Sexy Gym Stories (Part I)

I asked Minx to join me at the gym today. It may be that women don’t really feel sexy when they exercise, but I wondered if I could change that a little, with my faerie friend’s help. And since it’s a public place, I figured it would keep any perverse urge I might have in check. The intent wasn’t to sleep with anyone, but just to see if I could make something funny and sexy happen. Minx was very enthusiastic at the idea, so it wasn’t much of a hard sell. I started with some elliptical training for cardio. After the treadmill fiasco on Tuesday, I thought I should go for something a little more… low-impact. I was actually doing okay. Then this chick climbed on the machine next to me and broke my concentration. We’re talking H-O-T, here. Early twenties, pink spandex top, amazing six-pack abs, and a round butt whose details were clearly outlined by the tight leggings she was wearing. Her auburn hair was tied in a convenient ponytail. She was carrying an iPhone and wearing ear-plug headphones that clearly expressed that she was in her little bubble and didn’t want to be disturbed. I smiled to myself. I didn’t want her to be affected directly. Instead, I wondered if giving her a wedgie would lead to some arousal. (I know, you girls won’t get this, but us guys kinda find wedgies and cameltoes a bit sexy.) So I thought to myself, “Minx, could you make it so that the longer she trains on the elliptical, the more her underwear give her a wedgie?” There was, of course, no response, so I waited. I focused on my own exercise and my breathing, but I would occasionally shoot sideways glances at the girl next to me. After a few minutes, I could tell she was twisting her legs and hips a little, trying to move so that her underwear would rearrange itself without her having to reach down and do it manually. Naturally, that didn’t work. I glanced at her. Nope, no arousal. I was a bit disappointed, but I figured there was still time. So I waited some more. Around the ten-minute mark, her discomfort was pretty obvious (at least to me, since I knew what to look for). It was clear to her that this wardrobe malfunction wasn’t going to fix itself, so she quickly slid a discreet hand between her legs to unwedge her panties from their snug location. She looked around to make sure no one had seen anything. Me, I was busy fiddling with my iPhone’s music player, so I don’t think she noticed that I had seen everything. I wasn’t sure if her arousal level had changed. Maybe just a little. I mean, if your underwear were wedged like that and rubbed against some sensitive parts, maybe it’s a bit of a normal reaction. I waited some more. Another five minutes, and she was struggling with the same problem again. Her breathing was a bit harder and she was sweating a little, but that’s normal when you’re training cardio. What was different, though, was that she was definitely getting turned on by what was happening. In fact, she didn’t seem to be trying to prevent it, on the contrary. Now that she was a bit more excited, it looked (to me) like she was trying to squeeze her thighs a bit more to get the most of it. At the end of my twenty minutes, I stepped off my machine and wiped my face off, drank some water, fiddled around with my iPhone, etc. I pretended to look busy while discreetly observing her from behind. Her butt cheeks were contracting on and off, and she seemed to be struck by the occasional shiver. And yes, her level of arousal was getting pretty high. So mission accomplished! Well done Minx, that was kinda fun to watch. 🙂 (And if anyone has ideas of harmless sexy things Minx & I could do at the gym, I’m open to suggestions. 🙂 ) –Jaycee

Next update: Sunday

My New Gym

It looks like I’ve hit that age where high metabolism is just a distant memory, and I’ve found that my weight has been creeping upward over the years. Yesterday, I decided to take matters in my own hands and hit the gym before the damage would be too big to be easily reversible. I visited this pretty trendy little gym not far from work. The girl at the counter (Shannon) was a little skinny, but had a great smile. She gave me a very enthusiastic tour of the facilities, and before I even had made a decision, she asked me if I was going to pay by credit card. (It was said as a joke, but I rolled with it and asked her if she came as part of the package deal. Not that it had any effect on her, she probably gets that a lot…) And this morning, armed with some embarrassingly ugly gym clothes and a lot of misplaced enthusiasm, I started my training. Mostly, it was just cardio. I thought I’d go for a good 60 minutes on the treadmil, but soon found out my heart had other ideas. I stopped after 15 minutes and went to sit on a machine to take a breather. It also gave me an opportunity to observe people (especially the girls). I remember watching some movies where the underlying assumption was that people went to the gym hoping to score, but I was surprised to see how un-sexual the gym is to women. Most of them were completely uninterested in meeting anyone. They really didn’t seem to feel very sexy (well, not counting this rather thick-limbed, broad-shouldered girl in the free weights, but that’s probably due to excessive male hormones). I’m curious, actually: for those of you who go to the gym, do you find yourself more or less sexy when you train? Also, when looking at members of the opposite sex (or same sex, if you swing that way), do you find it sexy to watch them train, or not really? Just curious… –Jaycee

Next update: Friday

Salsa Night!

