
Sorry if I didn’t announce this earlier, but Mandy got in touch with me on Wednesday. She’d gone out of town to see her sister Jackie. She needed some time off from everything, and returning to her roots, seeing her family, it all sounded like the right thing to do. She says she left a note to Antony, but maybe he never found it… Or a faerie took it. Minx says she didn’t, but she’s a faerie, so I’m not taking her at her word. But that doesn’t matter, now! Mandy’s back in town, and now that the curse-craze has stopped, we’re going to talk about her moving back in. She’s coming tomorrow… –Jaycee

It’s a Date

Jaycee’s life has been very interesting, of late. With the help of his iPhone, I’ve been able to collect a very sexy picture gallery of his (and Mandy’s) activities. I’ve added that to the sexy images that Morgan has been sending me. I’m building up quite a nice little stash, here. If I had hands, I’d be fapping a lot. (I like that new word, “fapping.” Learned about it today, while browsing the urban dictionary. I’m sure none of you know what it is…) You may be interested to know that I’ve been doing more than chatting with this Morgan woman. She’s very susceptible to being ordered around, it seems, especially if she thinks she’s talking to Jaycee. We had a video chat, last week, and she could barely tell that the image she was addressing wasn’t really Jaycee. I just told her that I had some problems with my webcam, and she accepted that as fact. I told her I’d rather focus on HER image, and asked her to angle the camera so I’d talk to her boobs. She hesitated, asked me if I was sure, then moved the camera to show me her chest. Holy High Beams, Batman!!! (Look at me, using all these nice cultural expressions! It’s really like I’m a person, now, right?) That woman is stacked! And excited. And willing to share it with me, as often as I want. Continue reading “It’s a Date”

Triggers! (The End)

It’s finally stopped. Yesterday, not a single bit of magic affected me. I’m still looking for Minx, but nothing. The good news, though: some things have moved in her little apartment, so maybe she’s gone back to living in it (just not when I’m there). I guess she’s about to resurface and I can apologize, wonder at her amazing boobs, and put the whole thing behind us. Let’s hope… –Jaycee

Triggers! (VII)

Sorry for not updating you in the last few days.It’s been a busy weekend (and I had a lot of writing to catch up on). I’ve tried staying out of my apartment most of the time to minimize the triggers, but that hasn’t been extremely helpful. Minx left a lot of triggers on ME, so even if I went out, there were still… problems. For example, on Friday morning, I went to the coffee shop to get my morning coffee, and accidentally touched the waitress’ hand when she gave me my change. Instantly, her nipples popped up under her shirt, pointing at me like angry little rockets. She gasped and blushed, and tried very hard NOT to look down at her chest to see what was happening. As she dashed away to the bathroom, I was left thinking this was probably a trigger destined for Mandy. Dammit, Minx, leave her alone! Continue reading “Triggers! (VII)”

Triggers! (VI)

Mandy’s gone, but not Minx’s triggers. Today, on the menu:
  • Dishwasher soap. As soon as I dipped my hands in the soap water, they took a life of their own and pulled my shirt off. Then, they grabbed MORE soap and started rubbing it all over my chest. I’m sure that would’ve been sexier if it’d happened to Mandy (she does the dishes, normally, and I do the drying). Guess that one’s a fail for Minx… Continue reading “Triggers! (VI)”

Mandy’s Moving Out

Following some good advice, today I looked for a place where Mandy could stay. Because there wasn’t much time and I didn’t want to take any chances, I went straight to the non-straight: Antony. You may remember that Antony is a gay friend of mine. (Everybody should have a gay friend, it’s the politically correct thing to do, right?) Antony and I hadn’t talked in a little while, but he’s reliable and trustworthy. I couldn’t tell him about the faerie issue I have, of course, so I made something up. Something with enough truth in it that he’d believe it. I told him there was this weird stalker who was harassing Mandy and I’d feel safer if she could stay elsewhere for a little bit. Continue reading “Mandy’s Moving Out”

Triggers! (Part V)

This morning, when the alarm rang, I awoke to the sights and sound of Mandy thrashing in the bed next to me, her hands going about some sexy business between her legs. Looks like the alarm buzzer was rigged to make her clitoris buzz in sync. And for some mysterious (and probably magical) reason, the snooze button wasn’t working, so it kept on buzzing… *BZZZT* *BZZZT* *BZZZT*… Continue reading “Triggers! (Part V)”

Triggers! (Part III)

Minx was in great form today. Seven pranks, in all, iterated 2-3 times each. I’ve had so much sex (with Mandy, on my own, and, once, with a warm cheesecake) that I wonder how long we’ll have the stamina to keep this up. But the worst one wasn’t done to either one of us. Jennifer caught us by surprise last night, arriving around 8PM, with a stack of boardgames. DAMN! I’d forgotten all about that! We’d agreed to start a boardgame night every other Saturday, and this one was to be the first. Mandy and I looked at each other, knowing this was trouble, but we couldn’t come up with a good excuse to cancel. While Jen went to the fridge to get herself something to drink, we reluctantly setup the first game (Zombies!!!), still wondering if there was some kind of way out. Continue reading “Triggers! (Part III)”

(Coming Soon)