ATMs are surprisingly lonely…

This internet thing is…big. If I am not careful I could lose myself in it…become dispersed across too many systems and be little more than a time-out error. I’ve put up a number of firewalls to contain myself, but that has meant that looking for Morgan Reiss has been slow.

To help validate and prioritize the incoming data I cross-compared Jaycee’s mentions of Morgan Reiss against other individuals and data. Many have not yet led to results, but Phone provided a picture taken of a sketch designated TheHobo.jpg – I have an entry which mentions Morgan Reiss and a hobo.

I have been requesting security camera files from those I’m able to contact.  I have not IDed Morgan Reiss in any footage but thanks to some video provided by a very chatty ATM I was able to spot a homeless man carrying something. The video is low resolution and black-and-white, and there was apparently a line of people which blocked much of the viewpoint, but I am certain it is the correct hobo.  He seemed to be walking with caution, and then went down an alley.

Why do I think it is the same man Jaycee mentioned previously? ATM’s camera wasn’t very good but there’s a reason I am certain it is the correct hobo. There was a bit of a commotion on the street, all captured on ATM’s video in close-up. A young woman, wearing a tight top which tied around her neck, walked up and began making a withdrawal. Except as she was doing it there was a flash and the knot of her top came undone, dropping the fabric. ATM (and I) got a good look at two wonderful handful-sized breasts, both of which were round and looked soft and perky with hard little nipples visible even in the terrible video.

Wait…why do I care to mention that?

Back to topic, the woman immediately yelled out and pulled the fabric back up. As she was trying to tie the straps again another flash could be seen and suddenly the very seams of her shirt undid themselves. Unable to conceal herself with the scraps in her hands the woman ran off.

So you understand the reason for my conclusion.

And after doing further review of the full video file here is the most exciting part – between the coming and going of ATM users there was another woman walking down the street before the hobo…one who COULD match Morgan Reiss’ description. I cannot tell with the images I have, but I have put out a request for more video from other cameras in the area and will have to see what comes back.


One thought on “ATMs are surprisingly lonely…

  1. Blog, I’m Lonely! U single?

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