An Apology to Subscribers… Sort Of

I realized, while installing the Bloomin’ Coins! system, that there were about a hundred people who, as former Members, remained in the system as no-privilege Subscribers. Luckily for them, thanks to an oversight on my part, they could still access some of the Members-only contents without actually being Members. So for this screw up, I apologize to Members. I also apologize to these Subscribers because as of now, they are no longer able to access the contents of the site. The fact they were able to do so was an error on my part,  and this is now corrected. I’m not doing this to annoy you, but to protect the privileges of the Members, whose support is critical in keeping this site going. I hope you will consider re-joining us as Members. Thanks everyone! –Jaycee

Bloomin’ Coins!

Hi everyone, I’ve been busy with work in the last few weeks, so little update on my life. But I’m going on vacations next week and I’ll be spending the week between Christmas and New Year in Mexico, with Mandy, Brooke, Jennifer, Meghan, Antony, and a few more friends. I got confirmation that Zuri WILL be in town while I’m gone. She may or may not be there when I return — her plans were still pretty flexible. Ah well… I haven’t just been busy with work, though. I’ve also worked on implementing a system that I like to call Bloomin’ Coins! This is something that I’ve been meaning to try for a while, and I hope you’ll like it. Here’s what it does:
  • We give you a special, personal link that you get your friends to click on.
  • Every time a UNIQUE friend (from his/her own UNIQUE IP address) visits this site, YOU earn a Bloomin’ Coin!
  • Once you’ve got a few Coins, you can spend them and get some unique content that is normally reserved to Members.
Right now, because it’s the Holiday Season and we’re also testing it out, there are only six items in the shop — all of them comic strips from the fine folks at PortalComic. And BECAUSE it’s just a test and we want you to give it a shot, ALL items in the Bloomin’ Shop are ONLY ONE COIN EACH!!! Check out the menu bar above the comic, click on Bloomin’ Coins, and get started! And in case I don’t get a chance to write another update before I leave, I want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart for visiting this place so regularly and faithfully. Your support makes everything worthwhile! Happy Holidays! –Jaycee

Quick Update

Hey all, Sorry I’ve been silent. We have a pre-Christmas rush at the office, so I’ve been staying at work later than usual. Not much time left for updates. But this morning, it’s a bit slower, so here’s what’s been happening to the people in my life (and myself).
  • Mandy hasn’t moved back in, and probably won’t. We talked about it, and she’s worried that too much faerie influence in her life might cause her to relapse to her older self. She said it came VERY close, during the Trigger Incidents, and she doesn’t want to go back down that road. She’s still living at Antony’s and is looking for a new place of her own.
  • Brooke and Roseanne are officially over. Now it’s all about Brooke and Meghan.
  • Jennifer has a new boyfriend. Which isn’t surprising. Ever since she “busted out” (a nice way to say she got implants), she’s been going through guys like mad. They’re usually hot hunks, with toasters for brains. She’s also going for a more feminine look — I saw her wearing a dress, the other day, and it was really weird for me. She’s not a tomboy-ish little sister anymore, more like a hot sexpot. My brain can’t quite cope with that yet.
  • I received a postcard from Zuri. She’s coming to town during the holidays. BAD NEWS! I’m going on holidays myself right after Christmas (Mexico, BABY!), so there’s a chance we’ll miss each other.
  • Morgan never reappeared. I don’t know where she came from, or where she went after she visited me, “that” time. Probably just as well. I’ve confessed the entire incident to Mandy, though, who was upset by the whole thing. She understood it was the usual faerie mischief, though, so she’s not holding a grudge.
That’s about all the news. Oh, and Minx has been very quiet. She’s been looking a bit nervous, these days, but she says it’s nothing. I hope that’s not the calm before the storm… –Jaycee

Saturday Night Chaos (Epilogue)

