Morgan on the Phone

When I came home last night, there was a message from Morgan on the phone. It’s the first I heard from her since the Lana incident, and I could probably have waited a few more months (years?) before hearing back from her again. And of course, as I’m sure you have come to expect where Morgan is concerned, it was a sexually charged message. I’m not comfortable reproducing the exact text and details here, but from the sounds around her, the heavy grunting in the background, and the way her voice broke in rhythm, it was clear to me she was in the middle of sex. Continue reading “Morgan on the Phone”

Faerie Dust, Of Course

I’m sure a lot of you have already figured this out, but the salt-and-vinegar flavored powder that we used in the popcorn when Jenn & Jed were over was not COMPLETELY free of some faerie additives. This morning, when I confronted Attitude about it, she fell over laughing at how hilarious the whole thing was (in HER eyes, anyway). Continue reading “Faerie Dust, Of Course”

Jenn & Jed

Jennifer and her boyfriend Jed were here last night. We watched a few episodes of a giant robots show she’s fond of — something called Symbionic Titan (I might not be spelling that right). It’s really a pretty cool little show, but from the way he was ogling her boobs, I could tell Jed was’t that interested in it. I can’t blame him — she’s got very “oglable” boobs. Continue reading “Jenn & Jed”

A Word About Content & Taboos

Just so we’re all on the same page: I appreciate everyone’s comments, and I take them to heart. At the same time, this isn’t a popularity contest (we’re not in High School, are we?) and I’m very clear (in my head) about what Bloomin’ Faeries! is and isn’t. Before I started this, I spent a good bit of time defining the parameters of the webcomic. There are stories I want to tell, fantasies I want to explore, and I’m going to do it no matter what. This said, it’s important to me that Bloomin’ Faeries! remains clean to a certain extent. It’s meant to be “family adult” material. I didn’t start this to do close-ups on male/female genitalia or to do money shots. There are plenty of sites that already do that, and probably do it better than I do. BF! is about exploring magically driven sexual fantasies. It isn’t about the sex act itself, but about everything else around it. It’s about arousal, resistance, some level of helplessness, and (to a much lesser degree) morality. Bad people get punished. And we get to enjoy their misery. Continue reading “A Word About Content & Taboos”

If You Hate Those Adult Ads…

Those who are following the blog section have seen, lately, that we’re moving away from the Project Wonderful ads and are now including more adult advertisement on the site. You can read all about it here. As promised, we’ve devised a system that lets you buy a limited “Bronze” subscription to Bloomin’ Faeries! For USD $9.99 a year, you can register and become a limited member. It doesn’t give you access to the exclusive Members contents (that’s requires a “Silver” membership), but it lets you enjoy the site in peace, without all those flashy ads. Check out the Bronze Membership in the Signup Page. This membership even includes a 7-day FREE TRIAL so you can see what you’ll be missing… (Hey, we still think the Silver membership is a great deal, too! Why don’t you give it a try?) –Jaycee

Farewell to Project Wonderful

In just a few days, all advertisement from Project Wonderful will cease on this site and we will be moving with ads from more adult networks (you may have already seen a couple of test ads running…). Let’s face it, while there’s no intercourse and blatant pornography on Bloomin’ Faeries!, we aren’t exactly your average family comic. We should swim in the deep end of the pool, not the kid’s pool. So starting this weekend, all ads will move to Black Label Ads. And with this, we expect a change in the flavor of the site. We’re going to filter the ads to remove those that we feel are a bit too vulgar for the site. Please let us know if an ad TRULY doesn’t belong on this site (bearing in mind that we do need some kind of revenue stream to keep the site going). Continue reading “Farewell to Project Wonderful”

The Countess Investigation

Two weeks ago, I obtained an audience with Countess Ylang-Ylang (not her real name, don’t get excited). I wanted to know who was messing with my pet human (if anyone). I’m happy to report that the Countess has received the plea and will dream about this for the next few weeks or so. (She has a lot of stuff to dream about, so don’t get your hopes up that there’s going to be a quick fix to this.) In the meantime, I have (most graciously, I think) removed all my spells from Jaycee. Don’t go thinking that I did this out of the goodness of my heart — it’s just easier to spot minor, perception-affecting spells on him if I’ve made him a clean slate. This way, any new curse will really stand out, and then I can maybe find out more about it. Now, in the meantime, I’m the one who’s without a pet to torture. I’m going to have to find someone to replace Jaycee with until there’s progress on his situation. Maybe that Morgan woman… –Attitude

I’m Back!

After a much-needed vacation, I’m back in the saddle. I have to give a big hug to Mandy for taking care of this place while I was gone. I’m sure it wasn’t easy… So thanks Mandy. And for the doubters who think ill of her, let me go on record and say that things are good between us, now. I haven’t talked about our relationship here since she’s been “back,” but the Sex-Predator Mandy is gone, and this one is the friend I had lost during all these years. With all the chaos around my relationship with Lana, and the damage Morgan has made, I just didn’t mention anything here about Mandy and I. But we’re good. Continue reading “I’m Back!”

Pajama Party @ My Place

Last night, we had a great PJ party at my place. Girls only. (I’m not sure where Brooke formally fits in this category, but I prefer to think of him as a ‘she’…) We were about a dozen girls at one point (not everybody came in at the same time, and some left earlier than others). I think a total of twentysomething girls showed up in all. Why did I throw this party? One of my stripper friends (let’s call her “Candy,” from the “Candy and Mandy Act”) is going through a bad breakup and needed some comforting. So I got on the phone, rallied the troops, and threw her a “we-all-hate-whatshisname” party, complete with whipped cream, Haagen-Dazs, hot chocolate, pillows, stuffed animals, and bunny slippers. Continue reading “Pajama Party @ My Place”

Merry Christmas — Brooke Style

You may remember that Jaycee and I had some fun with Brooke in a Christmas costume last week. Well, since Christmas is all about sharing, I thought I should share with you what she looked like. This is her, trying to see if she can stretch the fabric a little and cover more of herself. It was all in vain, I assure you! 😀 Continue reading “Merry Christmas — Brooke Style”

While He’s On Vacations

Hi, I’m Mandy. Jaycee is gone on vacations. He asked me to blog here on his behalf. So here I am. Many here probably know me from some of his earlier comments about me. I’m not going to try and defend what I did in the past here. I’ve begun posting excerpts from my diary of long ago, so if you’re interested in how we met and how we broke up, you’ll (eventually) find out all the sordid details in there. Continue reading “While He’s On Vacations”

(Coming Soon)