A Countess’ Dream

I have heard from Countess Ylang-Ylang. She recently dreamed about Jaycee’s old boss, that Morgan Reiss woman.

The Countess said she saw the countless spells woven into that woman, and that they are not subtle. They are almost all sexual, very ephemeral, and often contradict each other. They are the work of a faerie (according to their “taste,” she said), but probably not a very old one. She also said that she found traces of a similar “taste” on my human pet, which is great news! It means that that same faerie has interfered with Jaycee, and that I’m free to intervene.

It’s been a LONG time since I’ve used a spell on one of my sisters.


4 thoughts on “A Countess’ Dream

  1. Good to hear attitude, give em hell, though for that you’ll have to find this mystery faery first 😉 Oh and do leave morgan out of this, she’s already going through plenty. 🙁

  2. wow…. i predict sexual hijinks on an epic scale! we’re talkin BIBLICAL! or should that be booblical?

    EH! who needs spelling? (yeah, see what i did there? magic spells, spelling? eh, no one appreciates a good pun nowadays)

  3. So since the countess found the trace on your human, she has given you permisson to use your spells on the perpitrator?

  4. Hey Attitude while I know you don’t consider Jaycee much more than your pet. But now that you got permission to mess with the other fairy any chance on a truce or alliance?

    After all I think Jaycee has been pretty cooperative with all the goings on. Considering he’s read up in “mystical stuff” yet he’s obviously never tried to fight back nor defend himself much.

    Just off the top of my head just a tad of iron can ruin any Fay’s day.

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