Big Bang Theory Opening

Is it just me, or is the opening song of Big Bang Theory discreetly mimicking having sex? My points:
  • “Our whole universe was in a hot dense state…” (that’s how it gets started, baby)
  • “Then nearly fourteen million years ago expansion started — wait!” (is the universe having an erection???)
  • The rhythm picks up to a pretty good sex beat
  • Ends with a nice visual of a white explosion, accompanied by the enthusiastic singing of the word “BANG!!!”
So maybe it’s just me and my dirty mind, but I thought I’d share it with you. What do YOU think? –Jaycee

It’s a Wonderful Ad

Long-time readers may remember a time when the site had cleaner, friendlier ads. Almost 2 years ago, I was forced to quit Project Wonderful because Bloomin’ Faeries! was deemed an adult comic (not just NSFW) and was gently escorted out of the system. Yesterday, however, I got great news: Project Wonderful now officially supports adult comics and content, so I’m now in a position to resume advertising through that network. This means I can (gradually) remove the Juicy Ads (which have not been very lucrative of late) and resume advertising better targeted sites. Still, if you remain bothered by the ads, you can always become a member and get rid of them. 🙂 –Jaycee

The Long Silence

Hey all, Sorry for the long break between updates. I’ve been spending a lot of time lately catching up on script writing for the main strip as well as members-only content. Considering 80% of the monthly revenues for the site comes from memberships, I feel I have to increase the value members get for their money. That means more exclusive content in the members area, and just regular webcomic updates for the non-members. In case you haven’t read the column to the left (Member News), we have a few more artists that have joined the exclusive comics section:
  • Ganassa
  • W.I. Guam
I’m also working with DeviantArt’s CallMePo to create a series of strips based on yours truly (they’re not there yet, but I’m just sayin’). It will be a comic-ified version of my misadventures in the early days, when Attitude became part of my life. And for those who are interested in steamier accounts of those days, I’m starting a series of ebooks that are slowly making their appearance in the Members Area.
And last but not least, I also have, now a “Bloomin’ Reality!” page, where you can learn about the behind-the-scenes reality of creating a webcomic when you’re only a writer without an artist. If I can do it, perhaps so can you. And maybe you’ll learn from my mistakes.
So that’s it for now. And remember, this is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Help a female friend and offer to check her boobs for her. –Jaycee

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Hey all, You probably already know this, but October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. And since we’re all fans of breasts here (aren’t we?), I’d like to direct you to the National Breast Cancer Awareness Month website ( If you’re a woman, please do yourself (and us!) a favor and consider getting your puppies checked. (If you require male assistance, please leave a message in the comments below and we’ll find you an eager volunteer to help you. 😉 And if you’re a man (or a lesbian, that’s okay too), please consider making a donation to help save boobs. Because any time the world loses a boob, it becomes poorer for it. –Jaycee

Blog Hiatus

Hi all, For the foreseeable future, the blog section of the site will be on slight hiatus. I have been busy catching up with other aspects of the site (such as bonus strips for the members area and building back my buffer). I’ve also undertaken some new writing projects that I’ll share here as soon as I’ve made some significant progress. I’ll still post some news from time to time, but the narrative of my misadventures is going to take a backseat for a little while. I hope you’ll forgive me and keep on reading the comic. –Jaycee

Mischief in Cuba (Part V)

