Another Date With Lana

The date with Lana on Saturday went really well. She had never ice skated before, but she’d used rollerblades, so it wasn’t completely new to her. Her balance was fine, but turning and stopping proved to be a little harder. For my part, there’s enough Canadian blood in me that skating isn’t an issue. Naturally, that was kind of part of the plan. For the most part of the two hours we spent on the ice, I made it my responsibility to steer her and help her stop.

It kind of became an inside joke by the end; Lana would race forward and pick up speed, then mock-cry for help because she couldn’t stop. I’d then race forward and catch her in my arms in the nick of time. (“My hero!” she’d squeal, like a classic movie damsel in distress.)

Needless to say, we had a great time.

We’re seeing each other again tonight.


2 thoughts on “Another Date With Lana

  1. Glad it went so well!

  2. Enjoy this short break while you can Jaycee, you know you’re gonna have faerie trouble soon =P

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