Want to see Maid Marie getting pumped nice and hard like a $5 hooker? Don’t miss this commission in the works at http://www.patreon.com/bloomingfaeries.

Want to see Maid Marie getting pumped nice and hard like a $5 hooker? Don’t miss this commission in the works at http://www.patreon.com/bloomingfaeries.
Backers! Rush over to patreon.com/bloomingfaeries to get the latest strip. Regular readers: that strip will come out on June 1.
At last, a new Li Fang Fei story begins–and I think the first page will tell you where it’s all going. You can find it RIGHT NOW on patreon.com/bloomingfaeries.
For those of you who aren’t on Patreon or follow me on Twitter, you’re missing out on some fun pictures. Last month, Autumn had some fun with Brad Guigar’s Miss Match, a fiery superheroine whose fuse gets “lit” in that way.
This month, it’s Lady Valiant who gets cursed–or more specifically, her hair. Here’s what the “before” picture looks like:
The final result is available at patreon.com/bloomingfaeries.
Hope to see you there.
Here’s something fun: what would happen if Miss Match (from Brad Guigar’s Evil Inc) ran afoul of our favorite resident faerie?
My patreon backers get to choose one of the following results:
To celebrate my favorite fantasy martial artist’s birthday, I’m posting a commission I ordered many years ago and that’s been sleeping in my archives for far too long. As with the previous picture, you can click on the image to see it uncensored on Twitter. As soon as this post gets either 5 Retweets or 25 Likes, I’m posting another picture.
A loyal reader was asking me recently if I was ever going to re-publish the old character art I had in the Members area (before Patreon). I had no real plans for it, but it just occurred to me I could put it on Twitter and trade it for Retweets and Likes. I’m not above a little selfish marketing.
In that spirit, I just posted on Twitter an old picture of Attitude that I’m not even sure was ever published before. You can find it by clicking on the link below:
Here’s the deal: as soon as the post gets either 5 Retweets or 25 Likes, I’m posting another picture. Some of it may be dirty, some of it may not. It doesn’t cost you anything and I get a little visibility in return. Seems like a win-win to me. 🙂