Character Art Archive

A loyal reader was asking me recently if I was ever going to re-publish the old character art I had in the Members area (before Patreon). I had no real plans for it, but it just occurred to me I could put it on Twitter and trade it for Retweets and Likes. I’m not above a little selfish marketing.

In that spirit, I just posted on Twitter an old picture of Attitude that I’m not even sure was ever published before. You can find it by clicking on the link below:

Here’s the deal: as soon as the post gets either 5 Retweets or 25 Likes, I’m posting another picture. Some of it may be dirty, some of it may not. It doesn’t cost you anything and I get a little visibility in return. Seems like a win-win to me. 🙂



More Leather Heather

Here’s another piece I commissioned a LONG time ago. In the comic, Heather had been transformed into a leather-clad lover (for Aidan). For a while after that, I kinda had a fixation on that look and commissioned a few artists to draw her that way. In this particular case, I’m afraid I don’t remember the artist’s name. His initials are on the picture, so if anyone recognizes him/her, I’d be happy to give proper credit.