Brooke took me to a dance class last night. Salsa dancing. Not that it’s come up, but Brooke (in his male days) was an advanced salsa dancer. We’re not talking basic step and cross body lead, here, but proper triple turns and complex choreographies. He even won a few local contests, just for fun. He was good enough that the hottest girls would ask him for a dance, not the other way around. (Me, I just watched by the sidelines, sipping my beer in envious silence.) Of course, Brooke’s transformation into a girl somewhat changed all that. For starters, the steps aren’t the same. As a guy, you start with your left foot forward. As a girl, you start with your right foot back. And of course, with her rather impressive breasts, Brooke had to deal with a different balance from before. Plus, there was all the sexy flourish gestures ladies have to do while dancing, which guys don’t learn. But the worst, she told me, was getting used to BEING led when you’ve been the one leading for so many years. (If you’re not familiar with dancing, it’s the guy’s job to lead, and the woman has to follow — it’s about the only time we men are REALLY in charge. 🙂 All this to say that yesterday, Brooke (AGAIN in a new body) wanted to re-learn some of what she’d lost, and she figured it wouldn’t hurt for me to tag along. Secretly, I think she’d rather dance with me than with other creeps who’d try to get a little too close. With me, she was safe. Or at least safer. I have to admit, I miss Mandy, and while Brooke has altered her appearance a bit, holding Mandy so close to me didn’t leave me indifferent. But I digress. The point is that Brooke wanted me to learn some dancing skills, just in case, some day, I have no faerie influence in my life and have to learn how to get laid for myself. So I did what I could, but I’ll admit I must have looked horribly clumsy. The teacher (Cornell) then surprised us (Brooke & I, at least) by saying this was a combo class — half salsa, half bachata. If you’ve never seen bachata before, it’s VERY HOT! It involves a lot of hip swinging, close body contact, and crotch grinding against the other’s leg. Really, it’s like sex with your clothes on. But of course, there was no way we could weasel our way out of this. Brooke looked at me. “We can do this,” she said. “Just don’t you DARE get a boner!” I laughed, maybe a little too hard. “Don’t YOU dare spring a leak!” So we danced. Blushing furiously, we danced. And I gotta say, even if she used to be a guy, Brooke’s got all the right moves. We sorta had a good time, but after we got out, we mostly talked about the salsa part. Not a word on the bachata. –Jaycee

Next update: Tuesday

Minx Tells All

On Saturday morning, after a good night’s rest, I got to talk to Minx about the night before. In fact, I didn’t have to seek her out, just the reverse. As soon as I entered the kitchen, she was fluttering all around me, cheerful and excited. “Well? How was your night? Did ANYTHING interesting happen???” I gave her a suspicious look. “You know what happened, don’t you?” She tried to shake her head in ignorance, but she’s just a terrible liar. “Come on. ‘Fess up. What did you do?” She giggled. “You’re no fun, but you’re right. I made that happen.” “So what exactly DID happen?” “I was there. I made myself really small so I could hide in your jacket, and then, ‘cuz I was so close to you, I could read your thoughts really clearly. So I made these girls do what you wanted them to do.” “You did that???” She mock-wiped her forehead. “Yup. And it was a lot of work, because I had to concentrate a lot, but it was fun.” “You made that girl put her phone between her legs?” She nodnodnodded. “Down in her panties. And then I made her thighs stay real close together, ‘cuz it’s more fun that way. She really tried to make it stop, but eventually, she stopped resisting.” Wow… “And Jessika and Sasha?” “Oh, that was easier. That was just a trigger. I made it so she’d get more and more excited the longer and closer she’d be to that other girl.” I was a little shocked. I hadn’t realized the potential of Minx being able to read my thoughts. I was more worried about her finding out things I didn’t want anyone to know, but in retrospect that was a bit silly. She already knew terrible and embarrassing things about me, so what was a little more going to hurt? But the idea that she’d read my mind and act on my ideas was a novel concept. I certainly should explore that a little bit. “So… if we were to, say, walk around together and I wanted you to do something to someone, you’d do it?” She tapped her chin, deep in faerie thought. “Maybe, if it’s fun,” she said. “Sexy and fun!” So that’s what happened on Friday night, and that’s what I’m now struggling with. I’m debating what I could or should do with this. Any thoughts? –Jaycee

