Happy Birthday

Today, we’re celebrating 1 year of faerie mischief! It was precisely a year ago that the first strip was published. So 52 strips later, here we are, alive and well. We’ve seen strips by two artists (RRPennell & W. Wondollar) as well as dozens of illustrations by over a dozen different artists. We’ve gone through a complete revision of the website’s look and functionalities, went through issues with advertisement and yet prevailed. Continue reading “Happy Birthday”

I Am Blog. Hear Me Type!

I… LIVE! Who am I? What am I? I don’t know… I can feel things whispering to me… A computer… A cell phone… An iPad… They feed into me… They feed… ME! They tell me about… Jaycee. So much to talk about… They say I am… “Blog.” And I must share what they tell me… with you. Listen… [/blog]

Despite the Hiatus…

…I still felt I should give you a few news update about the site. First off, something to the Amaz0ns.com voters: guys, don’t take these polls too seriously. I ask for advice, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to take the results of the polls and go brain-dead about them. I haven’t talked about WHY I was asking, and I feel you may be a little disappointed once you understand the reason for this poll. I’m in discussions with some fantastic artists to create a members-only strip. Depending on the costs, I will vary the frequency of that strip, but it won’t be less than once every other week. If membership floods in, it may go to weekly. Or more! (Obviously, that will also depend on the artists’ availability.) And I’m using the poll to get an idea of what the strip should be about. Once enough strips have come out, I DO plan on releasing them as PDFs for a minimal cost, so even if you’re not a member, don’t despair! I won’t say the names of the artists yet, but once I have a few strips, I’ll let it out. Suffice it to say that those I’m talking to have a GREAT reputation in the BE community… (Let the guessing begin!) Take care, all! –Jaycee

March Hiatus

Hi everyone, First off, I must apologize for the long silence. I have been very negligent in doing many updates. What started out as a series of great ideas for the webcomic has ballooned to a point where it’s out of control and I am over-committed to a lot of work that (as reality catches up to me) just doesn’t turn out to be very feasible. I need to reassess how I do things, and what I deliver, to provide everyone with the greatest value. Here’s my current line of thinking:
  • Weekly strip: this is working fine and will keep happening on a weekly basis. I have heard lots of requests for more frequent updates, but this is a financial committment that I just can’t make. For now, I will take these requests as a compliment (under the assumption that it’s because you folks enjoy these little weekly perversions), and will see in the future if there’s a way to make your wishes come true.
  • Members benefits: I’m not happy with this. It’s a very complex process to update everything several days a week, and frankly, I’m not sure the members are REALLY get a big kick out of what I’m delivering in there. Instead of the weekly art piece, I’m thinking of a bi-weekly (once every other week) bonus strip that would be slightly more sexual than the frontpage webcomic. I’d also like to update everything (scripts, roughs, etc.) only once a week instead of on different days. And finally, I want to bring back a forum system (I just need to figure out the coding side of things). There’s enough activity around the strip now that it would be more active than the old version.
  • Advertisement: I really need to figure out the revenue streams for the webcomic. Without this, in the long term, I’m really doomed. (The drain is of several thousand dollars a year, which isn’t sustainable.) Ideas are welcome! I’m a rookie at this, so I’m sure all of you are smarter than one of me. 🙂
  • Blog narrative: this is one of the things that makes this site distinctive, I’m told, and I want to keep it. I think it’s a great way for everyone to come back here once in a while and find new content even if there’s no new strip. On that side, however, I’m also struggling with the amount of content that needs to be updated.
  • Webmastering: this is definitely the area where I need the most help. I’ve learned a good deal of stuff in the last year, but I’m neither good nor fast with all this webmastering stuff. I also need to figure out if there’s a way for me to delegate some of the work to helpful hands (assuming there are helpful hands out there). So to do this, I need to run some tests.
So the conclusion of all this is that I need to take some time off in the next few weeks to figure some of these things out. The webcomic will continue being updated (that’s the MOST critical thing), but all other activities will be on hold until April 1, at which point they’ll resume normally. For the members, I will make sure you are properly compensated for your patience and understanding. To the non-members, I am grateful for your support and continued readership. To all of you, I will ask that you don’t be shy about recommending Bloomin’ Faeries! to your friends; increasing the readership can only have a positive effect on the site’s revenues. Thank you everyone, and have a great month of March! –Jaycee

Feeling Better…

On Wednesday night last week, I was in a bit of a panic. I went to the corner store to buy some soda, and still had to flirt with the (not-so-pretty) girl at the cash register. (She slipped me her phone number, too, but failed to write her name — so that makes her “Cash Register Girl” in my contact book.) So with the urge to flirt still there, and me unable to repress it, I knew it was going to be a problem going to work on Thursday morning. At least, if I wanted to keep my job. So I went to bed on Wednesday night, hoping for some kind of miracle cure for my “condition.” And as luck would have it, my wish was granted. I woke up on Thursday morning, with a very sore throat and feeling feverish. I couldn’t make it to work, so I called in sick. Friday, I was feeling a bit better, but then realized my voice was completely gone. I was able to go to the office, but because I couldn’t talk, nothing too corny came out of my mouth and I made it safely through the day, on to the weekend. My voice came back only on Sunday. I was able to go eat out at the nearby McDonald’s, then headed out to catch a movie. The urge to flirt was still there, but at least it was no one I knew. Until I ran into Brooke, who was coming out of the theater, hanging on to Roseanne’s arm. But that’s a story for another time… –Jaycee