I couldn’t get a hold of Mandy after what happened, but we talked on Sunday morning. She was fine. We agreed that after the night before, it would be safe if she went back to stay at Antony’s place for a little while. Just until we figure out what happened. I didn’t tell her about Morgan’s visit. Not yet. But I will. I just wanted to figure out first what happened, where she came from all of a sudden, and what force was at work behind it all. And I got thinking… If it was Minx who “fixed” those orgasms that prevented me from having sex with Morgan, then she’s not the one who got Morgan to show up and come on to me in the first place. So I decided to have a chat with Minx, and asked her what was her part in all of this. The thing about Minx is, she’s a pretty bad liar. She has the poker face of a three year-old. Her answer was one of those “Nothiiiiiiiiing” that screams “I’m lying.” So I asked her a few more questions. “Minx, seriously, did you do this to me? To the point of fainting?” “Mmmmmaybe?” “You lost an opportunity to watch me have sex with Morgan.” “Who?” she asked. “The lady with the big boobs.” “Oh, her. Well, your orgasms were fun to watch.” Uh huh. Then I had a light bulb moment. “And isn’t that an uncanny coincidence that Mandy had the SAME problem, around the SAME time, and didn’t show up at 8PM, when she was supposed to.” “Ah… I suppose.” I pressed on, feeling I was on to something. “Minx, did you curse Mandy, just like you cursed me?” She shuffled a guilty foot around the other. “And what if I did?” “I knew it! You DID this to us!” She shrugged, so I continued. “You’re the one who gave us all those orgasms! And I’m willing to bet you did this to stop me from sleeping with Morgan. And to stop Mandy from showing up and seeing her there!” Minx frowned unhappily. “Are you insinuating I would have HELPED you?” she asked, her glare threatening. I could see this could be an issue, so I backed down. “Um… Ah… I mean… No, of COURSE not! You did this for your own entertainment, not AT ALL to do me a favor! I didn’t insinuate that you might have shirked your duties as a proper faerie and actually HELPED a human being.” “Good.” She was pouting, now. “But if you HAD done this deliberately, and if it HAD had a beneficial side effect for Mandy and myself, it WOULD be proper for me to express gratitude, right?” She concentrated a moment, then nodded. “I guess, yes.” “So, I’m NOT thanking you now, but personally, I’m glad I got off with JUST those orgasms and nothing else.” And there you have it, folks. Some faeries may have a heart after all. Not that I’m suggesting Minx has one. I’m just sayin’… –Jaycee

Saturday Night Chaos (Part III)

(CONTINUED) After she guided my hands to her boobs, I kind of lost control of what I was doing. But there was good news, because Mandy was right there in front of me, pushing herself against me. I pivoted both of us, and it was her turn to be against the wall. i stared into her eyes, then realized there was nothing I wanted more, right at that moment, than to make animal love to her. So without ceremony, I grabbed fistful of fabric and yanked down, shredding her very flimsy top in the process. Mandy didn’t seem to mind. I saw in her eyes the same animal lust I was feeling. I pushed my crotch hard against hers, and she growled like a lioness in heat. She gave me a fierce kiss and I kissed her back. Honestly, I don’t remember the details too clearly, except that we were both out of control, and that made things very hot. But then, it got a little too hot, and something started boiling in my groin, like a volcano about to erupt. And seconds later, erupt it did! Mandy looked at me with panic in her eyes. “No! No, not yet! PLEASE!!!” But I wasn’t hearing anything. My knees got too weak and I dropped to the floor, my hands in my pants, trying to get a hold of… well, myself. But I was out of control and my orgasms were coming in rapid succession. I remember Mandy looking down at me, looking distressed. And then I just passed out. When I woke up, I was alone in my apartment. The clock read 9:25 PM. Minx was floating nearby, sitting cross-legged, her eyes fixed on me. She was smiling. [To be continued] –Jaycee

Saturday Night Chaos (Part II)