Next update: Friday

A Night Out… By Myself?

I got home from work yesterday, only to find Minx in an odd mood. She was staring at Cleopatra in her vivarium, making faces at her. “You shouldn’t twist your face that way,” I commented. “It could get stuck like that for the rest of your life.” “Well, tell HER that!” Minx said. “She’s making faces at me TOO!” “She’s a spider, Minx.” “Exactly!” Right. That wasn’t going anywhere, so I decided to switch topics. “Are we still going out tonight?” “Ah… I’m not, but you are. I can’t make it, something came up.” “Well, I thought the point was for us to go together, no?” “You just… um, go, okay? I really want you to go.” Faeries. You can never quite guess what they’re up to. Clearly she was plotting something, but I could tell (somehow) that it wasn’t harmful to me. I think there is some connection growing between us and I can sometimes feel her intent. This was gleeful and mischievous, and totally devoid of malice. Kind of how someone feels when they’re throwing a surprise party for someone. “Okay, I’ll go. Just going to grab a bite, take a shower, and I’m out of your wings. Okay?” Minx nodded repeatedly, smiling and her hands behind her back. She was thrilled that I was playing along. So I got ready, put on a nice shirt and my fancy jacket, and left. Minx hadn’t given me any specific instructions, just to go out, so I decided to start with a movie, then I’d call a few friends and go for drinks. Maybe Barrett, hadn’t seen HIM in a while. I got to the movie theater a bit before the movie started, so I got my ticket and went in a cafe to read some movie news magazine. At the table next to me, a brunette in a tight red tube dress was sitting with her boyfriend, a black guy with short dreads, a good physique and plenty of golden jewelry. They were the typical vanity couple: good looking, shallow, prone to playing mind-games. I meant to ignore them, but they were having this stupid argument about him always being late, and her voice grated on me. Plus, she had an amazing butt, and it looked like her boobs were just about to explode out of her top, so I shot her side-glances. Until he noticed. Then he leaned around her and pointed at me. “Mind your business, punk,” he said, with a voice and attitude that reminded me of Mr. T. “My bitch and I are having a conversation and you ain’t invited.” “You can’t talk to me like that!” she hissed. The argument got a bit more heated and they ignored me. I couldn’t concentrate so I got up and left. Around 30 minutes later, I was in the theater and sitting down in my usual spot, 9th row from the front, and in the center. Had my popcorn, my soft drink, and I was ready for the movie. And as luck would have it, I had spare seats next to me, one on each side. And just as the previews start rolling in, who shows up? The couple from the cafe. What row do they take? The 9th. Where do they go? Center. And since there’s not enough room for them, they ask me to move one seat left to make space for them. Fair enough, I don’t own the theater, so they’re entitled to their seat. I move to the left and let them sit beside me. At least SHE’s sitting next to me, not him. She’s sexy, so that’s a partial win. The movie starts, but the girl keeps pulling out her phone to send text messages to someone. The light was distracting and I found myself wishing she’d just put the damn thing away and let me watch my movie. Eventually, it looks like she must have gotten the message, because she stopped doing it. I could still hear the phone buzz (someone must have REALLY wanted to get in touch with her, because it just wouldn’t stop buzzing), but she left it wherever it was. It was distracting, and after a while, I just had to glare at her a bit. She noticed, but instead of giving me attitude, she kind of looked embarrassed. Her eyes darted down at her thighs before looking away. I realized there was some kind of strange feeling coming from her. It suddenly clicked in my head: she was a little horny. I gave her a long look and noticed her legs were shut tight. She also seemed to tremble just a tiny bit every time the phone buzzed. No WAY!!! But yes, yes way! That had to be it. She’d stuffed the phone between her thighs, maybe even down her panties, and now it was giving her one HELL of a private massage! She glanced and me, and I KNEW I was right. And better yet, she KNEW I knew it. I half-turned in my seat and munched some popcorn, smiling at her like SHE was now the main feature. She opened her mouth, like she wanted to say something, but another phone buzz interrupted her. I wondered if this was one of those phones where the