Art4Ads Contribution: Russell Platt

Let’s all take a pause from the raging chaos that is my life to admire this oh-so-lovely rendition of Princess Heather, courtesy of artist Russell Platt. This came at just the right time, too: I was considering stopping the Art4Ads program, when (yesterday morning, no less!) this just dropped in my mailbox, completely out ofthe blue. So enjoy.

I’m going to make this post “sticky” for a week, so it’s going to stay at the top of the blog section for that time. If you’re here to read the blog, you’ll have to scroll down — sorry! 🙂

(And if you’re an artist, and would like to trade art for ad space, please don’t hesitate to contact me.)

9 thoughts on “Art4Ads Contribution: Russell Platt

  1. BOOOOOBS ( . ) ( . )

    Now I can’t get them out of my head 😐

  2. They are rather spectacular, aren’t they? 🙂



  4. What a spectacular boob-splosion! Heh… she wore a pearl necklace… *wink*

  5. I’d wager the artist has never touched a woman in his life.

    HINT: Nipples are misplaced

  6. As an avid fan of nude women, I can say that all women have mismatched breasts and misplaced nipples! The differences are more pronounced by some than others. in some cases, one cannot tell because the difference is so subtle. Ofcourse, this can be corrected, but is not always, with cosmetic surgery. In photos of magazines, the diference is covered up with makeup and computer enhancement. Besides, in the above rendering, Princess Heather’s breasts are exploding from her dress in a natural, independant fashion, one going upwards, the other to the side. So, bearing that in mind and using a tricorder and a slide rule, we can do the fractal calculus and note that her nipples are indeed placed where they should be! Hooray!!!

    1. Long live tricorders, Trek science, and boobs with physics!!!



  8. Too handle to hot

    iberios, I worship at your feet. You see boobs and go science-geek.


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