A Post-Apocalyptic World

Last night, soon after posting my last blog entry, I came to my senses. It took me a few minutes to relive the events of Monday night, and realize it had to be some faerie trick! I mean, I DON’T know how Morgan found herself at La Rose Noire, nor why I would think that it was my plan all along to have a threesome with her and Lana. Or — worse yet! — why I would have wild, non-stop sex with her for over twenty-four hours.

All I know is that there’s no way I’d do anything like this. Someone must have done something to me, either a spell, or faerie dust, or some kind of magic philter, or SOMETHING! I’ve questioned Attitude, who blasted me for always accusing her of everything that goes wrong in my life. She TRIES to do things for me, she says, and I’m just IMPOSSIBLE to work with. And there was a lot of “fae talk” in there that was just gibberish to me, but I got the idea. I don’t think it’s her doing…

And Lana still isn’t picking up my calls.

What a mess!


5 thoughts on “A Post-Apocalyptic World

  1. Called it. Saw this coming from the start…

    If you can believe Attitude (doubtful, but infinitesimally possible), then we most likely have a rogue faerie on our hands. In short, you’re screwed, Jay. Start preparing your last will and testament.

  2. The idea that a rogue fairy might be messing with you may be a possibility. Can’t recall right off if you’ve ever asked Attitude whether she’d know if another fairy was messing with you or not. If not it might be educational to ask her. Don’t ask whether or not another fairy actually is messing with you mind, but only whether or not she’d know if one was. Subtle and cautious is the way to go when questioning fairies, not the direct route.

    However much you may have been influenced by fairy magic yesterday, whether Attitude’s or another fairy’s, not everything that happened can be passed off as fairy influence. Some of what happened was most certainly you. Mind you, you were indeed under the influence of fairy magic, and obviously your thinking and behavior were way outside anything you would normally allow yourself to do, but if you’re honest with yourself I think you’re gonna find that much of what happened was at least something that you wanted to happen, even if you never would have taken it that far while in your right mind. While looking for answers as to how you wound up in such a situation don’t forget to also look inward. A few of your answers will most likely lie there.

  3. Did you ever stop to consider that maybe faeries aren’t the only ones responsbile for your problems? There are plenty of drugs out there that will mess you up good. If i were you, i’d go and get myself tested, just to be sure nobody slipped you anything.

  4. And so the truth finally comes out

  5. First off, don’t panic. It’s not the worst that’s happend to you, and it probably won’t be the last bad thing to happen. See, we’ve eliminated the worst senario. Now to figure out WTF is going on.

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