Making the Best of a Bad Situation

I decided, if I’m going to have a power (however short the duration is going to be) and it’s going to make women uninterested in me, I might as well make the most of it, right? So this morning, I decided when getting up that I was going to milk the arousal/orgasm thing for all it was worth. First order of the day: while Mandy was still sleeping (next to me), I “stimulated” her. Her immediate squirming confirmed to me that I still had “it.” I took my time, leaving her in that state, kind of enjoying the sight of her twisting around under the covers. Then I “released” her, bringing her to a rather spectacular climax. It woke her up, but by then I was already out of bed and getting myself ready. Continue reading “Making the Best of a Bad Situation”

More Minx Mischief

Fortunately, the cold nose thing didn’t last long. Barely a day or so. Looks like Minx doesn’t have the same firepower as Attitude did. But what she lacks in duration, she makes up for in tenacity. So it looks like she’s been messing around with a number of little things, from plants to squirrels to Mandy’s nipples. By and large, this isn’t a BIG problem. But today, she surprised me a little. She flew up to my face, all buzzing and excited, and said she had to do a good deed. An annual thing for faeries. But since Attitude didn’t really cover this with her, she wanted my advice. Not that she CARED, she was quick to add. In fact, she wanted to know so she could do something else. Continue reading “More Minx Mischief”

There’s Something About Marie…

I’m going to (exceptionally) break with the usual form and talk a little bit about the character Marie from the strip. With that last strip, you may have noticed that I have been laying it on a little thick with the drama. What’s up with this? Is BF! losing its sense of humor? No, not at all. The thing about Marie is an exception. And I blame Scott Kurtz (bless his talented soul!) for it. Continue reading “There’s Something About Marie…”

So Jaycee, Where Have You Been?

It’s been over THREE weeks since my last update, and I’m terribly sorry about this. Some real-life stuff, such as switching the site from one hosting service to another, have taken up some of my time. I’m wondering if this has to do with the weird behavior of my phone, a while back, or the mysterious (and apparently enchanted) DVDs I received. Guess someone has it in for me, right? Well, buster, I’m not quitting. Continue reading “So Jaycee, Where Have You Been?”

Guess Who I Saw at Coffeehaus? (Part 2)

Enough with the suspense, here’s what happened on Sunday, AFTER Mandy noticed Meghan sitting by herself at a table on the ground floor. As I said, she wasn’t really alone. She was soon joined by Brooke, dressed in her unmistakable pick-up artist style. It used to good on her as a guy, it now looks even better on her as a chick. And that hot chick was now hovering again around my ex-girlfriend, Meghan. If you’re just now joining us, you should know that I throw up a little in my mouth, these days, every time I think about Meg. And while I’ve moved on and forgiven Brooke for sleeping with her (as a guy) when she and I dated, my stomach sank low when I noticed the two together at Coffeehaus. Continue reading “Guess Who I Saw at Coffeehaus? (Part 2)”

Guess Who I Saw at Coffeehaus?

I’ve recently found a new place to hang out, a coffee shop called Coffeehaus. I’ve been going there for a few weeks to write up my scripts for the strips. The atmosphere is pretty hip. They have carpets, and tons of bookshelves with real books. Books from the 19th and 20th Century, covering all sorts of topics. And the place has two floors, and serves coffee at tables, unlike Starbucks. The waiters and waitresses are very friendly, and remember what you want when you’re a regular. This morning, I went there to write, accompanied by Mandy, who wanted to tag along to buy some fashion magazines. (She’s not ACTUALLY into these magazines, she says; she just wants to make fun of the skinny models and silly quizzes they have.) I didn’t mind her company, on the contrary. It was nice to have her there, especially because it gave me someone to bounce ideas off of for sexual gags. So we went to my usual table, on the second floor, in the corner, and I got to writing. Continue reading “Guess Who I Saw at Coffeehaus?”

Minx Watch: Nuts

So…there isn’t a lot I can really see from the vantage point of Jaycee’s web cam. I’ve been able to slowly hack into various other web cams and security cameras around the immediate area with some care, so my viewpoint is slowly growing, but what I’ve discovered is the most interesting stuff is actually going on right here. Well, duh, right? Continue reading “Minx Watch: Nuts”


I just saw my credit card bill for June, and saw that SOMEHOW I got charged for a few dozen softcore DVDs that were shipped to me!!! What the heck?!? So these weren’t gifts after all, but some credit card hack! To whoever did this: screw you!!! And of course, Attitude denies everything. Well, I guess if I’m going to look at the silver lining, I should be happy that *I* got the DVDs. Whoever hacked my credit card could have sent them to himself… All right, I’m off to cancel my card and get another one. –Jaycee

(Coming Soon)