A Word About Content & Taboos

Just so we’re all on the same page: I appreciate everyone’s comments, and I take them to heart. At the same time, this isn’t a popularity contest (we’re not in High School, are we?) and I’m very clear (in my head) about what Bloomin’ Faeries! is and isn’t. Before I started this, I spent a good bit of time defining the parameters of the webcomic. There are stories I want to tell, fantasies I want to explore, and I’m going to do it no matter what. This said, it’s important to me that Bloomin’ Faeries! remains clean to a certain extent. It’s meant to be “family adult” material. I didn’t start this to do close-ups on male/female genitalia or to do money shots. There are plenty of sites that already do that, and probably do it better than I do. BF! is about exploring magically driven sexual fantasies. It isn’t about the sex act itself, but about everything else around it. It’s about arousal, resistance, some level of helplessness, and (to a much lesser degree) morality. Bad people get punished. And we get to enjoy their misery.

So to put a few things to rest: are we going to see ACTUAL incest? No. Am I going to have fun sexually torturing both Heather and Albert through faerie magic? Oh, you BET! So stay tuned if you’re curious. And if you’re not, I understand and respect your position. We can’t always agree on everything. But I hope you’ll stick around, there’s more cool stuff coming up.


6 thoughts on “A Word About Content & Taboos

  1. i plan to be a reader for the life for BF i like the blog more the the comic to be honest and cant wait to hear more about whats going on in your crazy life

  2. I for one, am glad there isn’t going to be actual incest.

    as a woman I love sexy romps much as the next person… but I could never abide by incest (both real and imagined). it’s basically one of three of my biggest no-nos in erotica… (the other two is rape and scat/golden showers).

    The kind of thing you want to do with blooming faeries… well it’s just right up my alley. 🙂

  3. seconded but if its Mind Control its ok so if you have any Mind Control then oh yea lol

  4. love BF saw it on the zombie hunters and been hooked since, love the webcomic and the blogs you lead an entertaining life.
    BF suits me n my pals as our minds are forever in the gutter lol but then again tha three of us are gingers/redheads^^

    KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK….oh and watch out for pixie dust ^^

  5. If you want the stuff bloomin’ faeries doesn’t show, go to shadbase.
    I’m not going to go back there, it is a bit to hardcore for me

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