Art Contest: And the Winners Are…

Aaaand after MUCH deliberation (and members voting), three winners have been determined. In the event of a tie between any of them, yours truly has made the determination of who the winner was (that was my vote). And now…

3rd Prize 2nd Prize 1ST PRIZE!!!
by “MythComplex” by Lisa “Autumn Nymph” by Chiana Rifici

Payments will be taken care of shortly.

I’d like to thank everyone who participated to this contest! It was great fun organizing it, and even MORE fun watching what you all came up with.


2 thoughts on “Art Contest: And the Winners Are…

  1. I didn’t make it but congratulations to the winners:)

  2. Oh my god! Thank you very much to all the “voters”, I still can’t belive it O__O

    many many many thaaaaaaaanksss again!! And congratz to the others!

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