A Shocking Visit

I finally caved in to curiosity and SMS’d Brooke back. Told him I’d be home yesterday, and if he REALLY wanted to talk, all he needed to do was to show up. What I DIDN’T say in my text message was that I wouldn’t be alone. I’d be there with Mandy. We’d have a few things to talk about, for sure. It was around 20:00 when we heard the door bell ring. Figuring I’d be smart or something, I asked Mandy to go answer the door and let him in. My bet was that upon seeing Mandy in my apartment, he’d know that I knew about their relationship, and that would make him sweat some more. Mandy thought it was a bit juvenile of me, but accepted to play along to humor me. So I stayed in the living room, facing outside, staring at the night outside through the window bay doors. Continue reading “A Shocking Visit”

The Not-So-New Mandy

It’s now 6:25 AM and Mandy just left. We spent the night up talking. There was a LOT to talk about. When she showed up last night, I could tell there was something VERY different about her. Beyond the fact she no longer had that killer Playmate body, she also no longer radiated sexuality like before. She was back to the Mandy I knew. The one I really loved, before Attitude had her way with her. Continue reading “The Not-So-New Mandy”

My Crazy Life (Update)

Just a quick update for those of you who’ve been following my crazy life:
  • Morgan hasn’t hit on me in a bit over two weeks, but she’s constantly giving me that “vibe” that it’s going to happen again soon. She stares at me when she thinks I can’t see her, and sometimes, after looking me for a long time, she “excuses” herself and locks herself in her office. I can easily imagine what she’s doing in there.
  • No news from Meghan. Good riddance there. As for Brooke, he still leaves the occasional message, but I keep ignoring them.
  • Continue reading “My Crazy Life (Update)”

Why Become a Member?

In case you didn’t know, there’s more to this site than the webcomic. Every week, you have reasons to come back, almost every weekday, for some extras:
  • Tuesdays: bonus art (sometimes VERY sexy! Members only)
  • Wednesdays: script of the upcoming strip (Members only)
  • Thursdays: bonus contribution (if any; available to ALL)
  • Fridays: rough pencils for the upcoming strip (Members only)
And to top it all off, the Bloomin’ Forums! give you the INCREDIBLE opportunity to interact directly with yours truly. And this can all be yours for a pittance. Just check out the Signup area to know more. –Jaycee

Happy Birthday Faeries!

BF! Has just hit six months (on Sunday). I just now realized that! Okay, it’s not like a REAL birthday. In fact, it’s a bit like those new couples who celebrate their first month together, then 6 months, then… well, then do it every year until they start forgetting about it. 🙂 Anyway, join me in blowing half a candle for the webcomic! –Jaycee

Attitude Strikes Again

Friday night, Lana slept over at my place. I tend to get up very early, so I went to my computer to do some internet while she slept on. It was probably around 7:00 when she joined me in my small office, wearing one of my t-shirts. I could see she was on high beams and teased her about it. “Happy to see me, I see.” She winced and bopped me gently on the back of the head. “Yeah, but that’s not it, dummy. I’m just… I don’t know… sensitive, today. Actually, they hurt pretty bad right now.” Continue reading “Attitude Strikes Again”

Another Date With Lana

The date with Lana on Saturday went really well. She had never ice skated before, but she’d used rollerblades, so it wasn’t completely new to her. Her balance was fine, but turning and stopping proved to be a little harder. For my part, there’s enough Canadian blood in me that skating isn’t an issue. Naturally, that was kind of part of the plan. For the most part of the two hours we spent on the ice, I made it my responsibility to steer her and help her stop. Continue reading “Another Date With Lana”

Text Messages from Brooke

Brooke has been sending me text messages for the last few days. Hadn’t heard from him in a few weeks, but in the last few days, he’s been calling a lot. I think he may even have left a few voice messages, but I delete anything from his number without even listening to it. What he’s done is unforgivable and I’m not really interested in his excuses. I *am* curious to find out what he wants with me all of a sudden. All his messages say “Bro, call me back” or “We gotta talk ASAP!” Not likely to happen, sorry. –Jaycee

(Coming Soon)