So what was this slutscreen all about? Brooke and I discussed it, and quickly figured it out: it would gradually turn someone — anyone — into an increasingly horny bimbo. Depending on the starting point, it would take more or less sunscreen to make it happen. As I started from a male, it took more slutscreen to affect me. For Brooke, the transition was not nearly as big, so just a bit would make her come like a freight train. Because we’d both had a go at it, we decided to call a truce: we agreed not to use any of our gadgets on each other for the remainder of the trip. Everybody else was fair game, and we could not refuse to be the other’s wingman if asked. Brooke was first to ask. She wasn’t interested in the girl she had targeted, a brunette named Alexandra. It was just that while in the ladies’ bathroom, this Alexandra had given Brooke this snobbish, “you’re-a-tramp-and-I’m-better-than-you” up and down look. So Brooke asked me to “bring her down a notch” and (I’m quoting) “deliver her to me.” So later that day, while that Alexandra was away swimming, I sprinkled some faerie dust onto her beach towel. When she came back and after she had dried herself, I approached her. Her inhibitions were down, and it was a simple matter for me to flirt with her. I didn’t use to be very good at it, but combining the help with the faerie dust with my faerie sight, I had her wrapped around my little finger in less than 15 minutes. That’s when I offered to put some slutscreen on her (not that I called it that, of course). She readily agreed, and a few minutes later, she’d gone from a slim, attractive girl, to a Playboy-level model. (I was affected too, but since I was wearing a loose t-shirt, she couldn’t notice the small breasts I’d grown.) Her arousal, already growing from lowered inhibitions and successful flirting, was getting pretty high, and I had no problems convincing her to follow me back to my room. Where Brooke was waiting. I ushered Alexandra inside, tossed Brooke the slutscreen, and closed the door behind her. I went back to the beach for the following hour, confident that Brooke would have her begging for sex within minutes. (Later, Brooke told me she was offended by that expectation. “Minutes? Really? You should know me better than this, bro — she was begging me to take her after 20 seconds.”) The next day, it was going to be my turn. –Jaycee

Mischief in Cuba (Part IV)

The effects of the special sunscreen (which Brooke & I have since called “slutscreen”) weren’t to give orgasms, if that’s what you thought it did. I discovered that a bit later the next day. Let me back track a little: after her “hour of fun,” Brooke gave me a piece of her mind, but also promised she’d get me back for doing this to her. She’s no idiot, so I knew I’d have to be extra careful to avoid getting caught. For starters, I made sure I kept the tube with me at all times, so she wouldn’t be able to use it on me. Except that I hadn’t counted on being unable to hold on to it through an orgasm. Right  after I came out of a shower, Brooke (wearing rubber kitchen gloves) was right there, holding my iPhone, and taking a quick series of photos of me. Instant multiple orgasms took over me. I dropped to the floor and let go of the tube, which she grabbed. She quickly opened it up, squeezed some of its content on my chest, and rubbed it around with a gloved hand (ensuring she wouldn’t be affected). She then backed away to watch her handiwork. I was a little too busy with recovering from my spontaneous climaxes to pay much attention to what was happening to me, but Brooke’s look of shock quickly brought me back to reality. I looked down at myself. Oh crap. I had boobs. I’d come out of the shower bare chested, wearing only my swimming trunks. Now, I was sporting a pair of modest-sized breasts. With sensitive, excited, upturned nipples. I covered them with my hands, then realized it was a somewhat silly gesture, considering the company I was in. “Nice work,” I told Brooke. “That’s unexpected,” she answered. “You’re a chick.” “You’re very perceptive,” I commented. Brooke looked at me, then at the tube of sunscreen, and poured some more on her gloved hand. “Let’s try something…” She approached me. I was still on the floor and unable to defend myself much. All she had to do was to rub some on my exposed skin, which wasn’t hard to do. I tried backing but it was too late. I felt a tingle go through my chest and my crotch, leaving me slightly aroused and panting. When I looked down again, my boobs had grown to a C-cup and my nipples were achingly erect. All I wanted was to play with them (but not in front of Brooke). “DAMMIT Brooke! Stop it!” “Oh, THAT’s interesting,” she murmured. She applied another dose, and I almost instantly sprouted a pair of impressive D-cups. And my arousal went WAY up. Almost of their own volition, my hands left my boobs and crawled between my thighs. I looked at Brooke pleadingly. “Dude,” I said through clenched teeth. “You’ve GOT to leave me alone for a bit…” And fortunately, Brooke understood exactly what I was going through, and left the room, sunscreen in hand. Boy did I have a field day with myself. I was REALLY aroused, and it took a good hour before I ramped down. By the end of the hour, though, I was back to my male self. –Jaycee

