Backers, there’s a new strip available for you on BOM’s the word! (You’ll get it, you’ll see.)

Backers, there’s a new strip available for you on BOM’s the word! (You’ll get it, you’ll see.)
I don’t know about you, but I never get tired of watching Wondollar draw Bloomin’ Faeries! strips. Watch him work at
Want to find out what happens to Peonie (from after encountering a faerie? Check out and watch her “have a cow.” Literally. 😉
Patreon backers already have access to the sketch for strip #452. Don’t be left out, look for it on
Patreon backers get THREE strips a month instead of the two on the website, so if you’re anxious to see how the story is going to develop, go to
If you’re a backer and want to see how Wondollar works, you can find the latest video of the strip on
The new Li Fang Fei story is coming along. Here’s a sample sketch of Page 2. Things are about to heat up!
You’re not going to want to miss out on this great new installment!
Is Peonie going to be turned into a cow-girl? Will her clothes turn to lingerie? Will she develop an impressive, throbbing manhood? There’s a poll going on, and it’s neck and neck between all three options.
Did you know that unlike the website (which is updated twice a month), Patreon backers get THREE strips a month? Why fall behind when you can get all the comics (and more) ahead of schedule?
Patreon backers get a special treat this month: Prince Albert (still a girl) discovering the delights of being a girl. Don’t you wish your girlfriend was hot like him? Find out more at
It’s that time of the month again! Patreon backers get to choose which curse will affect Peonie (from You could be a part of it too!
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