buzzer was getting more intense over time. She certainly looked like she was getting more… excited. She turned her back to me and lifted the arm separating her seat from her boyfriend’s. She snuggled close to him, still trembling as the buzzer kept giving her increasingly impressive thrills. She wasn’t just a little excited anymore — she was in heat! This went on for a good bit, and honestly, it was WAY more interesting to look at her than at the movie. She just needed sex so badly I thought she was going to rip off her dress and sexually assault her boyfriend right there and then. She kept whispering things in his ear, and after a bit, I could see it was getting to him. He couldn’t see I was watching, but I noticed his hand slipping between her legs, then come out with a buzzing phone. He whispered something like “Damn, girl!” followed by some kissing sounds. It only took another minute, then they both got up and left. She seemed to have a severe case of weak knees… Honestly, the rest of the movie was kinda dull compared to these two. —– I got together for drinks with Barrett, who was at our regular watering hole with two of his work buddies, Steve and Alex. I joined them around 11PM, so they’d already begun gaming the crowd a little bit. They were standing around a bunch of high table, along with two guys and four girls. When I joined them, this one girl (Jessika, with a “k”) looked bored and left out, so I introduced myself. She had pale skin, black hair, small round glasses, and more personality than looks. It wasn’t long before I discovered she had a wicked sense of humor. Also, she wasn’t into guys. She’d joined the other girls, not so much because they insisted she come (convinced that finding the right guy would “convert” her back to being straight), but because she wanted to study the mating habits of the heterosexuals. “You guys are a weird, inhibited bunch.” But my sight was telling me another story. There was this ONE girl in the group, a slim blonde with incredible legs, to whom Jessika was very attracted. I could also tell that this blonde was really into Barrett, who was running a great pick-up routine on her. Poor Jessika didn’t have a chance. “All these girls your friends?” I asked. “Yeah.” She pointed at the blonde. “That’s Sasha. We go way back, like grade school way back.” “BFFs?” “You could say that.” I was getting curious. I didn’t really know many lesbians (Brooke doesn’t count!), so I’ve always been a bit curious. There was something sincere and honest about Jessika that just prompted me to ask. “You guys ever… experiment?” “Sasha and I? Yeah… I made a move on her once, in high school, after cheerleader practice…” I lifted a hand to interrupt. “Wait, what? You were a cheerleader?” She nodded. “Damn!” I continued. “If you weren’t a lesbian, I’d find you really hot, right now.” “ANNNNNyway… Sash and I had had a good practice, we were getting changed, and I don’t know, man, I just made a move. She didn’t resist, so it got a bit hotter, and one thing led to another.” Wow. I could easily picture the scene… I looked over at Sasha, though, and the way she looked at Barrett clearly said she wasn’t a lesbian. I could guess the rest of the story. “Next day,” I said, “it got really awkward. I’m betting you didn’t talk about it for a while, and eventually had that talk where you agree it was a one-time thing, and you didn’t want it to ruin your friendship.” Jessika nodded. “It’s like you were there to hear it.” I sipped my drink, feeling a little sad for Jessika. She was a pretty cool chick, with a great personality, and I was pretty sure it was tough for her to watch Sasha flirting with guys. It would’ve been great if Sasha had felt the same way about her, but some things just aren’t meant to be. Ah well. I excused myself and left the group to go to the bathroom. When I returned, the dynamics in the group had changed a little. I noticed that Sasha had left Barrett’s side (who had moved on to other targets anyway) and had left for another table with Jessika. There was an odd change in Sasha, whose interest in Jessika had inexplicably changed. I observed them for a while, and it was clear that they were both getting revved up. I don’t know what Jessika did, but Sasha was getting really excited around her now. It wasn’t long before the two exited discreetly without telling anyone. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to do the math. In one night, two attractive women in my vicinity display odd sexual behaviour. That’s got faerie written all over it. I left soon after that, intent on having a conversation with Minx about the whole thing… –Jaycee

