up a bit longer, but as I said, I had to go to an appointment with my banker, so I couldn’t focus on her anymore.

I hope she made the sale, though…

(P.S. : I told this story to Jo this morning. She wanted me to shut up at first, but her rings soon got her moaning and groping her crotch in hope of resisting her incoming orgasm–she failed.)

“I’m doing it.”

Blog: A New Thrall (IIa)

I’m not joking, you’re going to think I’m making this up, but here I am, sitting at a cafe, waiting for an appointment with my banker in 30 minutes, and who do I run into?

Karine, the busty blonde sales rep for my new condo, who’s meeting a client.

This is going to be fun. I’ll finish this later, for now, I’ve got a thrall to play with…

“I’m doing it.”

Blog: Superbowl at Quebec Broue

Small interlude from my “misadventures” with Jo: yesterday was Superbowl Sunday (but you know that, right?). With Martine and a few friends, we went to this place called “Quebec Broue,” the local version of Hooters. The shooter girl (left) and bartender (right) were wearing nothing but underwear, pasties, and body paint. they were kind enough to pose for a picture, bless their bountiful assets! Thought I’d share it with you.


Needless to say, I ogled them a lot. Martine punched me in the arm, so I made her come.

That was a fun evening. The game kinda sucked, but at least there were lots of boobs around…

“I’m doing it.”

Blog: Jo’s Rings (XI)

I was at work early this morning (big deadline today), so I was pretty busy when Jo came in this morning. I didn’t pay her much attention until I noticed she had closed the door to our office and had come to stand next to my desk and waited without a word. Just like earlier this week, she was wearing a tight skirt.

I looked up at her, but she was staring at the door, as if making sure no one was walking in on us. Her aura showed she was pretty aroused, as many women are when they fantasize about something.

“What is it?” I asked. “I’ve got a deadline, I’m pretty busy.”

She muffled a squeal and leaned a hand against my desk to steady herself. Her eyes stayed fixed on the door.

“Do you… want something?” I asked again.

Her free hand slowly pulled the hem of her skirt up until she bare the junction of her thighs. She was bare! The tiny ring was right there, clearly visible, ready to vibrate at the sound of my voice.

“Ha!” I exclaimed. “Is that what you want?”

She suppressed a moan, her eyes never leaving the door. She thrust her hips just a bit forward.

“You’re actually ENJOYING your… problem, aren’t you? Well, I can’t blame you, I’d probably do the same thing if I had–”

“Rub!” she ordered quickly, her voice breaking as she stopped another moan. She was leaning more heavily against my desk and her breathing was heavy. She was clearly trying to suppress her squirming in case someone walked in on us, but doing a poor job of it.

Rubbing, now, hm? Sure, why not. So I kept talking and slipped my fingers between her thighs, as ordered. I don’t know how long she’d been fantasizing about this, but she was ready, if you catch my drift. I could feel the little ring vibrate hard above my hand and decided to press my palm against it. That elicited a yelp from her and her body grew very tense. I kept my hand there and, within moments, she was over the edge and quaking through a long orgasm.

And it was over. She left the office, no doubt to clean herself up, and returned some time later.

I can only conclude from this that she’s becoming a willing participant in this, whatever this is. Can’t wait to see what happens next…

“I’m doing it.”

Blog: Tuesday Night Happy Hour

There was a Happy Hour last night at a trendy bar near where I work. I went there with a few colleagues (Jo didn’t join us, I’m sure you can imagine why). Attitude had come to work with me, though, and noticed a very hot girl dressed for the hunt, but apparently for the sole purpose of rejecting men who’d approach her. Apparently, her name is Kate and she dresses this way all the time to get free drinks, then shoots down any man who tries to hit on her.

Attitude felt compelled to make her life more… difficult.


“I’m doing it.”

Blog: Jo’s Rings (X)

I left Jo alone most of yesterday (except a “have a good evening” at the end of the day, rewarded by a moan and a muttered “jackass!”), but after reading several comments here, it IS true that I’ve got the upper hand. (Bear in mind, though, that she knows karate, so there’s always that underlying concern that if intimidation doesn’t work, she’ll follow-through with punches and kicks that can break wooden boards.)

But this morning, there was an opportunity for me to do something that was plausible and fun at the same time. We, along with a few other coworkers, got into the elevator at the same time. We work on the 10th floor and there were several stops before that. Some colleagues decided to chat me up and I figured I couldn’t NOT answer. Jo was leaning in the corner, head down, hugging herself and shivering hard until we got to our floor. Because everybody was facing away from her, I don’t think anyone noticed her predicament, but I knew. (Also, it was hard not to notice the intense arousal in her aura.) She made a turn for the bathroom as soon as we were out of the elevator.

She was at her desk 10 minutes later. I sent her a message on the internal messenging system.

“Got yourself off?”

The response came quickly (much like she did, I presume). “Do that again and I’ll end you.”

That was the end of our exchange. Interestingly enough, though, her arousal kept going UP, not DOWN after that, as if she had been fantasizing about something.


“I’m doing it.”