Of Cereals and Squirrels

I saw the darnest thing this morning, at breakfast. There I was, eating my cereals, when I saw a squirrel outside the back window. It was just scurrying around, looking for food. At first, I thought nothing of it, until it faced the window for a second. Then I saw it was a male. An impressive one. I’ve seen squirrels before, and they don’t come equipped with this kind of (ahem) male gear. This one was sporting a set of genitals I’d have expected on a small dog. Attitude (who happened to flutter by at the same moment) denied any involvement in this. She added, “Better him than you, right?” and fluttered away. Yeah. She got THAT right. –Jaycee

A Lesson in Cunning Linguistics…

Last night was odd, to say the list. Mandy and I had sex (the standard way, if there’s such a thing). Afterwards, the conversation drifted off into sexual performance, foreplay, and mutual satisfaction. And in the spirit of open and honest communication, I disclosed to Mandy I somewhat felt inadequate with her. Let’s face it, she’s had a LOT of experience, and (thanks to some faerie-enhanced years) she’s become QUITE the sexual athlete (even if she says she’s forgotten a lot when she returned to normal). So when I seemed absent-minded after sex, she asked me what was on my mind. I told her what was up and she just smiled. It wasn’t a mocking smile, just kind of reassuring. “You shouldn’t worry about that. I’m with you because I like you. I’ve liked you for a LONG time, and for other reasons than sexual prowess. BETTER reasons.” Continue reading “A Lesson in Cunning Linguistics…”

Who’s the Boob? That’s Right…

…It’s me! On Friday, I thought I’d be a funny guy and subject Brooke and Roseanne to Mood Boobs. For those who don’t know, it’s on one of the bunch of DVDs I received last week. It’s the story of this flat-chested girl who, while holding a magic crystal, wishes she had mood boobs: they’d grow bigger when she clapped her hands or got horny; her nipples would get rock hard and pointy when she’d get angry; etc. You get the idea. Mandy was in on the joke, too. Because it’d only last a day (like the Freaky Friday curse), we both figured there’d be no lasting harm, so why not had a little fun, right? Continue reading “Who’s the Boob? That’s Right…”

Girl For Just One Day

Well, it looks like the DVD Curse lasted only 24 hours, and now both Mandy & I are back to normal. I’m looking at the other DVDs, and I’m wondering at the possibilities. I know I shouldn’t THINK about this, but I have people coming over tonight… including Brooke & Roseanne. I’m wondering how they’d react to Mood Boobs (which, from the description, sounds rather amusing). –Jaycee

Sunny Side Up

To celebrate my newfound flaccidness (is that a word? I’m declaring this a word now!), Mandy and I decided to go to the beach yesterday. You can imagine things didn’t quite work as planned. We got there late in the morning, still early enough that the place wasn’t too crowded, but not so much so that we had a lot of private space. But hey, it’s a beach, and the whole point of going was NOT to have privacy. I’ve had enough privacy in the last months, so I was grateful for the crowd. Continue reading “Sunny Side Up”

Idle 1s and 0s Are The Devil’s Playthings…

The search for Morgan Reiss has been slow, and I am starting to get bored. You know what’s not a good idea? Letting me get bored. When you humans are bored, what do you do? You go to the internet. Except you are limited in your surfing by physical typing and clicking, and by only having eyes and ears to intake feedback. When I get bored I also go to the internet. But all I have to do is come up with a search, open the firewall, and BAM! I’m rushed with 1s and 0s. Just the other day, I thought “movie” and now I’m still being inundated with moving pictures. Continue reading “Idle 1s and 0s Are The Devil’s Playthings…”

Time & Again — A Kickstarter Project

You may have seen the advertisement above for a Kickstarter campaign to sponsor Dan Standing’s sexy comic project. Please click on it and find out how, for contributions starting at ONLY $5 you can be part of the creation process. This comic will be drawn by the supremely talented team at PortalComic (who are also contributing great new strips in the Members Area of Bloomin’ Faeries!). T&A features themes like breast expansion, transformations, and plenty of good old-fashioned sex!!! The $5 contribution will get you a PDF of the final work — already a good deal. If you feel more generous, there are additional rewards! Why don’t you check it out and find out for yourself! –Jaycee

(Coming Soon)