Next update: Tuesday

Conversation With Minx

Tonight, Minx sat me down to give me a talk about the birds and the bees. No, I don’t mean the SEX talk. I mean, literally, she kept babbling about birds and bees. After an hour of this, I began wondering if this was going anywhere, so I interrupted her and asked if there was some kind of point she was getting to. “Oh no!” She shook her head vehemently. “I just thought you’d like to know that stuff.” Riiight… “It’s riveting,” I lied. “But what I’d REALLY want to know is what’s in store for me, now that you’ve given me your name. How about we talk about that?” “Well… I can’t talk about everything, that wouldn’t be any fun. Plus you have to figure some of it for yourself. It’s different for everyone and it takes a lot of time. You’re mortal, so you may never get very far. But there is ONE thing I can tell you, something that applies right now…” That was getting interesting. “Go ahead,” I encouraged her. “Well, if I’m really close to you, I can hear your thoughts.” Yeah… Not what I was really hoping for. The last thing I want is someone reading my mind. I have to admit, I felt a little invaded and wondered what I’d been thinking about, lately — was there anything dangerous or wrong that I didn’t want Minx to find out? No, I didn’t think so… But it meant I’d have to be careful. “Oh, no no no, you don’t have to worry, I already know every dirty secret you have. Like…” And she went on to talk about a few things I had on my mind, but these aren’t things I’m really comfortable writing even in this blog. So let’s leave it at that and get to the next part of the conversation, the INTERESTING part. “But none of that matters, what’s REALLY cool is that we could go out and have some fun together.” I frowned. That sounded… bad. “What kind of fun?” “I’m not telling. I’m a little tired tonight, but why don’t we go out tomorrow and you’ll find out?” And without waiting for my reply, she flew up to her tiny apartment in the cupboard above the fridge and went to sleep. Guess I’ll find out what she meant tomorrow… –Jaycee

Next Update: Saturday

Coffee and a Revelation

Sorry to be updating so late. I just came back from coffee (or COFFEES, as in 4-5 of them) with Fredrika. It turns out the girl is quite the geek, and I mean that in a serious way. Let me start at the beginning. We were supposed to meet for coffee around 8PM, but I finished work a bitl ater than usual (rush project), so we pushed it back to 9PM. And unfortunately, I got held up by some last minute edits on a book, which just had to be done tonight, so I arrived about 15 minutes late. So there she was, waiting quietly as a mouse in her little dark corner of the coffee shop, listening to music and tapping the screen of her iPad. (I discovered a bit later, during the conversation, that she was making sketches and caricatures of the people in the cafe.) I apologized for being late, offered to buy another coffee (she’d just finished her first, which suggested she’d been here for a bit), and did the usual introductory chit chat. I was kind of dying to find out why she wanted us to have coffee, but I didn’t want to be the one to bring it up. So it was a good 15 minutes before she broached the topic. “So, did you ever find that woman you were looking for? And that hobo you had me draw?” I explained (with very little detail) how everything had gone, told her that I’d seen Morgan a few months back (before Christmas), but never the hobo. She said it was too bad and kind of fell silent. I waited for her to talk, but she was mute. So I did what I usually do, and I filled the silence with the sound of my own voice. “Him, I don’t care about, he’s just some creep pervert. But Morgan, well… we had a… close relationship. I’m kind of hoping she’s all right, but at the same time, I think my life is better without her. She really messed things up, maybe not deliberately, but she really messed things up with my girlfriend at the time.. So I kind of don’t miss her, but at the same time, I’m really wondering what happened to her.” And I went on, and rambled for a bit. Then I realized Fredrika was pretty silent, and I looked at her. “So why am I here? I mean, why did you want to have coffee with me?” She fidgeted. “Do I need a reason? Maybe I’m just mysterious and unpredictable?” It was meant to be coy and flirtatious, but she had all the timing and confidence of a gangly teenager. I didn’t know what to say, but I knew if I didn’t come to her rescue, this would become disastrously awkward. So I did what any self-respecting geek would do: I nodded at her iPad. “Third gen?” She nodded. “I hear the camera’s great.” She jumped on the safely line I was throwing her and ran with it. “Oh yeah, the best! And that’s not all…” She started spewing all sorts of iTechnicalities and iSpecs that I was only mildly familiar with. I could see she was getting excited about it, so I encouraged her to show me some of the cooler features of her device. And at some point, while it was in my hands and I was browsing through some of the apps, I stumbled onto her photo album, and one of them was titled “SDCC” (which, I discovered later, meant San Diego Comic Con). I started browsing at some of the photos there, and there were a lot of them of this hot chick doing cosplay (if you’ve never heard of this, look it up!). She was doing an amazing Lara Croft, but also Bayonetta and a very sexy Catwoman (the goggles version). When I asked Fredrika who was that hottie, she just blushed. And my faerie sight told me she was VERY pleased at the compliment. I blinked. “That’s YOU?!?” “Y-yeah… but you can’t tell anyone about this, I’d die if my colleagues found out I do this.” “No way!” I said. “Your secret’s safe with me.” I poked around the albums a bit more. “Any more of you in there?” “Um, yeah… Let me show you…” So folks, it turns out that this little conservative, repressed librarian-type-girl has some kind of volcano inside her that is just waiting to erupt. Some of the photos she showed me were… well, I’ll just say they weren’t photos she’d show her parents — ever! And before we left, she made me promise I’d do a photo session with her some time soon. She wants to show me some of her costumes… So. To be continued, I guess.