(CONTINUED) Morgan stepped in and I stepped back. I glanced back and forth between her, all skin and no modesty, and the phone lying on the kitchen table. I hoped Mandy was too busy with her orgasms to have heard Morgan’s voice. (DAMN, but she was hot! Still the same smoking body I remembered, with apparently none of the reserve and propriety she once had.) “I… Um… hold on!” I raced back to the phone. “Mandy? Mandy, you there???” I felt a pair of breasts pushing against my back, and long arms slowly embrace me from behind. Her hips were gyrating against my butt. At the other end of the line, my girlfriend was moaning through yet another thunderous orgasm and was paying me no attention. “Mandy! Tell me where you are! I’ll be right there!” *click* *beeeeeeeeeeeeeep* The phone line went dead. I looked down — one of Morgan’s hands was on the “OFF” button of my wireless phone’s docking station. She’d hung up on Mandy! Mandy would just think I’d hung up on HER in her time of need! I saw red. With a shove of the shoulder, I pushed Morgan back, stepped forward, and turned to face her. “What the HELL did you just do? And what are you doing here?!? What’s going on?” She didn’t seem surprised one bit or taken aback by my hostility. On the contrary, it seemed to turn her. At least that was my assumption based on her thick, hardening nipples, which were building visible tents at the front of her blouse. “You know what’s going on. Or should I pretend you don’t? I can do that…” She stepped forward. I backed away. She stepped forward again, and I hit my back against the wall. Nowhere to run! But then I thought, enough with the running! It was time I made a stand! “Hold it right there! My girlfriend’s in trouble. I gotta go. And you need to go too.” She just smiled. “You can’t go. I’m not going to let you go. And I don’t think you WANT to go… This body… What it can do to you… you don’t want to pass this up.” She was sliding her hands up and down her sides, caressing her throat and her hips. She stepped forward, offering her chest to my gaze like it was a prize or something. (Okay, so yeah, it WAS pretty impressive, so you can’t blame a guy for looking!) I was frozen, just like a mouse caught in a snake’s gaze. Damn, those were some impressively hard nipples, right there. Morgan gently grabbed my hands and brought them to her boobs. And then I became dizzy, and a lot of things stopped making sense. [To be continued] –Jaycee

Saturday Night Chaos (Part I)

As you know from my post on Friday, Mandy was supposed to come visit me on Saturday night, and we were supposed to talk about her moving back with me. That didn’t go as planned. Around 8PM, she sent me a short text, apologizing because she wasn’t going to make it. I immediately called her up. She picked up the phone, her voice sounding a bit breathless, like she’d been running. “You’re not coming! Is everything all right?” She was breathing faster, now. “No… *mmm* I… I can’t go out… *aaah* …like this. I’m coming… *NGH* …every five minutes!” Oh, come on! Another faerie trick! “Wait, where are you? I’ll come get you.” Bad timing: just as I said this, my apartment’s buzzer rang. Someone downstairs was there to visit me. “Hang in there, I’ll be right back!” I ran to the buzzer, hit the button, raced back to the phone. “Oh God, feels… so GOOD! Ah! Ah! Aaaaaah!” “Mandy?” “I… can’t stop touching myself! AaaAaAAAH!” “Mandy, where are you? I’ll come get you.” “Come! Come! Come!” Knock knock! Someone was at my door already. “Hold on.” I dropped the phone on the table and rushed to the door. I opened the door without even looking through the magic eye… …and saw Morgan, just standing there, dressed in an outfit that could only be described as provocative. She was displaying more cleavage than she was hiding, and she seemed to be mostly made of legs and bare skin. As I stood there, looking dumbfounded, she just strode forward, her intimidating breasts causing me to back away slowly. “Thanks for seeing me,” she said, her voice sultry. “I’ve been waiting for this for a long time…” [To be continued] –Jaycee

Marie — The Lost Strips

I’m going to let you all in on a little secret: back in April, I wanted to start a members area-only side strip that would focus on Marie herself. I’m a long-standing fan of Robert DeJesus, and I tracked him down through his DeviantArt account (and other addresses). To my great delight, he responded with enthusiasm, but also a bit of caution. Fair enough, this IS the internet after all. So I provided character references and promised to pre-pay the first few strips, just out of good faith (I generally don’t pre-pay, since this IS the internet after all). And so, we struck a deal, and I started writing a few scripts. Here’s the first finalized strip that came out of this:

I was pretty excited and sent a second strip to Robert. I received the following roughs:

Then Robert went radio silent for a month. When he resurfaced, late June, he explained he’d had a tremendous amount of work, and said he was going to get me the final version within a few days. That didn’t happen, and despite my repeated attempts at contacting him to continue this series, I never heard back from him. You can imagine I’m very disappointed, because I’m a huge fan of his work and I was looking forward to sharing this with you. And I suspected a series around Marie would get everyone excited, but that just wasn’t meant to be. We’re now in November, almost 5 months later. I can only assume that something either very bad has happened, or I might have done something wrong without meaning to.

Or maybe some faerie got to him and messed up his life so badly that he doesn’t dare answer my emails. Either way, I hope he’s fine. (And Robert, if you’re reading this, please contact me, I’d love to continue this series with you.)

Of course, if you readers want to contact Robert and plead with him to continue this series, I encourage you to contact him and politely ask him to get in touch with me. 🙂

Meanwhile, I figured I’d been sitting on these strips long enough, and having paid for them, I saw no harm in sharing them with everyone!


(Coming Soon)