Morning Heat

Morgan dropped by my desk this morning, asking me to follow her to  her office. I tried refusing, claiming that I had to finish editing some articles, but she would have none of it. She leaned over and dangled those hypnotic, jacket-contained breasts in front of my eyes, and said if I didn’t do as she asked, I’d be in trouble for what I’d done to her two weeks ago. I swallowed hard. I -knew- this was going to explode in my face. Continue reading “Morning Heat”

Jennifer’s New Look

Antony and Officer Frank had a big palooza at their place tonight, and I was invited. It’d been a long time since we’d gotten together, and with the chaos of my life recently, I thought it’d be great to change crowds for a while. (I keep some of my groups of friends separate for just that occasion — Antony & Frank aren’t in the same circles as Brooke, Barrett, Meghan, and the wilder people I’ve been hanging out with of late.) Continue reading “Jennifer’s New Look”

A Tales of Two Nipples (or Four?)

Yesterday, I went to my favorite little cafe for lunch. The one where Lana works — that’s my favorite waitress, if you remember. She’s the one who had a wardrobe malfunction induced by Meghan’s Funcam. I hadn’t been there in a while and it was nice to chat her up again. She’s such a straightforward, normal, grounded girl! It’s nice to talk to someone real, sometimes… Continue reading “A Tales of Two Nipples (or Four?)”

Meeting w/Morgan

I met with Morgan last night. I didn’t bang her brains out, which left me with mixed feelings of relief and disappointment. She was dressed very conservatively and standoff-ish. When I came in, she asked me to sit down (pointing at a one-man comfy chair in the living room) and offered me some coffee. Then she got things off her chest. It sort of went like this (I’m going off memory, sorry): Continue reading “Meeting w/Morgan”

Weird @ Work

So how have things been at work between Morgan and I, you ask? Weird, very weird. Naturally, after what happened last Thursday, Morgan and I avoided each other all day. At first, I thought I was the one doing most of the avoiding, but it soon became clear (from the averted glances, or the seemingly accidental changes in her trajectory when I popped up nearby) that Morgan was making efforts to avoid me as well. We really didn’t talk much on Friday, except when I handed her some papers or when I answered some necessary questions. Continue reading “Weird @ Work”

[MEMBERS] Mandy-the-Stripper

Great new art featuring Mandy in her new, post-convent career. Now available in the Bloomin’ Forums! If you’re interested in just checking out THAT piece of art, you can get it for the very special price of USD $0.99. [s2Member-PayPal-Button ids=”827″ exp=”72″ desc=”Picture of Mandy-the-Stripper (USD $0.99)” ps=”paypal” cc=”USD” custom=”” ra=”0.99″ sp=”1″ image=”default” /] –Jaycee

Sept. 18: Faerie Good Deed Day

Today is a special day. Every year, on this very special day (for faeries, anyway), all faeries are duty-bound to put their natural malice away and grant a wish to any one person of their choosing. This is probably where the myth of faerie godmothers comes from — some lucky souls got on a faerie’s good side, that ONE time during the year, and think faeries are all sugar and spice and everything nice. Continue reading “Sept. 18: Faerie Good Deed Day”

Don’t Mess With the Payroll

They say you shouldn’t mess with the payroll (though “they” don’t always use the word “mess”). But what are you supposed to do when the payroll messes with you? Last night, buried with work as I was, I stayed late at the office. There I was, minding my own business, when the mother of all erections suddenly hit me. It felt REALLY good, to be honest, but I immediately considered this could be a faerie trick (which, to be honest, is the basis for a lot of my sex life). Still, knowing WHY you’re getting excited doesn’t always do much to get RID of the issue, so I got up and headed toward the restrooms. And as I passed my boss Morgan’s office on the way there, I peeked inside to see if she was working late too. Continue reading “Don’t Mess With the Payroll”

(Coming Soon)