Treasure Chests

It probably won’t surprise anyone to learn there’s a pecking order among faeries. While they live and operate alone, they do socialize with each other and aggregate according to rules that aren’t unlike those of High School cheerleaders. (Come to think of it, faeries are a LOT like cheerleaders. The teasing… the mocking… the nasty pranks. They’re like tiny Heathers.) Continue reading “Treasure Chests”

So, What’s YOUR Story?

It may not surprise you to learn that I’ve been interacting with faeries for a good while now. Some of the tales you’ll be reading about here are inspired by some of my own misadventures. I am not really like Sir Thane, though looking back on the mistakes I’ve made, I certainly regard my younger self as pretty goofy. Today, I feel more like Gustav — the guy who has hindsight, who has 20/20 vision, and who knows better. Just like him, I’ve learned what it means to mess with faeries, and I now give them a wide berth. Ah, the wisdom of years… Continue reading “So, What’s YOUR Story?”

A Word About Faeries

Once upon a time, there was Tinkerbell… Tinkerbell wasn’t the smartest or most wicked of faeries, and that was her problem. There wasn’t a trace of malice and mischief within her. (She also didn’t have much in the chest area, but as you’ll eventually discover, that’s not unrelated to the previous statement.) At any rate, while she didn’t have what it took to be an even moderately successful faerie, she was resourceful and clever. She realized (eventually) that her best assets were her family appeal and kid-friendliness, and so she did what any of us with those qualities would do… Continue reading “A Word About Faeries”

Website Upgrade!

I’m really thrilled to be moving to ComicPress to publish this webcomic. After spending a few weeks considering alternate solutions, this turned out to be the smartest one. Guess I should have done some homeworks before starting the comic, but RR and I had been working on it so long, I just felt it was time to make the move. I figured (rightly so, it turns out) that once it was out there, I’d feel more motivated to do some proper research on webmastering. Hope you enjoy the results. Stay tuned, this is only going to get better. Jaycee