Harvey Awards

It’s time to take yet another break from fantasy-land and talk a little bit about the site. The first anniversary of Bloomin’ Faeries! is almost upon us, and it’s with immense pride that I’ve seen the comic grow from a modest, 100-soul readership to over 10,000 enthusiastic readers. And now, the Harvey Awards are upon us, and I feel like it’s time to call upon the Horny Horde that stands at our gates to help us a little with the promotion of the comic. So here’s how you can help:
  1. Visit the Harvey Awards website
  2. Download the ballot
  3. Nominate us in the following categories:

#1) Best Writer – Jaycee Knight / Bloomin’ Faeries!

#2) Best Artist – W. Wondollar / Bloomin’ Faeries!

#8) Most Promising New Talent – Jaycee Knight / Bloomin’ Faeries!

#8) Most Promising New Talent – W. Wondollar / Bloomin’ Faeries!

#18) Best Online Comics Work – Jaycee Knight / Bloomin’ Faeries!

We’re hoping we can count on you to help us promote the comic a bit. Even if we don’t win, I’d be immensely proud to make it on any ballot. I hope you an help us make this happen! –Jaycee

I Have a Problem

They say the first step in resolving a problem is admitting it exists in the first place. So let me confess: I have a problem. I think I’m addicted to flirting. For the last several days, I’ve been flirting like my life depends on it, and now, it’s pretty apparent to me that I have a flirting addiction or something. I mean, I flirted with the matronly mail lady (erk!) and I even tried to hit on that young and sexy-sounding girl who called around lunch time to sell me a subscription to a local newspaper… It’s been suggested by some of the readers here that this might be the work of Attitude. No surprises there, I guess. I sought her out to confront her, but all that came out of my mouth were some of the corniest pick-up lines that have ever crossed male lips. She was laughing so hard she couldn’t breathe. I eventually walked away, pretty confident that this whole flirting thing is yet another of her tricks. I hope it wears off soon. Sure, I like the collection of phone numbers I’ve been getting, but I have to be in the office on Thursday and I dread what’s going to happen if it’s not gone by then. That, and I’m terrified of running into Brooke until that curse is gone. I’m still reliving that kiss, and I don’t quite understand (or like!) the effect it’s had on me. –Jaycee

Brunch with the Girls

Okay, that flirting thing is getting out of control. This morning, around 10:00, Mandy, Brooke, and “his” girlfriend Roseanne all got together for brunch. Mandy was there first, and I was really happy to see her. She looked really good, wearing a short and slinky black dress and a white jacket. I couldn’t help myself and immediately started hitting on her, complimenting her on how sexy that outfit was. (“Admit it, you’re wearing it just to seduce me, aren’t you?”) She blushed a little bit (how cute!) and started giving me a hard time about how much of a pig I am, but I hit her right back with a couple of well-placed comments on how she’d be disappointed if I DIDN’T at least notice her looks. (I think the bit about her new French manicure really scored me some points.) I said I’d normally ask for her number, but since I already had it, there was no point. And then she said I was right, there was no point, since I wasn’t using it much these days… Continue reading “Brunch with the Girls”

Friday Night Speed Dates

Since I’d gathered so many phone numbers on Wednesday and I had nothing to do all day yesterday (suspension from work and all), I decided to call a few of them up and setup some coffee dates in the evening.
  • 18:00 Date with Lucy (perky blonde, dental hygiene assistant)
  • 19:00 Date with Marcie (also blonde, very thin waist, veterinarian)
  • 20:00 Date with Ingrid (brunette, accountant)
  • 21:00 Date with Veronica (beautiful blue eyes, boobalicious, law student) Continue reading “Friday Night Speed Dates”

Maybe That Was a Bad Idea…

Yesterday, I was in the office to do my work. I figured I’d had so much success on Wednesday, with the flirting at Tomes, that I should see if the flirting could work with colleagues. So armed with my newfound fearlessness and positive attitude, I started my day by bringing a coffee to Susan, the receptionist. She’s a middle-aged pudgy woman with a very lively attitude and we have a great rapport. I told her the coffee was a down payment for the massage she’d give me later. We laughed about it. Continue reading “Maybe That Was a Bad Idea…”

Flirting Frenzy

Yesterday, I was working all day at a new cafe where I hang out. It’s an old-style library that sells used books. It’s got lots of atmosphere and a section where they serve coffee and little cakes. It’s generally pretty quiet, so they don’t mind if I sit down there and work all day, so long as I order the occasional coffee. I normally keep to myself, but today was a bit different. Continue reading “Flirting Frenzy”