Now available on Gumroad.
Author: Jaycee
Heather Feeling’ Good
Princess Heather – Vol. 2
Now available on Gumroad.
Princess Heather – Volume 1
Sir Thane – Complete Collection
As of today, I’m starting a big transfer of my shop onto Gumroad. It’s got a great interface and payments are super easy to handle.
First item on the list is good old Sir Thane. I’m making all the comics by RR Pennel (including some stuff that never made it to the website). Only $0.99 while supplies last (which, seeing as they’re virtual, shouldn’t be an issue).

Pin-Up Archive – Leather Heather
Bloomin’ Archive!

The price for the full archive is going from $25 to $35 as of today. If you’re interested in getting the archive at the old price, use coupon JUQKP58Y before January 31st.
Sexy Lara vs Naughty Snake
For my Patreon backers, I commissioned a sexy piece featuring Lara Croft. It was too hot to put on the artist’s studio website, so he modified it to look like this:

If you’re interested, the original is available for purchase from the artist. (The more erotic version is only available digitally on my Patreon.)
Oppai Mousepad Update
I just made a public update for the Heather oppai mousepad. Wanna see what it looks like? Just follow the LINK to my Patreon page (it’s a public post, you won’t have to become a backer to see it).
Li Fang Fei (Complete Collection)
Now available:
This long-awaited product is finally available for purchase. It’s currently 20% of the regular price until Friday, August 14 at 0:00 AM, Eastern Time
Bloomin’ Faeries! Oppai Mousepad
I’ve been toying with the idea of an oppai mousepad for Bloomin’ Faeries! If I were to do one, which character would you like to see featured?
If you don’t know, an oppai mousepad has the picture of a bust of a girl, and the wrist padding coincides with said bust.
ADDENDUM: While it may look like Marie won, I’m also taking into consideration the poll on Patreon, where Heather won by a significant margin. All things considered, it’s an even fight, which is why I’m casting the deciding vote and going with Heather. If you voted for Marie, don’t lose hope: if the sales justify it, I may do another one for Marie. But first things first.
EARN IT Legislation
The TwitterSphere is ablaze with debate on the new EARN IT Legislation that’s being proposed. I don’t know (yet) how much of a dog I have in this race, but it looks like it would take things one step further in making the USA a dystopian police state. While it’s stated goal is to fight child pornography, it could have immense repercussion on your right for privacy (although it’s possible you can trust your government not to abuse its powers).
Whatever your initial reaction, I would urge you to set aside the misinformation you’ll get from social media and read the proposed bill for yourself. It’s here:
Sure, it’s a bit of legalese, but if you make that a standard practice in your life, you’ll be less dependent on the media to form your own educated opinion.
Small price to pay for a healthy democracy, don’t you think?