I’ve been putting this off for about 4 years and I finally decided to stop procrastinating: very soon now, I’m going to support credit cards (Visa & MasterCard) on this site. This means you’ll be able to subscribe or purchase products this way instead of only relying on Paypal. I’m curious: how many of you weren’t buying comics or subscribing because there was no credit card support?
Below, a poll for site members to help me choose between four scenarios for Jaycee’s Quickies Chapter 6.
“I’m doing it.”
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Here are four stories I’m considering for upcoming chapters of Jaycee’s Quickies:
Jaycee vs the Ill-Mannered Nurse: Jaycee is at the emergency room for a minor finger cut and gets lip service from a very irritated nurse. Minx, who’s with him, enchants her underwear to give her an erotic wedgie. The nurse (in the bathroom) fails to resolve the situation. In parallel, Jaycee (who’s looking for a bathroom) walks in on her (Minx helped with the lock). Sexy ensues.
Jaycee vs the Gym Amazon: Jaycee makes a timid visit at the gym, where lots of buff hotties are working out. He gets hard watching this one particular amazon, who notices his bulge and laughs at him. Hurt, he pleads with Attitude to turn her into a hot/wet/sexy mess, which she agrees to do but with a twist: she puts Jaycee in the amazon’s body and vice versa. Sexy ensues.
Jaycee vs the Beach Bunnies: Jaycee is at the beach, minding his own business when two laughing girls in skimpy slingshot bikinis run past him, spilling drinks and kicking sand on both him & Attitude. As they run away, Attitude turns the first girl in a horny and highly orgasmic lesbian, and the other into a raging hetero with uncontrollably groping hands. Sexy ensues.
Jaycee vs Ivanka: Jaycee (looking awkward in a tux) runs into Ivanka Trump at some fancy event. When she turns out to be very horny and desperate to have sex with him, Jaycee suspects faerie foul play, but once he’s done, he confronts Attitude, who denies having anything to do with it. But with faeries, there’s always a twist.