Sorry I haven’t updated you in a few days, it’s just been busy. Very busy. Busy as in, me having way too much fun with Jo.
Let me back it up a bit and explain a few things I’ve noticed about thralls. They’re not the same. Sure, I may affect them in the same way, but how they respond to the stimulus varies a lot based on their personality. Martine, for example, loves being controlled and aroused. She’s very submissive that way. Any time we’ve had arguments before (and those are pretty rare) and I’ve turned her on to end the fight, she embraces it and gets all over me, like sticky honey (yum!). Jo’s different. She’s tenacious, stubborn, and willful. On Friday, when she came into the office, I immediately reached for her libido and jacked up the heat between her legs. She walked as calmly as she could around the table, straddled me, and kissed me. And bit me at the same time, drawing blood. I cut it off and watched her ass while she returned to her chair. She sat down, gave me a sultry look, and rubbed her boobs and crotch while I watched. She stared at me in silence, her message clear: “I’m your plaything, but I’m not your plaything.”
If Martine is honey, then Jo is sriracha sauce (and I love me some sriracha sauce!). I can make her feel incredible (and have several times since Thursday), but she doesn’t surrender to me the way Martine does.
On Friday, I did follow her as she went to the bank and made her boobs extremely sensitive while she waited in line. She looked around and spotted me, her fierce glare promising retaliation. I didn’t want her to have a complete sexual meltdown in the bank, but I kept a steady flow of pleasure going to at least make her whimper and embarrass her a bit. Once she was done, she beelined for me, grabbed me by the hand, and pulled me into a bathroom. She didn’t bother undressing, she just yanked down her underwear, dropped my pants, and impaled herself on me. She pushed my head into her boobs and came quickly. She was done, but I wasn’t. As she dismounted me, I generated searing sexual heat in her groin and watched her animalistic expression as she got back to business. She was fierce and thrust against me with almost primal brutality. Damn that was hot! To see that girl, normally classy and controlled, turn into this beast… it was hot! When I came, she joined me with a second orgasm.
We exited the bathroom quickly after.
Then there was yesterday, where she rolled her chair to my side of the desk, as if we needed to be close to discuss something. She sat upright, but slowly opened her legs wide in front of me. Her skirt slid up her thighs and revealed a very small thong that left nothing to the imagination. I could see she was hot and ready, though it wasn’t my doing. She reached down and rubbed herself, looking at me in defiance. I was too fascinated to stop her or enhance her pleasure, and I suddenly realized she was reaching her orgasm all by herself. I felt it was my duty to make it last a bit longer, and watched with satisfaction as her climax broke the 30-second mark.
Today, she has a lunch meeting with a male client. I think I’ll spice things up a bit…
“I’m doing it.”