A few people have suggested that Jaycee stop being a hermit, which gave me a GREAT idea!
I know he likes to go to this new place where they serve coffee and sell books. I think it’s called Tomes or something. I’m going to do a little something that’s going to spice up his life, and maybe even improve it a little.
Not that I care, of course! But it should be fun. You just wait and watch…
Aaaand after MUCH deliberation (and members voting), three winners have been determined. In the event of a tie between any of them, yours truly has made the determination of who the winner was (that was my vote). And now…
3rd Prize |
2nd Prize |
1ST PRIZE!!! |
by “MythComplex” |
by Lisa “Autumn Nymph” |
by Chiana Rifici |
Payments will be taken care of shortly.
I’d like to thank everyone who participated to this contest! It was great fun organizing it, and even MORE fun watching what you all came up with.
I occasionally read your silly scribblings and I laugh. I laugh because you keep suggesting that I’m trying to help Jaycee. I laugh because you think I have developed some kind of relationship with him and that I want what’s good for him.
Silly humans indeed.
Get it out of your head that I’m there for his benefit, or his growth, or his peace of mind. He’s not my friend. He’s a toy, and he’s mine to play with. Just like you played with G.I. Joe as little boys, or with Barbie as little girls. You made them do things, you made them say things, didn’t you? It’s just like that with me and Jaycee. He’s a fun toy. At best, he’s a pet. It’s not like I don’t take good care of him, either. I make sure he gets properly laid as well. That’s something he’d NEVER be able to do on his own. Well, maybe he’s a little better now, now that I’ve trained him a little. Yes, he can be taught. >:)
And another thing… I don’t like to share my toys. So don’t go reading anything more than that when I asked Countessa Ylang-Ylang to look into what’s been happening. And if anyone out there is reading this, and is making plans to have fun with Jaycee, know that you’re messing with the wrong faerie.
So there. Go resume your dull, sexless lives, and stop making assumptions about me.
I’ve been pretty silent the few weeks because there just hasn’t been all that much to talk about. The new job is panning out nicely, and the folks I work with (when I’m in the office, twice a week) are very easygoing and laid back. We’re doing children’s books, after all. (And before you go off calling me names because of the Albert thread in the past few weeks, rest assured that my work there is irreproachably pure and chaste.) And my colleagues are fairly conservative (they’re also on average a good ten years older than I am). It’s nice to be working in a totally non-sexual atmosphere…
Here’s what’s going on with the various people in my life:
Continue reading “A Little Update”
Hi all,
I’ve been very silent in the last two weeks (wow, TWO weeks already?!?), and to be honest, not a whole lot has happened of any interest.
First off, I’ve found a new job (okay, so maybe THAT’s interesting, I dunno…). Anyway, that’s kept me kind of busy. What’s the job? Ironically, I’ll be editing children’s books. It’s a pretty big departure from being a web editor. Also, big contrast with the rather adult content of this webcomic. And there’s more: I can work from home three days a week; I have to be at the office on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I’m very happy with this outcome, really.
Continue reading “The Long Silence”
Hi everyone,
The blog updates will resume very very shortly!
Meanwhile, if you haven’t had a chance to visit the pieces being exhibited in the
Art Contest gallery, do so now!
And if you HAVE seen them, and you’re a member of Bloomin’ Faeries!, then it’s time to
On Thursday, I met up with Morgan. As with most Morgan Encounters, it was anything but ordinary. Except it wasn’t extraordinary in the way I expected it to be.
You see, most (if not all) Morgan-related events are highly sexual in nature. That’s just the… erm… nature of the beast, might I say? It’s always about this incredibly sexy (but repressed) woman coming on to me, but somehow not wanting to. Or wanting it too much, but trying to deny herself the experience. I’m not sure which one it really is. But on Thursday, it was something more… well, it wasn’t HER.
I’m not making sense, I know. Let me start from the beginning.
Continue reading “It’s Baaaack…”
Morgan called me back about ten minutes ago. She wants to talk to me really badly. She says she has to tell me something important, and it has to be in person. She wants to meet tonight, at a cafe somewhere downtown. I have the address, but I don’t know if I want to go through with it. Maybe I’ll get there a bit late and check things out from the outside. Just to figure out if it’s safe to go in. (If she’s alone in there, I think I’ll pass…)
I’ll bring some Mace and wear a chastity belt, I think…
I know I don’t have a lot of personal stuff to talk about these days — to be honest, I’m burying my head into work (well, if THIS site consistutes work, that is). I’ve been tinkering with PHP so I can improve some aspects of this webcomic, including (but not limited to) timeliness of deliveries.
The big issue I always seem to have when it comes to Bloomin’ Faeries! is that I’m supposed to update things on a schedule, but I have to be there manually to get it done. It makes it difficult for me to take time off, stay late to have a drink with friends, etc. But now, thanks to the little PHP I’ve learned, it looks like I’m going to be able to schedule almost everything during the weekend, and content updates will auto-publish themselves at the pre-programmed date and time. That’s pretty nifty, both for yourselves and for me. That means I should be able to deliver everything I promise on time, as opposed to at random times of the day. I think that’s a big improvement.
Continue reading “Quiet Moments”
When I came home last night, there was a message from Morgan on the phone. It’s the first I heard from her since the Lana incident, and I could probably have waited a few more months (years?) before hearing back from her again.
And of course, as I’m sure you have come to expect where Morgan is concerned, it was a sexually charged message. I’m not comfortable reproducing the exact text and details here, but from the sounds around her, the heavy grunting in the background, and the way her voice broke in rhythm, it was clear to me she was in the middle of sex.
Continue reading “Morgan on the Phone”
I’m sure a lot of you have already figured this out, but the salt-and-vinegar flavored powder that we used in the popcorn when Jenn & Jed were over was not COMPLETELY free of some faerie additives. This morning, when I confronted Attitude about it, she fell over laughing at how hilarious the whole thing was (in HER eyes, anyway).
Continue reading “Faerie Dust, Of Course”
Jennifer and her boyfriend Jed were here last night. We watched a few episodes of a giant robots show she’s fond of — something called Symbionic Titan (I might not be spelling that right). It’s really a pretty cool little show, but from the way he was ogling her boobs, I could tell Jed was’t that interested in it.
I can’t blame him — she’s got very “oglable” boobs.
Continue reading “Jenn & Jed”