Mischief in Cuba (Part III)

It’s been weeks since I’ve updated my blog. Before I continue the story of my vacation in Cuba, I feel I should update you a little on what’s been going on in a general sense. So in a nutshell:
  • I’ve really been getting into salsa dancing a lot. Like, 3-5 times a week. Which is one of the reasons why I haven’t had much time to update this blog.
  • I’ve also got a new job — no more kids books for me. I’m now on a writing contract for a large game developer. That means I really get to combine two things I enjoy: writing and gaming.
  • Brooke and Meghan have moved in together. It looks serious.
  • Fredrika and I have been seeing more of each other. She’s REALLY attracted to me (I can tell, thanks to my faerie sight), but I don’t feel the same way about her.
  • Jennifer has been boyfriend-less for 3 months, now.  She’s been hanging at my place a lot more, lately, and yes: she’s got the hots for me too.
And with this, back to my tales from Cuba… The next day, after sleeping on the couch AGAIN, I decided to find out WHY Minx suggested Brooke shouldn’t use the “special sunscreen” she’d given me. Since I knew Brooke would be suspicious of the tube it was in, I opened up her regular tube while she was in the shower, and squeezed some of the special sunscreen into it. I was careful not to let it touch me. I put everything back in its place, and waited for the events to unfold. It was a few hours before we got to the beach, and Brooke decided to put on some sunscreen. I watched her from the corner of my eye, waiting for what was going to happen next. It wasn’t very long. A few minutes later, her eyes grew wide and she looked at me, puzzled. I could tell her arousal was ramping up WAY too fast. She looked at the tube, confirming it was her normal sunscreen, not Minx’s.  Squirming, she looked at me again. “Did you…?” All of a sudden, she gasped and threw herself on her back, her hips rising.  Her hands flew to her crotch, fingers slipping under her slip and getting to business. In a matter of seconds, she ramped up to a thundering climax that took her breath away. It lasted a good while, after which she “readjusted” herself. “Jaycee! You jackass!” She was about to give me a piece of her mind, when the squirming started again. She gasped. “Oh no!” She quickly gathered up her things and started to run away, pushing her towel against her crotch as she wobbled through another orgasm.  I thought it was funny to watch her butt squeeze and release through the spasms. She recovered and ran out of my sight, probably to the relative safety of our room. It turns out that the effect of the sunscreen only lasted around 30 minutes or so, as I discovered myself the next day. But that’s a story for later. –Jaycee

Bloomin’ Artwork!

An overwhelming majority of voters have expressed an interest in having their art displayed on Bloomin’ Faeries! (I’m NOT calling it fan art because for some reason, I’m uncomfortable with that expression.) So if you’re interested in having your BF-related art displayed, I’ll make a dedicated gallery page JUST for this (as soon as I start receiving some pieces). This is a gallery for everyone, and you get full credits & ownership for the piece. A few rules to remember, however:
  • The art has to do with at least ONE of the following themes:
    • Picture of a character from the webcomic
    • Picture of a character from the blog narrative
    • Picture of a situation related to Bloomin’ Faeries!
  • Some artistic restrictions apply:
    • No intercourse! Not gonna happen, don’t even ask!
    • Obscenities, violence, or anything highly controversial is not allowed; yes, this is a subjective call. If in doubt, play it safe or ASK
    • Naked breasts and exposed nipples are allowed, but other detailed depictions of genitalia are not allowed
    • “Bodily fluids” are not allowed (except saliva — a bit of saliva is okay)
    • We reserve the right to refuse any picture that we consider distasteful, offensive, or otherwise not representative of the typical Bloomin’ Faeries! content
  • All artists retain full rights to their art
    • Bloomin’ Faeries! has automatic rights for web publication of any piece submitted, so long as it remains within the domain
I’m looking forward to see what y’all come up with! –Jaycee

Guest Strips?

