Not That Your Opinion Matters…

…but I have nothing to do with Jaycee’s misery. It IS a sight to behold, and whoever did this to him must have gone up one full cup size. Even by MY standards, that is brilliantly cruel. I’m really impressed. The author of this scenario is good. Really good. It’s someone I want to meet. Continue reading “Not That Your Opinion Matters…”

Art4Ads: Contribution by Mike Perry

Just when I thought I was going to cancel the Art4Ads program, yet another contribution appears in my mailbox. So folks, so long as great artists keep asking me to trade, I’ll keep that thing alive. (Maybe I should have threatened to kill it earlier… :)) This week, the contribution is a sexy faerie by Mike Perry, author of the No Dice webcomic. Be sure to check it out. It’s got everything — great art style, great characters, and a great sense of humour! (Oh yeah, and some boobage, too!) And once again, the post is going to be “sticky” (stay on top of the blog) for a week, you’ll have to scroll down if you’re here to read the blog.

And if you really WERE here for the articles, the blog is just below… 🙂



This morning, I walked into Morgan’s office and handed her my letter of resignation. I couldn’t take it anymore. There’s really nowhere for me to turn. There’s no HR department to turn to — it’s too small a company — and it’s not like I can complain to anyone about this. I mean, I am who I am, looking the way I do, and then there’s Morgan. Would ANYONE really take anything I say about sexual harassment seriously? You can BET I’d be ridiculed… Continue reading “I QUIT!!!”

Showing Up Unannounced

I said I was going to do it, and I did. I went to Lana’s work place at lunch. It didn’t go well, for reasons that will soon become apparent. I went there on my lunch time. When I was in sight of the cafe, I spotted Lana’s friend, Cathy. She spotted me too and immediately ran inside. Since the two are good friends, I took this as a good sign and a bad sign. Good because if Cathy had run inside, it meant that Lana was there. Bad because if Cathy FELT she had to run inside, that was because my presence there was not a good thing. (And sure, considering what happened before, I can’t blame anyone for thinking that.) Continue reading “Showing Up Unannounced”

The Brooke Clause

Well, at least SOMEONE around me is in the Holidays spirit. Last night, Mandy dropped by my place, accompanied by Brooke, carrying candy canes and collecting charity money to give to the homeless. And, clever as always, Mandy had devised a great way to increase the donations: she dressed Brooke up in a sexy Miss Clause outfit. I think she deliberately chose one that was a bit too small for Brooke, who was (ahem) bursting out of it in all the right places. And of course, Brooke (in his confused state of double sexual identity) was hilarious to watch. Half the time, he looked naturally sexy; the other half, he was squirming with embarassment (or at least, I THINK it was embarassment) and trying to adjust his boobs so they’d stay in the costume. Continue reading “The Brooke Clause”

Still No News

I haven’t heard anything from Lana since last week. I’ve been silent here, I know — I’m a bit too depressed to make updates. 🙁 It’s clear to me by now that this isn’t Attitude’s doing. She’s not gloating or even bringing up the topic of what happened. Typically, whenever she does something to me, she’ll find ways of asking me how I am, how my day went, etc. All tricks to get a glimpse into my misery. But since the “revelation” of what I did last week, she’s been mysteriously quiet, absent, or even (is that possible?) sympathetic. Continue reading “Still No News”

Shout Out to Heather Dale

This morning, I received a message from the very nice folks at (of COURSE they’re nice — they’re Canadians!). They’ve advertised on Bloomin’ Faeries! recently and liked the response they got from you readers. Not only have they mentioned Bloomin’ Faeries! on their own website, but they even went so far as to send me a sample of their latest CD, which I loved. It’s sweet, and engaging, and chipper — if you’re a fan of McKennitt or McLachlan, you’ll love their stuff. So I felt it would be only fair to give thanks by providing a link back through this blog. If you have a chance, click on it and listen to the samples on their main page. Then, if you like it (and I KNOW you will!), why don’t you encourage them by buying a CD or three? –Jaycee

Art4Ads Contribution: Russell Platt

Let’s all take a pause from the raging chaos that is my life to admire this oh-so-lovely rendition of Princess Heather, courtesy of artist Russell Platt. This came at just the right time, too: I was considering stopping the Art4Ads program, when (yesterday morning, no less!) this just dropped in my mailbox, completely out ofthe blue. So enjoy. I’m going to make this post “sticky” for a week, so it’s going to stay at the top of the blog section for that time. If you’re here to read the blog, you’ll have to scroll down — sorry! 🙂 (And if you’re an artist, and would like to trade art for ad space, please don’t hesitate to contact me.)

A Post-Apocalyptic World

Last night, soon after posting my last blog entry, I came to my senses. It took me a few minutes to relive the events of Monday night, and realize it had to be some faerie trick! I mean, I DON’T know how Morgan found herself at La Rose Noire, nor why I would think that it was my plan all along to have a threesome with her and Lana. Or — worse yet! — why I would have wild, non-stop sex with her for over twenty-four hours. All I know is that there’s no way I’d do anything like this. Someone must have done something to me, either a spell, or faerie dust, or some kind of magic philter, or SOMETHING! I’ve questioned Attitude, who blasted me for always accusing her of everything that goes wrong in my life. She TRIES to do things for me, she says, and I’m just IMPOSSIBLE to work with. And there was a lot of “fae talk” in there that was just gibberish to me, but I got the idea. I don’t think it’s her doing… And Lana still isn’t picking up my calls. What a mess! –Jaycee

Lana’s Birthday (Part II)

I know there are a lot of naysayers out there who were betting that something would go wrong during the night. I mean, it DOES seem (at times) like my life is a bad soap opera, right? And every time I talk about it, it sounds like there’s always some kind of sexy disaster about to happen, or it’s already in progress, or it just happened. Well, not Monday night! Really, it was a perfect night, and I’m sure Lana would tell you the same, if she’d just pick up the phone and answered my calls. Continue reading “Lana’s Birthday (Part II)”

Lana’s Birthday…

…is today! Tonight, we’re going to a French restaurant, “La Rose Noire.” I hear great things about it. I’ve even reserved a private violinist to play romantic music for us during dinner (Lana loves the violin). THEN, after dinner, I have rented a limo to pick us up and take us to the casino. That should be fun. –Jaycee

(Coming Soon)