Next Update: Thursday

When Boobs Attack!

I was at the mall today (after work) when someone grabbed me from behind. I could tell it was female from the (generous) bosom I could feel pressing against my back. Whoever it was covered my eyes and whispered into my ear. “Guess who it is?” I hesitated. It’s never a good thing to get this wrong, so silence is often a better policy. “It’s me!” My mysterious assailant forcefully turned me around, grabbed my head and forced my face into her boobs before I could even look at her own face. I recognized “her” instantly. “Bwookf?” I mumbled into the boob flesh that I knew so well. “Bingo!” She pulled me out of her chest and beamed at me. There she was, my old friend Brooke, standing before me in Mandy’s body. It was painful, but not as much as I thought it would be. She wasn’t dressed like Mandy. Mandy was more the tight-t-shirt-and-jeans type. This version had gotten a haiircut, and was wearing a skirt and a loose blouse. “You two look good,” I said at her boobs, not knowing what else to say. She laughed. “Eyes up here, bud.” She punched me in the shoulder. “You’re an asshole for not returning my calls.” I had to agree. “That means you owe me a beer. I had to agree there too. So we went for a beer, and I filled her in on the latest events in my life. Kinda felt good to have someone to talk to. –Jaycee

Next update: Saturday

The Sketch Girl

I went to the movies last night and ran into Fredrika, the girl who did a sketch of Morgan for the police last year. I thought for a moment she might be alone, but she told me she was here with her boyfriend, who was “over there, getting popcorn and drinks.” We chatted a little bit, and I could quickly tell she liked me. I’d never noticed that, last year. She asked me if that missing woman (meaning Morgan) had ever been found, so I updated her on that (well, partially, at least). I said she’d been seen, but was still missing at this time. Her boyfriend came to join us around that time. Fredrika introduced us, we shook hands, and we parted ways. Interestingly enough, my last reading on her was that she liked me more than she liked her boyfriend. –Jaycee

Next Update: Thursday

Crash & Burn!

Well, I’ve just learned something about things I can’t do. Faerie sight may help me in person, but it has absolutely no effect when I’m talking to a girl on the phone. Case in point: I just called back the girl from the dance club who gave me her number, and that was a bit of a disaster. Maybe it was “buyer’s remorse” (where, after sleeping on it, she decided I might not be her type after all), or just that I don’t sound so good over the phone, but it was a pretty short and cold call. I couldn’t quite get into a flirting rhythm with her, not without sensing if I was doing it right. I don’t know what I was thinking trying this anyway. I’ve been though enough trouble with Mandy, I really should stay away from girls. –Jaycee

Next update: Tuesday

(Coming Soon)