Holding… Firm?

It’d been a while since Morgan had had a meltdown in front of me. This morning, it happened again. It was a bit before the mid-morning coffee break. I was about to get up to get my morning IV shot of caffeine when she casually passed by my desk and asked for my help with some stationery inventory. I was impressed by how nonchalant she was acting considering the signs of arousal she was displaying beneath her clothes. And of course, as I was getting excited (not my fault, I swear!), so was she. So we went away, and the moment we were away from view, she pushed herself against me, straddling my thigh with her damp crotch. Continue reading “Holding… Firm?”

Seeing Right Through Her

Goddammit! Morgan is parading around the office today, wearing a thick sweater and a long skirt. That’s fine for everybody else, but *I* can see she’s not wearing any panties or any bra. I can also tell she’s getting aroused whenever she catches me glancing at her. She’s been giving me these predatory looks that just mean I’m in trouble or something. Continue reading “Seeing Right Through Her”

The Price of Victory

When I woke up this morning, I could feel something was wrong with me. When you’ve been afflicted by faerie curses a few times, you begin to notice a few patterns. Like what I was feeling this morning — a combo between a hangover and a slight fever. If you’re a normal person, you probably would think it’s just a bad day. Me, I know better. It wasn’t long before I found out what was wrong with me. The moment I ran into Morgan, I knew I was i trouble. Continue reading “The Price of Victory”

Lana Confesses

Yesterday, Lana was over for dinner — just the two of us, at last! (With the rotating doors letting a constant stream of women in and out of my flat, some private time is always welcome.) The plan was to just have dinner together, drink a little, watch a romantic comedy, and completely avoid the topic of her condition. She’s been in a bad mood because of it for the last few weeks, and it looks like the test results didn’t reveal anything. So I tried to cheer her up by being a good boyfriend. Continue reading “Lana Confesses”

Admission of Guilt

The last few days, I’ve been doing some detective work. Namely, I’ve asked Attitude to confess to her crimes against Lana. So now I know what she’s done, and it’s pretty devious. Like always. Fortunately, thanks to Mandy’s help, we were able to get the truth out. It went something like this: Me: Mandy, I don’t understand what’s up with Lana. She’s got these crazy nipple pains several times a day, then she gets these intense feelings of nipple arousal every other day or so. Do you have ANY idea what it could be? Continue reading “Admission of Guilt”

Movie Night

Occasionally (like last night), Lana and I go catch a flick. Yesterday, we went to see Due Date, with Robert Downey Jr. It’s not a particularly funny movie, but (like Meet the Parents), it’s chock-full of awkward moments that just make you squirm with discomfort. Normally, those distract me for about a half hour, then I focus on munching popcorn and texting some friends back. But not last night. Continue reading “Movie Night”

Lana’s Hiding Something

Lana was acting pretty weird last night. I know she had an appointment with a doctor to have herself checked (finally!) during her lunch hour about her nipples issue. When I asked her about it, she just said the doctor was a bit perplexed about her problem. She described everything, from the painful ghost biting she says she feels, to the arousal they generate at the most inopportune moments. (It’s true, I’ve noticed it with my own eyes — we were washing the dishes side by side, the other night, and they just POPPED out and became hard as rocks. And then SHE melted…) Anyway, the doctor examined her, she said, and took some blood samples. Lana is expecting some news from the doctor’s office before the end of the week. To me, it feels like she’s hiding something. Don’t know what, but I intend to find out… –Jaycee

Boob Envy?

Have you ever had a guest that needed a place to stay for a short while, but then just wouldn’t take the hint, and stay at your place for an indefinite amount of time? Me, I have Brooke. This isn’t the first time that Brooke stays at my place for a while. He’s been between jobs before, and I’ve always been happy to help out. But that’s when he was a dude. Now, he’s this incredibly hot chick, but who keeps behaving half the time like a messy bachelor guy. That means when he’s not remembering he has a female body when he wakes up in the morning, he just walks out of the guest room with only his pajama bottoms on, boobs all out, scratching his butt on his way to the bathroom, and gives me an eyeful without him even realizing what he’s doing. Continue reading “Boob Envy?”


The last week, a flurry of women came in and out of my apartment like there was a shoe sale or something. Lana has been visiting me regularly. Part of it, I think, is her suspicion that Brooke (who’s been at my place a lot, of late) might have set “her” sights on me. Since Lana doesn’t know much about Brooke, it’s easy to get the wrong idea. I’ve been ignoring the issue, in the sense that I don’t make a bit deal of Brooke when in front of Lana, but I’m pretty sure there’s going to be some kind of fight about this in the future. Then, there’s Mandy. She’s been coming to my place a lot because she’s begun “cleaning up” her old journal, which she says she wants to publish in small installments in the forums. Also, she comes here to meet up with Brooke, to teach him a bit about “being a woman.” Since we’re all pretending that Brooke has ALWAYS been a woman, and has just been hypnotized to THINK he was a man, Mandy is saying she’s just there to “remind her how to be a woman.” Continue reading “Meanwhile…”

Brooke: The New You (Part III)

Mandy and I took advantage of Brooke’s bathroom break to have a quick strategic conversation about the next steps. “You’re not going to tell him about faeries, are you?” she asked. I shook my head. “No, I think that’d be a bit too much for him right now.” “So what, then? A total sex change is a BIG thing. How are you going to explain that?” Well, she had me there. I heard the toilet flush and the door open. Brooke was coming back. I’d just have to wing it. “Sorry ’bout that,” Brooke said. “I’m… not sure what’s come over me. Look, bro, now that you’ve seen the spot I’m in, are you gonna help?” Continue reading “Brooke: The New You (Part III)”

Brooke: The New You (Part I)

It took me a good minute before I was able to come to terms with what (who?) I was looking at. I’d known Attitude to get really nasty (what she did to Mandy, for instance, was pretty bad), but an actual sex change was beyond extreme, even for her. There was no denying that Brooke’s new look was one of pure, unbridled sexuality. I can’t quite bring myself to think of him as a she, so I’m going to keep calling him for the time being. His body was straight out of the pages of Playboy, all hips and legs and breasts and all that stuff that makes me fantasize about women. He was wearing his typical “pick-up artist” outfit, but a sexier, female version of it. Continue reading “Brooke: The New You (Part I)”

(Coming Soon)