I’ve never offered this before, figuring there might not be that many people interested in doing it, but it was recently suggested to me that I should send out a call for BF guest strips. If you have your own webcomic and would like to make a BF guest strip in exchange for a link to your comic, please contact me and we can work out the details. –Jaycee

Return of the Dirty Ads

*sigh* Theres a bit of bad news for you non-members. I’ve always tried to keep Bloomin’ Faeries! clean. Despite the strip being NSFW, I’ve rejected (as much as I could) ads that contained full nudity because it didn’t fit with the image and branding of the site. That choice, however, came at a price, namely with a huge limitation on the potential ads that could be displayed. With fewer advertisers interested, ad prices tend to go down, which in turn reduces ad revenues. This wasn’t so bad while membership was up, but after the Paypal fiasco, we lost 20% of the members. So now, we’re  hemorraging money. Come end of July, if the situation hasn’t improved, I plan on opening the advertisement to… “cruder” types of ads. Members (who don’t see the ads) will be unaffected, but the rest of you might be exposed to some tasteless stuff. I apologize for this in advance and promise you to remove those ads as soon as possible. Best regards, –Jaycee

Mischief in Cuba (Part II)

The next day was spent relaxing by the beach. I wore TONS of sunscreen (I’m pretty white). Brooke didn’t need quite as much. Even as a man, she was always keeping up a basic tan to look good. As a chick, she would go to the tanning salon at least twice a week. For the most part, we did nothing. I needed to rest from work, and she just enjoyed basking in the sun like a lizard. So my main activity that day was to go back and forth between my recliner chair and the beach’s mini-bar. At one point in the afternoon, while waiting for some drinks (two mudslides), this blonde chick came over to order something. She had a pretty slim body, a lovely face, but not much of a rack. Actually, she was rather nice looking, until she started showing signs of impatience at the bartender’s pace. She turned to me, side-nodding in the bartender’s direction. “Did you order those yesterday? Service is SO slow here…” I shrugged. “I’m not in a rush. But if you want,” I offered with a helpful smile, “you can have my drinks and I’ll order some more.” “Wow! You’re a dear! My girlfriend and I are sitting over there. Bring us the drinks and you can join us, if you want.” Huh. I hadn’t offered to bring her the drinks, just to let her take mine… But I guess she was one of those entitled people who just assume their looks can let them get away with anything. Not the kind of people I like to interact with. So I waited for the drinks, then sprinkled a bit of faerie dust on them. I took the drinks to the two girls and delivered it as promised. “Here you go ma’am, ma’am,” I said, smiling at each. “Compliments of the house.” I turned to depart when the blonde called out. “Hey, you’re not staying?” I pointed at Brooke with an over-the-shoulder thumb. “I’m with someone. Just thought I’d be a gentleman. Enjoy the drinks.” And with that, I took off. (If you’re not familiar with what I did just there, it’s called a “false disqualifier.” It’s a trick I’d learned from Brooke. It’s a way to make yourself attractive by being technically unavailable. Also, I didn’t want to get caught in whatever was about to happen. I hadn’t put the faerie dust in the drinks for my own benefit, but just to embarrass them and take them down a notch or two…) After I returned to my chair, I directed Brooke’s attention to the two girls. I explained what I’d done, which amused Brooke to no end. So we watched, wondering what was going to happen. After a few minutes, the girls stopped chatting and just lay there, soaking in the sun. I noticed the blonde was repressing gestures to scratch her chest. Her friend (a taller, bustier brunette) was repeatedly squeezing her thighs. And a short while later, the blonde turned to tell her friend something (we couldn’t hear from where we were). Both got up and headed into the water. And when they were far enough, the real fun started. They lowered themselves into the water so that only their heads would show, and started kissing. I have no doubt what their hands and bodies were doing… And they were at it for a good while. Until the brunette let out some kind of shout, which sent her blonde friend into a giggle fit. Brooke and I knew exactly what had happened, and we suspected many other beach-goers had figured it out too. For the rest of the day, though, Brooke and I were good and didn’t inflict any pranks on anyone. The next day, though, was another story. Brooke was in a randy mood and felt like having some sexy fun with these same girls. And so she did. But we’ll get to that next time… –Jaycee