A Lesson in Cunning Linguistics…

Last night was odd, to say the list. Mandy and I had sex (the standard way, if there’s such a thing). Afterwards, the conversation drifted off into sexual performance, foreplay, and mutual satisfaction. And in the spirit of open and honest communication, I disclosed to Mandy I somewhat felt inadequate with her.

Let’s face it, she’s had a LOT of experience, and (thanks to some faerie-enhanced years) she’s become QUITE the sexual athlete (even if she says she’s forgotten a lot when she returned to normal). So when I seemed absent-minded after sex, she asked me what was on my mind. I told her what was up and she just smiled. It wasn’t a mocking smile, just kind of reassuring. “You shouldn’t worry about that. I’m with you because I like you. I’ve liked you for a LONG time, and for other reasons than sexual prowess. BETTER reasons.”

Ouch! I know what she meant, but any male ego will hear that answer and interpret it as: “You’re not a great lover, but it’s okay, I like you for your mind…” So the talk went into the territory of “if I did something wrong, or if I could do it better, you’d tell me, right?”

Yeah, straight into the “Land of Insecurity.”

And one thing leading to another, she finally admitted that some of my oral skills could be improved a bit. I asked what she meant, but some of her answers were a bit vague or confusing. So she decided to do something clever, following the saying “show, don’t tell.” She closed her eyes, concentrated for a moment, and grinned with mischief.

“Let me demonstrate,” she began, pulling my boxers down. And what was down there was not my usual equipment.

In fact, there was NO equipment. Or, to be precise, FEMALE equipment.

“Aw, c’mon, Mandy…” I began.

She paused, looking at my crotch. “No, something’s not right… Let’s adjust this a bit… with THIS.”

And at that very moment, I became instantly hot and bothered. As in, a LOT. I squeezed my thighs and squirmed like a girl in heat. Which is what my lower parts were, really.

“Ah,” she smiled. “Much better. Now let me show you what YOU do.”

With that, she gently spread my legs and went to work. It was… pretty nice. She did this for a minute or so, and though I was aroused, it wasn’t going too far. Then she looked up and smiled.

“Now let me show you what you SHOULD be doing…”

And she dove in again. And BOY did she work me up! I almost instantly started gasping and moaning, and in a short lapse of time, she got me to the point of climax, then threw me over the edge.

It took me a good minute or so to recover. My legs felt like cotton. I was a sweaty mess and wanted to rest a bit, but she had other plans. She straddled me, leaned forward, and rested her hands on my shoulders.

“You’re not off the hook yet, buddy,” she said, smiling. “Now it’s time to practice…”

So as the obedient boy I am, I practiced…


8 thoughts on “A Lesson in Cunning Linguistics…

  1. Reminds me of a scene in The Kingery (an audio drama from Pendant Audio)

    The Kingery has a booth where one can borrow a “body model” for a modest fee, to go on a “Soul Vacation.” One woman ends up in a male body, and heads to the brothel. When ‘he’ finishes up…’he’ makes some rather girly noises and says “THAT’s what it’s like for them? How…disappointing.”

    I’ve always envied my wife’s ability to come at the drop of a hat (I realize she’s above average in that respect) and repeatedly for hours on end. I get a lot more pleasure out of her enjoyment than ‘getting there’ myself.

    As Bill Engvall said…Bottle Rocket. “swoosh, BANG, snore”

    1. Speaking from recent and personal experience, the woman in The Kingery is right. It’s fine and fun, but far too brief. And then… recharge time. If anything, it made me appreciate my gender all the more. You guys really got the short end of the stick. Sure, you have strength and speed, but we have the rest: stamina (sexual or otherwise), sexiness, high pain threshold, and intuitive understanding of social dynamics.

      I’m glad I’m a girl!

      Mandy <3

  2. so – aren’t you going to share the secrets with us so we can all learn to ?

    1. I wish that it was just a matter of describing it, but every girl is different. You have to be gentle, soft, and above all else attentive to her reactions. Take your time, don’t “go for the kill” right at the beginning. We don’t revv up at the same speed you do. But once you get us started, there’s no stopping us!

      And of course, you have to practice.

      Sorry, I know this doesn’t sound very clinical or clear. There are people who are very good at turning these thins into graphs and PowerPoint presentations, but I’m just not one of them. I go by instinct. There are probably tons of sites on the Internet that will give you good tips. What I did for Jaycee was just to show him what it COULD be, and get him focused on pleasing his partner.

      Mandy <3

      1. Boooring!!!

        You get the power to transform people on command, and what do you do? Education.

        Girl, you used to be a LOT more fun!


        1. Pipe down, pixie, and maybe you’ll learn something.

  3. Sorry, Mandy, I am not taking your word for it.
    I need first hand experience in order to be convinced.

  4. Bless you, Mandy, for taking the time and teaching a willing student how to improve. ‘Fun’ or not (*thbppt* at Attitude), I hope that your ‘lesson’ will go a long way toward helping Jaycee out of his insecurity.

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